
Tuesday, February 14, 2012

A Valentine Treat

This little bit of goodness arrived in the mail today from Westminster. Flea Market Fancy will be arriving in shops soon. Tammy at Marmalade will have it for you. While you're waiting, be sure and check out Stockholm by Robin's fabulous!!
The new line is a bit different than the old set in color, but it has the same soft hand.

It's funny, 90% of the Flea Market Fancy that I have in my stash I bought on clearance for less than half the regular price. When it first came out it wasn't really popular at all. And then all the sudden it was rare and prices went out the window.

I've always liked it...and I'm glad it's reprinted so that folks who fell in love with it can find it and sew, sew, sew!


  1. I can see why you love it. If it was in my stash I'd never use it for fear of using it up!

  2. i'm glad i bought it when it first came out. now i need to get busy and make my daughters quilt for her graduation present in June. Love it

  3. Yummy! I headed straight over to Marmalade to buy some before I saw that you said "will have it." I found Denyse Schmidt with Hope Valley, so I am anxious to have some Flea Market Fancy!

  4. I really like Stockholm by Robin Zingone, now I have to figure out what I want to order.

  5. i can't wait to see what you make with it jacquie. i can't wait to get mine!

  6. I have been sitting on mine for years, for fear of using it up and because I have weird size amounts! but I am so happy now I can buy the coordinating pieces for the things I want to make


So, what are you thinking? (please don't put links in your comments...the spam police like to grab them and hide them away! if you want to share a link, feel free to email me.