
Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Working Away and a Winner!

I'm continuing to work on my 'abundance/scarcity' red and white quilt. I had to stop for a few days because I ran out of red fabric, but Tammy at Marmalade came through as usual. She is one fast shipper! I have one panel done. I like how it's coming along.
I had fun counting quilts. It got me thinking about how many quilts I've made in four years. I don't have any idea. I just know it's a LOT!

And now for the winner! I counted quilts, actually counted them a bunch of times to make sure I was correct. Believe it or not from all those comments only one person hit it on the nose. A bunch of you were close, but here's the official count:
Bedroom - 2
Studio - 4
Studio closet - 10
Hallway - 2
Bedroom closet - 12
Living room - 3
Dining room - 1
Kitchen 1
for a grand total of 35 quilts. Elizabeth, you are the winner. Drop me an email and I'll send you the code so you can do some fabric shopping at Sew Mama Sew.

A note about storing your quilts. I used to fold mine, but when I took my Broken Cogs quilt out to hang it in the hallway gallery, it still has lines in it from where it was folded. I now roll my quilts with the front inside and store them this way.  When I pull out a quilt there are no folds or wrinkles and they are ready to use or hang.


  1. I have a friend who stores her quilts on her spare bed. One laid out on top of the other. Oh, such luxuries!

  2. Darn it! I was one number off!

    I really like how your red quilt is coming along. Red is a favourite of mine to sew with

  3. Love your red/white, my fav combo. I roll quilts and smaller wall hangings are hung on pant hangers in the spare closet. I just put a piece of batting over the area where the hanger clips onto the quilt.

  4. I roll mine like you do, and then make a Tyvek bag for each of them. Tyvek HomeWrap sews up nicely and keeps out humidity. Just write the name of the quilt on the outside.

  5. LOVE...did I say it loud enough??? L O V E the direction of the red and white quilt so far. I think that one might be my very favorite of all when you finish it!!

    Brilliant idea about your quilt storage. Thanks for the idea!

  6. Great idea for quilt storage! I agree about Tammy and her service--fabulous!

  7. What a great idea on storing quilts. Thanks!!

  8. Congrats to Elizabeth! I like the new red and white pattern you're working up. A Valentine Day quilt? Broken Heart?

  9. I just took out a quilt and refolded it last night to make sure the creases didn't become permanent. When I saw that picture, without even reading your comment yet, my first thought was "GENIUS!". Such a simple solution; I don't know why I didn't think of it before.

  10. Oh what a fun surprise to see my name as the winner! I sent you an email and appreciate the gift certificate! Now I'm going to go check on some quilts that I have folded.

  11. Thanks for the tip on rolling the quilts and the update on your red and white quilt.

  12. Love the coming along of the red and white quilt! Thanks for the rolled storage idea. I always notice when photos are taken of a quilt that has been folded. But yikes, rolling storage needs some serious space, that's for sure! But it will definitely be well worth it.

  13. By golly, guessing 42 quilts at your place was not THAT far off! I was judging by what I have stored and hanging around here. It's always more than you think.

    Love the new quilt taking form.

  14. Your tip about rolling quilts is spot on, but that works only when one has wall-hanging or smaller-sized quilts. For the big quilts, I highly recommend folding them on the bias. Start by folding the quilt in half, diagonally. Then working from the left, clockwise, take the left corner and fold it to the right corner. Fold the next corner in, then the next corner in, etc. You can make a neat little package of it. I teach this in my beginner quiltmaking classes, and always fold my own quilts this way, especially if I'm boxing them up to send someplace.

  15. Thanks for the tip, Linda! I do roll my bed sized quilts too. I just hate those fold lines.

  16. Rolling quilts is a great idea. Thanks!

  17. Terrific tip. One question, however, how did you get the fold lines out? Do you press them and if so, how without flattening the quilting?

  18. good question! i "steamed it" while it was hanging. first i hung it and lightly misted the bad folds and just let it hang. that helped a lot. about a week later i misted it again and used my iron to shoot steam at it. that relaxed it even more. then i let it hang. it's looking good now with no ironing.

  19. Great storage I'm off to the top of my closet to try to undo some of the harm I've done!

  20. Thanks for your idea on storing Quilts! I like it alot.. just ran across the same frustration at Christmas time.

  21. What a great idea to prevent the fold lines. I don't think I would have ever thought of that!

  22. I never thought of rolling up quilts. What a great idea!

  23. Thanks for the storing tip. I've always folded. I'll start rolling now.

  24. What is the point of having 35 quilts rolled up in a closet? Boggles totally. If there aren't enough beds, wall space or stairs rails to display them it seems silly to me.

  25. I use all of my quilts. I have a quilt rotation in the house, beds, couch, chair, walls etc. Quilting is also my business. I travel with 100 pounds of quilt (about 25) for trunk shows and classes. I have many that are class samples for teaching. There are many uses for quilts and some of us need many!!


So, what are you thinking? (please don't put links in your comments...the spam police like to grab them and hide them away! if you want to share a link, feel free to email me.