Today is Judy's Quiltathon day. I started at 9:30 a.m. This is my first two hour check in. I have put together pillow #1 and I am 3/4 of the way done with the machine quilting. Slowed down by a broken needle, broken thread and I had to rip out twice, but now I'm on a roll. Next check at 1:30 p.m. Pictures at the end of the day....don't want to spend time blogging! Back too it.
1:30 Report:
Finished the first pillow. I've put together the front of the second one and it is basted and ready to quilt. Back to it! See you at 3:30
3:30 Report:
Finished the second pillow. It was larger and was a bit harder for my little machine to handle. I have to take a some quick errands and then back to it. I still want to pin baste one quilt and get a backing pieced for my quilt-a-long quilt. Later!
5:30 Report:
One more thing checked off the list. I marked and pin basted the Vintage Windows quilt. I'm sitting here wondering if I should try machine quilting it on my machine, or wait and go to my mom's and use her Bernina. I REALLY don't want to mess this one up because I like it so much.
On to piecing the backing for the quilt-a-long quilt. I need some sustanance...I'm not sure I've ever done marathon quilting like this before. I'm getting tired. One more report later this evening!
8:30 Report:
I decided to start quilting on the Vintage Windows quilt. It looked terrible, so guess what...time to rip it all out. I'm going to start fresh on it in the morning. Here are a couple of pictures from today.

The pillows are two of the reject blocks from the Quilt-A-Long at Crazy Mom Quilts. They didn't go together very well, so I put them aside. They've been in the closet since January. I think they make really cute pillows with the additional borders and the backs are cute too. I quilted the fronts which I think makes them look great. This quilt is all marked and basted, but now it's back to the drawing board with this one.

Oh well, it was still a great day of sewing. I didn't think my little Singer could handle any machine quilting, but it did those pillows pretty well. I'm not sure I can do anything much bigger on it, but I'm glad I gave it a try. Thanks to Judy for setting up the quilt-a-thon. Having a day set aside and setting a few goals helped me get a project finished. Yippee!
I need your energy! And I just LOVE march madness as well! WOOHOO!!! GO KU!
very cute pillows. you go girl!
Fast work! There must have been steam coming out of your house! Cute pillows!
Wow I'm impressed I trend to get high jacked when I intend to sew for a day.
You got a LOT done yesterday - I love the pillows. Very, very cute. Can't wait to see the finished quilt!!
Wow! You're really getting lots done! I love the pillows ... cool fabric!
The cushion covers look great! What do you have to do for a quilt-a-thon? I’ve seen it before on blogs. Looks like a lot of fun!
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