
Sunday, February 24, 2013

QuiltCon - Awesome!

Today is QuiltCon's final day. This starts day nine for me here in Austin. I'm holding up, but I could sure use a massage and a foot spa! I think the staff celebration dinner may be pizza in bed with our pj's on.
These ladies are just one example of the positive energy the fills the halls of the Austin Convention Center.  We're having a ball and sure wish you all were here.
I took time to take one class, my first quilting class and did I choose a good one.  I spent three hours with Yoshiko Jinsenzi and held her quilts and learned from her.  Wow...I can't even tell you what it's like to be in the room with such an amazing artist.
Lots more from QuiltCon later.  I'm off to prep for my two hexie classes.


  1. Glad to hear you had such a great time. Jealous, but so happy for the group! Next year. I won't miss out next year!

  2. QuiltCon really has been awesome. It was a pleasure to meet you at the show. You did a great job with your lecture! A HUGE thank you to you and the rest of the crew for organizing such an amazing event. THANK YOU!

  3. Thanks for your lecture. It was uplifting, tender and interesting. You are a great presenter!


  4. My only quiltcon regret is I didn't take one of your classes. Looking forward to getting you back to North Carolina to fix that. You are just as amazing and fun in person as online.

  5. So nice to hear how it is going a day or two early.. sure has been quiet in blogland the last few days. Glad you had a great time!

  6. I can't wait to hear all about QuiltCon! I am bummed to have had to withdraw my registration due to illness... and that included missing out on your Building Bridges class! Sounds like an awesome experience all in all.

  7. Thanks for all your hard work on this! The weekend was so amazing and I'm leaving here inspired and amazed at the beauty of the modern movement. Thanks for leading the way!

  8. QuiltCon was indeed awesome! I didn't get a chance to go to any lectures or take any of the workshops myself, but as a volunteer I had an absolute blast! It was so great to meet you in person, you are so very gracious. The whole event has really inspired and uplifted me. Thanks again for putting on such a fantastic event.

  9. Your first class ever? Wow!

  10. Jacquie, I really appreciated all the work you put into your hexies class, thanks so much! QuiltCon was a wonderful experience, and I was seriously impressed at how well everything went for a brand new first-time show. From my perspective as a student, attendee, and demo presenter, it seemed pretty darn smooth.

    Is your presentation considered a lecture (i.e., will it be up on Craftsy with the lecture series?)? I had wanted to go, but was in class and was hoping it was going to be recorded!

    I hope you get your spa day soon--you deserve it.

  11. Glad you got to take a class with Jinzenji-san. She is so talented. I wish I had taken more pictures of her quilts when I met her. Can't wait to hear more about QuiltCon when you have recovered.

  12. QuiltCon was so wonderful and inspiring and made me realize once again how lucky I am to live right here in Austin, Texas!!! Your lecture was among the best of the whole bunch. I am glad I am not the only woman who cries at everything! We were all crying with you!

    And I just love Chicago, by the way. I am originally from Indianapolis, so we visited Chicago frequently. Such a great walking city.

  13. I completely agree about Jinzenji's class. It was funny how several of us weren't all that concerned with actually working on our projects, but really just wanted to soak in her awesomeness! Haha.

  14. I'm so glad I got to chat with you, Jacquie! It really was an amazing week. You and the rest of the team did such a tremendous job. I hope you're relaxing now!

  15. Hi Jacquie,
    I couldn't make it to the QuiltCon, but watched your lecture on Craftsy and love it. Very touching and inspirational. I liked your definition of modern quilting and a big believer of your final closing statements of make what you love to do.

    It was very inspirational!
    Thank you!

  16. That was a great recap! I didn't get to go:( I hope to in 2015!!

  17. Jacquie,
    Your Hex class was awesome, I learned so much. It was also so wonderful to meet one of my favorite quilt designers! You're very funny and extremely generous with your time. The entire show was so well planned and it seemed to come of without a hitch! Congrats to you, my incredible guild leaders from LA, and everyone who gave so unselfishly of their time.
    virtual big hug, Julie Mellen


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