
Tuesday, April 30, 2013

I Am A Homeowner Once Again!

Well, a condo owner, but in two days I will be moved into my new place.  At this point I'm not even close to ready, but the movers come Thursday morning, so it's happening, ready or not.
Julie asked if my stash wasn't going in boxes, how was it going?  When I moved from Kansas I moved my stash this way and it worked great and saved me from having to get more boxes and kept my fabric organized and not jumbled.

I use laundry baskets.  I store scraps in these and they get dumped into individual garbage bags.  Then I transfer my stash into the baskets. (I use these baskets for bunches of things, but for moving they all go to fabric.)  The fabric fits in exactly as they are folded on my shelves, so when they arrive at the house, I take them out as is, place them back on the shelves.  No refolding, nothing is mixed up.  When I moved from Kansas I took one extra step and each basket was lined with a garbage bag so the fabric was inside that, garbage bag got tied up and then sat in the basket because we used a truck to move. I wanted the fabric protected in case something tipped over.  The baskets went into the truck with all the other boxes and furniture.
This time I'm moving my stash in the car.  All of these baskets will probably be one or two loads in the car and since the movers aren't doing this I didn't bother with the garbage bags.
 Great thing about this method is that the baskets stack about 5 tall and are easy to move with a dolly out to the car.  These will be the first thing to go into the new place.  The condo will be ceremoniously christened with fabric.
If you've gotten in touch over the last couple of days, please don't expect a quick reply.  I'll probably be back up and communicating by Monday.  See you soon and wish us luck!
PS...don't forget to guess the number of moving boxes for the giveaway.


  1. Best wishes and LUCK! Happy moving week. :-D

  2. You have to be so happy and excited. Love those laundry baskets.

  3. Wow, that's a lot of baskets! Best of luck.

  4. Awesome! And so easy!! Yay for something easy during a move! Lol. See.. Now that would have been 15 more boxes! Haha :) Hopefully everything goes smoothly on Thursday!

  5. Oh my... I think I want your stash! Or, I think I am inspired to organize my stash... Mine is all stuffed in a cupboard. I hope all goes as smoothly as a move can possibly go. :-)

  6. Good luck with the move. You're very efficient, so I'm sure it'll go smoothly!

  7. Brilliant! Thanks... I am definitely using this strategy. Shopping for baskets this afternoon!

  8. Been thinking of you as you prepare for your move! I love that the fabric is going in first-priorities! Congratulations on your new home...if I could bring over a potted plant and a meal I would!

  9. OMG that is a big stash and so neat and tidy. Good luck with the move. ARe you still in Chicago?

  10. No response needed, but good luck with the move. I know you are happy to be going into your new place.

  11. Good luck with the move. Your baskets of fabric are inspiring.

  12. What a great system - such a time saver to be able to leave it already organized. Good luck with the rest of the move!

  13. Good luck! Having just completed our own move, and becoming homeowners again, I don't envy your week... but kudos on making the fabric first (was for my move too!)

  14. Great method! Love this:
    "The condo will be ceremoniously christened with fabric."

    I hope all goes smoothly and you are soon happily settled into your new home Jacquie!

  15. Good luck with your move! Your system looks good. Hope you make some interesting discoveries of forgotten fabric when you unpack!

  16. My guess would be 121 moving boxes.

  17. Good luck on your move! always exciting :) I'm thinking about 99 boxes ??

  18. Good system! I like it. Have a safe move!

  19. congrats on the new place. have fun making your stash right at home.

  20. What an excellent way to store your stash and to move it. I have been sorting my stash, and using plastic bins with lids to keep dust out while it's in the garage until I sell my house.

  21. Hi!!! Congrats on the new home and best wishes!!!! Hope you get some rest and some fun time soon!!!!

  22. Good luck with the move, I hope you are feeling like you are home soon.

  23. What a great idea! We are moving next month...I may just borrow that laundry basket idea!

  24. good luck jacquie, i have a shop and dont think my stash is THAT big..hahahah all the best moving..cheers

  25. Moving isn't fun but it is so good to be settled and have a real place to call home. Have a great move and congratulations on you new place!

  26. Moving can be so exciting but exhausting too ~ I've done it so many times I can't even count anymore.
    Great way to move fabric ~ nice and neat and tidy.

  27. wow, thats quite as stash. and to think it all fits in an apt!

  28. Hooray and congrats!! May your move be just flawless, easy and fun!
    Love these bins for storage! Photos of all that pretty, color-organized fabric are art in itself! :)

    Have to say - I so very much enjoyed your visit to western NY this past weekend! It was inspiring and fun and left me with LOTS of pondering, dreaming and thinking - even more so when I took your book and more carefully READ some pages...more about it later! :) It was such a pleasure and treasure to meet you Jackie!

  29. You have FABRIC! It's so refreshing to see the fabric sorted...

    Best of luck in the new place

  30. Christened with fabric... I love that! Good luck on your move, Don't forget the chocolate! :-)

  31. Stash is priority! You can lighten the load and send me that pink FMF, he he! Congrats on getting your new place, I hope the move goes well!!

  32. I hope it went smoothly and that you're all settling in your new home and unpacking all that lovely fabric!

  33. So good to hear about somebody getting INTO a house. Congratulations! I have fabric all over, colors here and there and I need to do what you have done with laundry baskets. Clever and EASY to see what you have.

  34. Let me know if you decide to sell any of the "boxes". You could open a store!


So, what are you thinking? (please don't put links in your comments...the spam police like to grab them and hide them away! if you want to share a link, feel free to email me.