
Thursday, January 31, 2013

It's Nice to Meet You

The Modern Quilt Guild did a post suggesting those of us who will be attending QuiltCon introduce ourselves a bit, maybe with a "five things you might not know about me" post as a way of starting introductions before we all get together in Austin.  As my boys tell me, I'm more interesting on my blog than in real life, so those of you who read regularly already know all the good stuff.  It was sort of hard coming up with 5 things that you might want to know, but here goes.

1.  As you know, I have a black lab named Bruno.  You might not know that I have lived with nine labradors over my lifetime, five black, one chocolate and three golden.  Mickey, Sandy, Tar, Moose, Chester, Fudge, Max, Rusty and now Bruno.  Mickey was our lab when I was a little girl.  Sandy when I was a teenager.  Tar was mine right after college.  Moose, Chester and Fudge were part of our family when my kids were little and growing up.  Max and Rusty belong(ed) to my mom and dad, but were and are a part of our family too.  Bruno is our current lab and going strong!

2.  I was in 4-H as a kid as were my boys.  You might not know that I was a 4-H leader just like my mom, except she was a sewing/cooking leader and I was the rocketry/robotics leader.  I took the role because the kids wanted to have a group and no one else would take it on.  The kids and I learned together.  We built, painted, designed and believe it or not launched and flew rockets.  We designed and built robots that would actually do things.

3.  While I love designing I have no design training except what I have given myself.  I have learned what I know about art and design from visiting museums, reading books, watching HGTV, PBS and the Food Network, watching and listening to a landscape architect friend of the family, attending 4-H photography meetings with my kids, and trial and error.

4.  I detest having my picture taken.  I'm not photogenic.  I would rather be behind the camera than in front of it.   The picture above was taken by Alissa during my trip to the LA MQG.  It's one of the better ones and sort of typical for a picture of me, mouth open and jeans and a t-shirt.

5.  I am not a world traveler, though I would like to be.  Except for Canada where my family lives, and a 30 minute drive into Mexico, I have never been out of the United States.  My children have been all over the world and I can only say I am insanely jealous of that.  It is a hole in my life that needs to be filled.

There you go.  I'm looking forward to meeting and getting to know as many of you as I can.  See you in Austin!


  1. Hi!!! Nice to meet you!!! I was a 4H mom same reason as you!!! No one else would do it!!! But I had so much fun!!! I love HGTV!!! I am not photogenic!! Jeans and t shirts is how I roll too!!! I find your quilts and creativeness as great inspiration!!! Thank You

  2. I just love labs. They are the best! My husband and I have had four black labs. We tend to adopt older pups and just love them. We currently have two back labs - Lady and Riddley and I just love them to pieces!

    Oh - I am signed up to take your machine pieced hexagons class at Quiltcon! I am super excited to take the class!

  3. I'm always interested in how many of us have 4-H backgrounds. My mom put me in my club (Green Garden Snip 'n' Snack) when I was 10yrs old, and I stayed in til I left HS. Not only that, I joined a boys' club too, took gardening and Hereford year I was even President there. :)

    It's where I learned to sew and it has lasted all my life.

  4. I was also a die hard 4H-er when I was growing up! Not the cow raisin' kind but the crafting kind. Love it!

  5. I love these posts - learning all kinds of new things about each other. I'm intrigued about your Canadian connection - were you born in Canada?

  6. I don't know why but I am astounded by point 5!!!

  7. You know I'm already a fan:). Maybe one day you can come with me to Guatemala and I'll show you some of the amaaaazing textiles -most hand woven- that they create there. The colors are so rich and vibrant, a feast for the eyes! Now that I'm thinking about it, wouldn't it be amazing to travel the world and learn about a culture through their fabric?! Count me in! See you in TX!

  8. I am lucky enough to live here in the fantabulous town of Austin, so I will see you at QuiltCon!

  9. Come over to Germany! We have a really great quilt shop here in Munich. And you already have some fans here, too.

  10. I will be at QuiltCon as well, and I hope I get a chance to meet you! I am so enamored with your beautiful work. :D And I am also a jeans/tshirt kinda person and I love talking dogs! (I have a St. Bernard but grew up with labs!)

  11. Jacquie I can't wait to meet you! We were going to meet up when you still lived in the KC area and I was going to visit my daughter...but a blizzard ruined that. I live in Austin, will be at QuiltCon and am taking your Building Bridges-Architecture class. I am soooo excited. See you soon!

  12. I, too, detest having my photo taken. and I, too, was a 4-H kid (but not a mom). I, too, long to be a world traveler (I have been to Canada, England, and France but long to go much further).

    Did you grow up in Canada? If so, that's something I didn't know about you...

    p.s. GREAT spontaneous photo, btw.

  13. I have to ask. Was Tar's middle name Heel?

  14. Oh Jacquie! You have to go to Rome -do it!!! :) It's my favorite place in the whole world. :)

    You did good with these five things, I didn't know any of them! :)

  15. before I read the picture taking fact, I was just thinking how for the longest time, nary a picture of you could be found! :) I hate getting mine taken too, as I dislike hearing a recording of my voice! so fun to know you, Jacquie! you're the best. p.s. that is a great picture of you!

  16. Jacquie, don't kill me, I pinned you-the picture with you in it! :) if you want to find it it is under dispack

  17. I too detest having my photo take so I am on the hunt for one to do a post like this, there are not that many pictures of me at all. Thank you for all the insight. As I am a Canadian in Canada I too am interested in your Canadian connection.

  18. It was nice meeting you in Chapel Hill last year, Jacquie. I hope that I'll see you at QuiltCon!

  19. Let's do a quilting Cruise with Jacquie G as the Quilting Cruise Director....we could go somewhere warm and exciting! It's 4 degrees in KC this morning so need warm!!
    Have lots of fun at QuiltCon!

  20. I am blown away by #3!!!!! No way.

  21. You are so cute and adorable, you should stay in front of the camera! Have fun in Austin. Wish I was going. I am a lab lover, too.

  22. I recognized that photo of you as soon as I saw it! The night you came to speak at the LA MQG meeting at Sew Modern was so inspiring. And boy, am I excited for Quiltcon - 2 1/2 weeks to go! (ok, I have exceeded my exclamation point quota in this comment.)

  23. Hi Jacquie! Nice to meet you! I'm looking forward to taking your hexie class in Austin. See you there! - Paula

  24. I met you in Houston (I volunteered at the modern quilt exhibit), and hope to see you again somewhere round Austin.

    Now, see? you have one more country than I have. I've looked at Mexico from El Paso, but I've only ever been to one other country, that being Canada. Someday my friend someday.

  25. ooh, robots! what fun! i'm headed to quiltcon too and look forward to meeting you there!

  26. Howdy Jacquie! I had no idea you were the Lab Whisperer!

  27. I love what you said about not being a world traveler. It applies to myself as well. I honeymooned in Canada, and have taken a couple trips there. Like you, we literally drove over the border into Mexico, saw Tiajuana, and hightailed it back, for a total trip of about an hour. I did live on Guam as a kid, and have been to Alaska and Hawaii, but that's it. I would love to go to the UK and Ireland. But with 3 kids in college, and 2 little ones at home, it may never happen. Oh well.

  28. Oh how I wish I would get to see you in Austin and take a class. Are you going to Portland in May?

  29. I didn't know you loved labs. My husband just launched a site called You should check it out. Also, if you know any artists who have created anything with labradors, they are looking to showcase them on the site. So cool.

    P.S. I like your new sewing space.

  30. Looking forward to meeting you in real life Jacquie. Maybe in the teachers lounge. Warmest! Sherri-Lynn

  31. Quilt Con sounds amazing. Maybe if you ever get to Calgary to see your cousin Carol we could meet. yep Carol and I are in the same Guild!


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