
Thursday, December 18, 2014

Moving On

I'm calling it done.  I'm working on pieces that have been hanging in the closet for too long even though I'm long over them.  I've moved on, but they weigh on me.  I experimented with a new quilting design and I think it's a fail, but as my hubby says not all pieces are homeruns. He's right.  Each piece is a learning experience.  It's washed and dried and ready to snuggle someone's little one.  I'll add it to the donate pile and move on.


  1. In the end ... all that matter is that it will wrap someone with warmth and love ...

    and yep, singles, doubles and bunts win the game too!

    Merry Christmas - thanks for sharing

  2. I think it is beautiful! Someone is going to love it!!!

  3. That is one fascinating finish! The stitching suits it perfectly and, while I glanced at it when it popped into my "Reader", my eyes are totally drawn back to it. I'm not sure if it's because, as a quilter, I'm trying to "figure it out" our it's part of its magnetism---or both! This is all so subjective, including your pass/fail assessment! Grand Champion, probably not(?) but a worthy finish!!!!

  4. I wouldn't say that was a fail. Looks pretty good to me.

  5. Wow, it's a beautiful "fail". A lucky someone will be very happy with it!

  6. The quilting looks lovely. I love the swirl.

  7. It certainly doesn't look like a fail to me. I'd be thrilled to fail that way. :) I love the colors, the quilting and I like the variation on your Supernova.

  8. I think it came out beautiful. I love the quilting.

  9. What's nice about being an artist who makes quilts is that even your experimental pieces will keep someone warm and happy. You can't say that about abandoned paintings or sculptures. ;-)

    I personally like the bright pinks and magentas ... lovely color combo.

  10. I think it looks great! But I know what you mean; it is worth trying new things - even if they don't always work out - gotta keep learning :)

  11. I think it's gorgeous. You can donate it to me if you want. ;)

  12. Loved the quilting, popped over from my reader to leave that as a comment and read the rest of your post. The quilting really adds movement and harmony.

    And hey-took your machine quilting class on Craftsy this summer and it has made me such a better walking foot quilter. Thank you for being awesome.

  13. I so agree that each piece is a learning experience. I think its a wonderful quilt.

  14. I really like the quilting on this one, have to say I have never disliked anything you've shown. That said, I do understand that sometimes things just don't always turn out in a way that pleases us. We are human after all! That's what makes things interesting. Added bonus that someone will get a wonderful quilt to give them a hug.

  15. I completely understand the weighing down and having moved on. Last year I felt the same way so I vowed to not start any new projects until I completed at least 6 of my WIP's. I have to tell you that I did it and I felt soooo much lighter and less bogged down I was like a new person! I have decided to start each year by completing WIP's and since I did so many last year I'm down to just 2 this Jan. Yay!!
    But on to your lovely your assessment this lovely quilt did not hit a home run, but in my eyes, I see a lovely quilt that no one else will judge quite so harshly. I think we are all our own harshest critics.
    Happy Holidays!

  16. I like it! But I know what you mean about sometimes a quilt just doesn't work out like we wish. I have a top right now that I wanted to scrap, but a quilting friend loves it and said a child would be happy to receive it! So, it is in my pile to quilt.

  17. I love the colours you have chosen and think it's a great quilt and design.

  18. It may not be your homerun but it is unique and some day a quilter will happen upon it and wonder wonder how to do that quilting or piecing. In the mean time it will keep someone warm. :0

  19. It's beautiful. Stitch by stitch, it's lovely! I hope my "fails" can be as wonderful. Thanks for sharing.

  20. I specially love the quilting on this one, lots of movement and impeccably done.

  21. i love your quilting. Very very nice :-)

  22. What a stunning "fail"! I could be donated to.... Merry Christmas and I hope the new year brings you more satisfying quilting pursuits.

  23. I think it is a homerun. Love the colors

  24. I like this quilt, Jacquie. It's not as unique as your Bridges, which I loved, or some others, but I like it. It's a necessity that we keep up with our UFOs. I cannot have any UFOs at all. I finish one quilt before I start another. It pulls on me, calls me to finish each one. If I don't, my creativity is sapped. A fine goal to finish and give a life to each creation started. Then move on :) to something that is simmering in the back of your mind. "Give me life, Give me life". Happy New Year = a clean slate.

  25. It's beautiful! I love the "wine" colors and the quilting is gorgeous!
    I'm so sorry I missed the last KCMQG meeting...I so wanted you to sign my book! Maybe next time. Have a great Christmas!

  26. I actually like the quilt, it has an edgy look to it. Not sure why, but it really appeals to me. One of those that I just want to look at and cuddle under, makes me smile.

  27. Jacquie....I just love all your work!. Do you use electric quilt for your designs? I hope you have a second book in the works!

  28. Jacquie....I just love all your work!. Do you use electric quilt for your designs? I hope you have a second book in the works!

  29. Ohhh, I love this quilt!!! The piecing is so interesting and the quilting is perfect for it!!! I wish my "fails" were this pretty!!!

  30. Surely the quilt in the photos is not the one that is considered a fail - ? I think it is a wonderful quilt and love what is shown in the above photographs. Maybe there is something I'm not seeing but I love it. It's such a treat to see your projects. Wishing you a Happy New Year!

  31. I love your hubby. He's so right! You can add that baby to my pile any day... it's stunning. Maybe you were just "over" it? Glad that happens to other people, too!

  32. I think t looks pretty great! But I recognize the feeling of a piece of work not turning out the way you envisaged it. And that's totally OK. I'm sure someone will love this quilt!

  33. It's beautiful! Thanks for sharing it. Loved your Craftsy class.

  34. This is beautiful! I have a 25 year old daughter who I owe a throw sized quilt to, and this design, even the colors would be perfect (she's a February/Purple girl!).

    Do you have a pattern that I could purchase? Seriously. I know that Leiren would love this!

  35. I love it but then I too get tired of quilts that have hung around too long and don't care for them.


So, what are you thinking? (please don't put links in your comments...the spam police like to grab them and hide them away! if you want to share a link, feel free to email me.