
Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Turning Over a New Leaf!

Welcome to my stop on the Daisy Jaine New Leaf Bee Block Blog Hop!  I hope you have been enjoying the tour.

I remember seeing New Leaf for the first time when I walked into Jan's booth at Quilt Market.  I was sick, feeling awful and dragging myself through market and I stood and drank in the color and print of Jan's new line.  I couldn't help but feel better.  It was as though the sunny cheerfulness of this collection was warming me from the inside out.
 New Leaf is special not only because of the wonderful colors and prints in the line, but you know what?  It's 100% GOTS certified organic too.  I have to admit I don't buy all organic, but I do appreciate when fabrics are.  I admire Jan for her steadfast commitment to organics.  She's done a great job educating me on the benefits and the difference I can make when I buy organic.

Did you know for each yard of organic fabric I purchase I have prevented one-third of a pound of toxic fertilizers and pesticides from being used to grow cotton?  Even 1 yard makes a difference.

When Jan asked us to consider the theme of renewal and rejuvenation I knew immediately what I wanted to make.  Each day for me is a renewal, a new chance to be better, to start over.  My new day is marked by the sun coming up each morning and so I made a Sunshine block.  It's a simple variation of a dresden plate and is both pieced and appliqued.

(I apologize for the pictures.  It was so dark and gray in my studio and for some reason I couldn't get a handle on focusing.  Ever have one of those days?)

To make this block cut the following:

Cut (1) 12 1/2" x 12 1/2" background square and set aside for later.
Cut (9) 3"x 8" print rectangles
Cut (9) 2 1/2" x 3" yellow rectangles
Sew the yellow rectangles to one end of the print rectangles and press the seams open.
Arrange the rectangles in a pleasing order taking value into consideration so that the prints shine!  Make sure to alternate the placement of the yellow ends of the strips.
Use a 10 degree dresden wedge to cut each pieced strip into a wedge shape.  The yellow ends will alternate being the large and small ends of the wedges.
Sew the wedge strips together in order using a 1/4" seam.  Be sure to maintain the alternating placement.  Press all seams open.
Sew a scant 1/4"(stay stitch) around the perimeter of the fan.

Press under 1/4" on the top and bottom of the fan.  Use your staystitching line as a guide for turning the seam under.
I put in a pin or two to hold my press.
Center the fan on the large yellow background square you cut earlier.  Your fan will extend over the edge of the square a bit, but don't worry, you'll trim that off when you square up your block.  Hand or machine applique the top and bottom curved edges of the fan onto the background square.  I hand appliqued mine because I like the look better than by machine, but do what works for you.
Square up your block to 12 1/2" x 12 1/2".  If desired you can sew down the two sides of the fan to secure it to the background square.  Be sure to use an 1/8th inch seam allowance so your stitching doesn't show when the block is pieced into a quilt.

Are you looking for your next letter?
My letter for the Fat Quarter Scramble is O!
Want to find out more?  Check out Jan's post for more info and the rest of the stops!

Thanks Jan for asking me to be a part of this hop and have a chance to work with this beautiful fabric!


  1. What a lovely block to look at on a very grey morning in the UK.

  2. I have long wanted to do a Dresden, in fact I now own two rulers! Just waiting for time, precious time!

    glen: love this way of doing it because it looks so easy!

  3. O.M.G.! I love that fabric collection. How could it not make you feel good?

  4. Love how you used this fabric.

  5. So elegant! Fabric reminds me of East Indian bright silks. I'm going to try this pattern. Thank you for sharing, Jacquie.

  6. Gorgeous block; thank you for sharing!

  7. This is a really fun block, thank you.

  8. Yes! Dresden! I love it, so stunning!!!

  9. I have got to try it sooner than later. It's beautiful!! Thanks for sharing :)

  10. This is really beautiful Jacquie! I am a bit of a dresden plate junkie and this is my favorite version of late- super poppy and impactful- and those fabrics add to the design so well... love it!

  11. I love this block! Great use of the fabrics.

  12. Love the block design. I showed it to my husband and he said that looks like rays of sunshine. I've only been quilting for just over a year now and I'm going to be attempting to make this block in the near future.

  13. Love the block! Great design. I still have not tried circles, but I just might now. Thanks!

  14. Your block is gorgeous! I appreciate having more facts about organic cottons, too.

  15. thanks so much for a very sunny block !

  16. Love these warm colors and love your fan block!

  17. What a wonderful block. I just fell in love with this fabric!


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