
Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Janet from the Chattanooga Modern Quilt Guild sent me this picture from the thank you note that they are sending Michael Miller for providing the fabric for the MQG Madrona Road Challenge.  I guess these guild folks used the techniques in our book, Quilting Modern, as their inspiration to make blocks for the challenge.  How cool is that?!!

 They made enough blocks to give two members enough to make their own quilts and make a charity quilt as well.  Thanks so much for sharing Janet, I'm totally tickled!  Your note gave me the energy to get out of bed this morning after stuffing 650 bags for QuiltCon attendees. (That's 82 goodies per bag for a total of 53,300 items.)  We all left at 2:30 A.M. with some tired feet and sore backs and necks. ‎My head finally hit the pillow about 4:30 and then up at 6.  I'm too old for that!
I've been in Austin since Saturday working like a dog, but it's all so exciting!  Who needs sleep anyway?

For those of you heading to Austin for QuiltCon I hope you'll drop over and see me.  In addition to my classes, I'll be working the floor and doing a few events that you can attend in case you didn't get into my classes.

I'll be doing a technique demo on the show floor on Friday at 2:30 for Interweave.  Come see a new variation of the slice/insert technique and see a whole bunch of inspirational slice/insert technique quilts and projects.  Katie will be with me.  It's the first time we have been able to be together since the book was released!  There will be a couple of door prizes too.  I hope you'll come on by!

We're also doing a book signing at the Interweave booth on Friday at 3:30.  Interweave will be sharing some books and so come get one or bring your book and we'll have time to chat and sign books.

And lastly, I'm lecturing on Saturday afternoon.  I'll share some oldies, but goodies and you'll be able to see where I began and a bit about how I got there.  Check your show program for the time.

The judging for the quilt show is done and we'll be hanging quilts today.  Lot's of work left to do but we're almost ready!

See you at QuiltCon!!!

PS...a big shout out "THANKS YOU!" to the volunteers in the Austin area that have pitched in to help.  They've been awesome and we so appreciate all the work you have been doing!


  1. Thank you so much for all the work you and everyone else has been doing. I look forward to meeting so many familiar faces in person at the show.

  2. Sounds like people will need an extra suitcase for the goodie bags :) Thanks so much to you and everyone for all the hard work!

  3. I'm so excited! See everyone soon!

  4. I am so excited! I've already starred your lecture on my calendar so I don't miss it. And boy, do I like the sound of 83 items in my goodie bag!

  5. Those Chattanooga gals did a terrific job. Enjoy Austin and all the southern hospitality. Wish I could be there.

  6. Can't wait to meet you in person Jacquie! I'll have to go to your demo for sure:) Thanks for all the work at QuiltCon....I know it's going to be the highlight of my year:)

  7. There are six of us leaving tomorrow for Austin. Thanks for everyone's hard work. We are super excited.

  8. Oh, I wish I could be there! I hope you have a great time.

  9. I should be in bed right now, but I think I'm too excited to sleep! Can't wait to get to Austin!

  10. Since I can't be there take lots of pictures to share with those of us that couldn't attend! Have a ball and we should talk when you get home!

  11. Hi Jacquie:

    I wish I could have stayed for the demo but it was nice to finally meet you. Thanks for all your inspiration and we loved having you in Austin.


  12. Oh, Jacquie....your demo was great. A real treat to see all those beautiful quilts. What an inspiration you are. Having a blast at Quilt Con.


So, what are you thinking? (please don't put links in your comments...the spam police like to grab them and hide them away! if you want to share a link, feel free to email me.