
Sunday, December 28, 2014

Energizing Spirit of the Prairie

My folks live in a small town on the edge of the tallgrass prairie.  Today my hubby and I finally took time to venture out to the Konza prairie trail just outside of Manhattan, Kansas.  It's maintained by the Nature Conservancy and is an opportunity to hike through the Flint Hills which is some of the last native prairie in Kansas.  We hiked for miles to the top and enjoyed the beautiful vista below.  It was chilly, but the sun was shining and it made for a wonderful time together. For those of you who have never experienced true's not flat.  Most of the hike was either hiking up, or down.

There are trees in the hollows where the runoff from the rain allows them to grow.  This one is probably hundreds of years old.  

Trees in the flint hills find a way to grow.  This one was growing from the middle of a rock.
This one was totally burned out from a prairie fire and it made a nice frame for me or a home for an animal or two.

I think my husband said it best.  It was a soul filling day.  Lifted my spirits and inspired both of us to leave the holiday behind and head back to work energized and happy.  I am a prairie girl at heart.


  1. Lovely pictures, thanks for sharing your day. It was relaxing to view them.

  2. I adore the prairie! We first experienced it during a drive across Canada. Wow, you're right, definitely a soul enriching place. I still think of it!
    Have a wonder-filled and exciting New Year!

  3. There is beauty in all places. Glad you were able to explore and enjoy!

  4. A wise alternative to hitting shopping malls.
    Our country truly has some spectacular places.

  5. These are the days when we think back and smile with warmth thoughts! This is living!

  6. Lovely pictures! Love your hair color too :)

  7. Thanks for the reminder that Kansas has quite the hills! Lovely 'shots'. I think the "wide open spaces" and fresh breezes clear the mind cobwebs so beautifully!!!!

  8. I've only driven through Kansas in a big truck. Love the photos! I love the tree from the rock, something to ponder when I think I'm having a tough day!

  9. Yes, the prairies are wonderful.
    BTW--I prefer your hair gray!
    I dyed my hair for years and can't tell you how liberating it is to go gray.
    Gray is a state of mind.

  10. What a wonderful way to enjoy God's creation! BTW, if your hair were purple and yellow, you'd still be beautiful! Happy New Year, and here's to much fulfilling quilting in 2015. Thanks for sharing...loved it.

  11. Beautiful post. Thank you for sharing.

  12. What a great way to end the year! May 2015 be filled with all that you are hoping for!

  13. Being a Kansas girl, I am very familiar with the spectacular Flint Hills. A favorite part of the state to visit.

  14. What a beautiful walk you had! I love in central Illinois, where it's flat in the same way as Kansas! Not! We have our hills, but they are gentler rolling hills. Looks like a great day out! Inspiring.

  15. I love the Flint Hills. They do seem to embody the Midwest resilience.and I really love the new series!

  16. Thanks for a fun post! We drove past that today on our way to Atchison from LaCrosse. I'm a Kansas girl too :)

  17. That looks like a really wonderful day! Also, I just had to point out that I love the color you chose for your hair! I remember you mentioning dying it while you were out in California, but I hadn't seen before now that you'd gone ahead and done it. :)

  18. I love the Flint Hills! I attended Kansas State and just fell in love with that part of Kansas (I grew up in the flatland of western Kansas). This post brings back such lovely memories!

  19. All that structure and texture. Inspiring. Can feel the cold. Happy times.

  20. Thank you Jacquie! The Flint Hills are one of my favorite places on earth and where my father was born. Driving through them as we moved away from KS was bittersweet. Have you read "PrairyErth: A Deep Map" by William Least Heat-Moon? It is about Chase County and the Flint Hills.

  21. Thanks for a sharing your day, Jacquie. Wishing you a wonderfully happy and healthy New Year.

  22. I adore your hair color!!! Great choice! Love the quilt in your new blog header, too. It looks like you had a great time on the prairie. Glad you got a chance to regroup so to speak. I was in Kansas when my son returned from Saudi Arabia in 1991 from Desert Storm. I actually stayed in Manhattan. I had no idea what to expect from the countryside so went with open eyes. I must say that it was gorgeous country. I enjoyed seeing all that I did but I have to say that I am a coastal girl at heart. Born and raised on the Northern California Coast. I never realize how much of a coastal person I am until I get far away from it. Thanks for sharing your outing.

  23. never ever seen a prairie, living in New Zealand everything is clean and green! Only in the middle of the north island is a fire spewing brewing volcano and sometimes it decides to spew and ruin all around it, but its got its own beauty, like the wild horses that live there! Amazing I have not been to Kansas, must visit soon!

  24. your photos are serene. love the leafless tree

  25. Those trees are amazing. I have always enjoyed photgraphs of trees. My younger years were spent living across the street from a farm. I enjoyed the openness of country living. Pic of you and hubby show how very happy you are. Good to see.


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