
Saturday, November 23, 2013

An Unexpected Road Trip

The other day I was trying to find a quilt storage solution in the new condo.  I figured this out, but in the process I knew I needed to reduce my stash of quilts and the tornado survivors in Washington came to mind.  I googled to find the name of the quilt shop in Washington and had a short email conversation with Nancy.  She said they were collecting quilts.  I said I had a few extras.  I was going to send them in a box, but I took a road trip instead.
Being a long time Kansas resident I understand all about tornadoes.  I get it and I wanted to help in a small way.  It seemed too impersonal to send the quilts in a box and it's not that far from Chicago.

The ladies at the Peddlar's Way Quilt Co. in Washington are reaching out with quilts to support their community and the surrounding area. It's another wonderful example of the generosity of our community.
 Look at what they've collected already.  I added eight quilts to the stacks.
 As we drove out of town we saw this.  It's just a tiny bit of the devastation.

It was hard to look at.  It's a harsh reminder to be thankful for what we have.  I know I am.  


  1. I'm glad to see they have such a great stack of quilts! My brother went to college at nearby Bradley, and my parents live in the middle of all those tornados too. We're all thankful for our blessings. What a thoughtful trip Jacquie!

  2. I'm glad you were able to make the trip and be personal with your help. That stack of quilts sure shows the generosity of quilters.

  3. I'm sure they were thrilled to have your contribution, Jacquie, and how thoughtful of you to deliver them personally.

  4. Niečo veľmi strašneee...až zimomriavky po tele naskakujú. Je mi to tak ľúto a zároveň si uvedomujem kde žijeme my. V nádhernej maličkej krajine a som vďačná. Teba obdivujem za taku šľachetnosť pomôcť, si super človek. Krásne dni prajem s pozdravom Mery

  5. Way to go Jacquie! I'm sure that donation will have a lasting impact on you, having actually witnessed what the community is facing.

  6. My husband and I lived in the Peoria, Washington, Pekin area for several years. It is a special area with many special people. I am sure they are incredibly grateful for your quilts!

  7. What a wonderful kindness you performed. Thanks for sharing the photos.

  8. So much generosity during disastrous events like this. Quilts are a perfect way to heal from each side, the recipient and the quilter.

  9. You're so wonderful and generous. Yes,we all should be thank you and help the others in need.
    Take care!

  10. I can't even imagine what living through a tornado would be like, having been a New Englander my whole life. Thank you for sharing the pictures, and I'm so glad you and the quilting community are so generous. Especially with winter coming, I'm sure those quilts will be very useful to and welcomed by the families affected.

  11. Thoughtful of you to donate quilts and visit Peddler's Way. My friend from Washington and I get together several times a year to sew and shop at Peddler's Way for supplies. (I am in Indiana.) We had a sew weekend planned for early December. She has been helping her parents salvage from their destroyed home. Still hope to get together with her and sew and heal and be together. Glad you worked out your storage solutions too.

  12. You are awesome!!! I stopped in Peddler's Way last night to pick up a Christmas gift. My mother was also with me, she doesn't quilt but wanted to just look at something pretty. She lost her home in the tornado and was given a free, finished donated quilt (don't know if it was one of yours) AND a very generous gift card from the shop.
    Thank you for caring for our community. This is such an awesome quilt shop! I bought my first sewing machine in 2004 and took my first quilting class there too. Been sewing since and also shopping at this beautiful store!

  13. Thank you so much for your generosity! I shop at PW for fabric and yarns when I am in town visiting in laws - their house was destroyed in this tornado. My SIL is the above commenter and a huge quilter - she is hosting my inlaws (her parents) and doing a terrific job of handling all this stressful situation.

  14. I grew up in Peoria and have had everyone from that region on my mind. Thank you for making that trip - I wish I could.

  15. What a lovely gesture. I live in Frankfort where we also had a tornado that same day but nothing like Washington. Thanks for being such a caring quilter!

  16. The generosity of quilters is amazing. I'm sure receiving a quilt after such a traumatic event will wrap that person up in a little bit of faith that things will get better.

  17. Please come back and blog again! Missing your entries. (Just finished "Add it Up" quilt top for my nephew's first birthday. Now to get quilting!

  18. I wonder if they'd still like quilts. I have one that was made specifically for charity and no place to give it to yet.


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