
Sunday, November 17, 2013

Proud to Be

I love being a member of the Modern Quilt Guild. For me it's a place for inspiration, community, and fun.  As we say in Kansas City, "The MQG changed my life."  It may sound a little over the top, but it's true.  My KC peeps and many folks around the country who are a part of this group understand. The connections, the friends, and the community have given me more than I've given them.

As many of you know I'm a Board member for the MQG and now I've been elected Chairman of the Board.  I told myself that 2014 was going to be my year of saying NO, but in this case, no wasn't really even a consideration.  I'm passionate about modern quilting and the guild and I want to do what I can to see it thrive and grow.  I'm proud to be one of the leaders of this group.  In a small way it is an opportunity to give back for what I've been given.
Have you joined?  Are you a part of the movement?  We'd sure love to have you.  It's an exciting time for our guild as we establish a solid foundation and set ourselves up for the future.

I hope I can do the group proud.   Though, in order to be Chairman of the Board, don't I need a gavel? A quilted, colorful one, maybe?  No quilted vest, though.  I won't even go there.


  1. I'm so excited that there is now a modern quilt guild in my region. Even though I won't be able to attend in person, we plan on doing video conferencing for us 'away' members :) I am sure it will change my quilting life for the better!

  2. Congratulations! You are the perfect choice for this position. And yes, I am a member, as is my local MQG.

  3. I m so glad you are this year's Fearless Leader! Congratulations.

    about two months ago we decided to form a ModGuild here in Baton Rouge and should have our membership info in before the end of they year.

    there is a small, hidden and not totally understood group of us here. Quilting is very traditional here still.

    I am VP/Programs Director in this first yr. II would love to see a stronger presence of the parent group. I need help in thinking outside the box with a modern slant. We want to be a working part of the whole. I am hoping that once we actually get our guild dues in to MQG we will have some resources to draw from.

    I am looking forward to a wonderful and productive experience in the next years, as we develop the Modern Movement in our area.

    glen: yea! for you, Madam Prez!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Congratulations from Argentina!
    I hope someday, we'll have our own MQG here too!

  6. I asked for a top hat from my guild...but they said no.

  7. Congrats, Jacquie! I know you'll do a great job.

  8. No guild in Winnipeg yet,although someone started a facebook page. good luck in your new role!

  9. Congratulations Jacquie! I really look up to you and its wonderful to hear that you have been appointed as the chair for MQG.

  10. Congrats to you, Jacquie! The MQG is lucky to have you our leader. As I shared with you at Camp Stitchalot in August, it was your wonky tree skirt tutorial that got me interested in quilting again. We have started the Lake Superior MQG in Duluth, MN and are official members of the national guild. We have had only 2 meetings so far and have 38 members of all ages and experience! So excited to see where this leads us!! Any suggestions for our new guild??

  11. Thank you for stepping up, you are the perfect person for the task to share your passion and commitment.

  12. I recently joined our local Modern Quilt Guild, and although I don't define myself as modern (I love too many different styles), I can't wait to challenge myself to learn more this year. Congratulations on your new post!

  13. Congratulations, Madame Chairman! I think it only fitting that a "Ground Breaking Quilter" such as yourself be the Chair of this wonderful organization.

  14. Congratulations
    It will no doubt prove to be an exciting and inspiring year for you as well as an enormous challenge in taking forward this new and ever growing Guild
    Unfortunately there is no MQG in rural SW Scotland but I will continue having fun and playing with piecing and quilting ideas as they come to me
    Thanks for inspiring and please keep inspiring ......

  15. Echoing Pat...
    "Congratulations, Madame Chairman! I think it only fitting that a "Ground Breaking Quilter" such as yourself be the Chair of this wonderful organization."

  16. I am definitely part f the movement! I and a friend founded the Montreal Modern Quilt guild and we are loving it!
    I read that one of your mandates will be to educate judges on how to judge a modern quilt. I think that is a much needed endeavor! Can't wait to see what is to come...

  17. Congratulations on your new position. With your enthusiasm, I think the MQG will have a great year.I'm looking forward to further definition of MQG's mission and the inclusion of members in decision-making. With dues comes a BIG responsibility to listen to membership.

  18. Congratulations, Jacquie!!! I am so glad you are going to be our Chairwoman this year! I know this is going to be exciting. We will become "official" in January.

  19. Congratulations Jacquie! As an individual member, I think that's great news for all of us. Exciting to have a fellow former Manitoba gal at the helm.

  20. Congratulations on your election! You will do a great job. Our little MQG now has 18 members. We are open to more but are having fun at this size too.

  21. Yay, Jacquie! Congrats, and I know you will be totally rad. TOTALLY! RAD!

  22. Congratulations, Jacquie! We in KCMQG are so proud of you!

  23. Congrats! I just joined as an individual. All the guilds are far away.

  24. You are the perfect choice! Congratulations, Jacquie!

  25. I love being part of the MQG! After floundering around with quilting for nearly 20 years and not knowing which direction to take, the MQG (and awesome people like you) have helped me focus. I've finally found my niche and I'm loving it!

  26. Wow! That is just fabulous. Congratulations. I'm sure 2014 will be a fabulous year for you.

  27. Congratulations!!! As with everything you do, this new opportunity is no make us all proud.

  28. Congratulations! There isn't a MQG where I live (someday, I hope), but I joined the MQG on my own. :)

  29. Congrats!

    I'm excited to see what you've got planned.

  30. Congratulations Jacquie! There are definitely some things that can't be turned down. So glad you said yes. And quilted vest, lol! So glad you won't go there! :)

  31. Thanks for this post, and big congratulations on your new role!
    Your post had me look AGAIN for MQG in my region, and there is a new one as of this summer in Boulder, CO. Yay, I've emailed for more details, but it looks like from their Facebook and blog pages that they are active and making beautiful things!!

  32. Congratulations Jacquie - they chose a wonderful and passionate leader!


  33. Wow, I echo what everyone else has said! Thank you for taking on this challenge. You know there are so many of us ready and willing to help - just delegate! So proud to be a part of this modern movement.

  34. The Akron Ohio MQG is falling apart and I don't know why or what to do. Last meeting it was me and one other member. All year the attendance has been 10 people or less. I have no idea how to inject some life into this group.

  35. Cool! Do I have to address you as "Madam Chairman" from now on?

  36. I kind of wish you did make a quilted vest and wear it. I'm sure you could make a cool one. You should have a gavel. I wish I were an official member of it. The closest one to me meets on Saturday mornings and I'm almost always working. The next closest is an hour away.

  37. I did belong to the MQG in a large city, but we decided not to renew our guild membership. We found the national organization to be unorganized, and frankly, we didn't get much for the money we paid for our membership: a card and pin that came very late in our membership year, and one lot of fabric for a fabric challenge. I hope you are able to pull the national organization together...get it organized and efficient! We'll reconsider joining in the future if that happens. Also, the few who 'defined' modern quilting around the time of QuiltCon were way off the mark. The backlash in the blogging community was huge. I wish you the best of luck in making something of this organization!

  38. to Anonymous:
    I'm writing in the comments because as an anonymous commenter there is no method for me to respond directly.
    I would appreciate details on your comment that the national organization is unorganized. You listed a few of the physical benefits, but have failed to list the intangible benefits that are provided to you and everyone else by those of us who actively participate in the organization. I wrote the initial definition of modern quilting for the guild with input from others. We were asked for a definition and we responded. We are continuing to work with our membership and the community to educate about the definition of modern quilting. I would like to hear your perspective on how we were way off. Specific feedback will help us. I appreciate your good wishes and plan to work to make the organization the best it can be. We are not perfect, but we are committed to improve. I hope you come back in the future. If you have additional information that you think would assist me in leading the organization I would love to hear from you. My email is in the right sidebar. If you decide to join either as a group or an individual I welcome you to work with us as we work together to make this a vital, responsive organization.


So, what are you thinking? (please don't put links in your comments...the spam police like to grab them and hide them away! if you want to share a link, feel free to email me.