Sunday, August 23, 2009

I'd Like You to Meet...


I miss Fudge terribly, and though no dog could ever replace her, I'm a dog person and I need to be a dog owner. I've been looking at shelter dogs online for a couple of weeks. On the way home from the airport we stopped in to see the boys and run some errands in the city. I asked my husband if he'd mind stopping by one of the local shelters...simply to look.

As you can see, I'm not much of a window shopper. He wasn't even the dog I planned to see.

Maybe it was that face, those eyes...the gentle paw on my knee as I knelt by his kennel sealed the deal.

Have you seen this on Sew Mama Sew about Iraqi Bundles of Love? Talk about making helping easy.


MightyMom said...

awe now he's adorable.
he'll be a quilting buddy in no time.

sounds like he picked you...I have a cat who did that. grabbed my hand through the bars of the kennel....pulled in it claws! .... and then started to lick my hand through the bars!!

I was sold.

now she's over 10 and slowing down...I'm starting to think she won't be around forever...sigh.

Cheryl said...

That's similar to how we got our dog, Snickers. We were coming back from visiting my in-laws and decided, oh, what the heck, let's stop by the local shelter. We ended up driving back the next day to pick up Snickers. I'm so happy for you!

Needled Mom said...

Aww....I know how much you have missed Fudge and I know you will love Bruno. Congratulations.

Tonya said...

Ohh, how sweet. You can tell by his eyes that he is at peace.

Unknown said...

You sound so much like me when it comes to animals. I have my new little guy laying with me in front of the computer as I speak! Congrats to you and to Bruno for gaining a wonderful home. He is absolutely beautiful. I grew up with a black lab as our family dog and just loved him. They are gentle souls.

jody said...

Good for you...and for could you deny those beautiful eyes...animals don't ask for anything but love!! Congrats!

Kelly Ann said...

what great eyes...

Anonymous said...

Bruno is lovely. I couldn't have left him, either.

Nichole said...

awww! he's a cutie! i'm a sucker for the labs as well!

Lady Beekeeper said...

Oh what a beauty and isn't it wonderful that he has a forever home with you? Speaking from experience, it helps to have new life in the house. Bless you for taking him home.

sewtakeahike said...

Yay Jacquie!! What a sweet face, I can totally see why you never got past hello before you fell in love with him. I'm totally a dog person too, I've told L-man I'm a better person when I have a dog, he has yet to cave however.

Lisa said...

Oh, he's so handsome! Congrats to him for choosing you!

connie said...

It has to be the eyes, He has that take me home please look. I am glad you have a buddy. My lab cross Butch has the same eyes and I just melt everytime. There is just something about the energy of a dog I think that some of us need. Congratulations, I think it was meant to be.

Asiyah said...

Oooh Bruno makes me want another dog. Mind you, we already have 2 rescue mutts (a black lab mix and a black min-pin mix) so a 3rd dog is absolutely out of the question. But Bruno's eyes are just dreamy.

Kelly O. said...

He's beautiful. I think you needed eachother :)

allsewnup said...

He looks so mellow and content. I hope we see alot of Bruno.


Kate/Massachusetts said...

He is awesome!! Such a beauty! I do believe he chose you!

Beth said...

It looks like you were meant for each other!

linda said...

Just looking into those eyes would have sealed it for me. He is beautiful!!

Calico Road said...

Awwww, how old is he? He looks like a wise old soul, like black labs tend to get in their older years.
Congrats on your new family member!

Anita said...

What a sweet face!

peaknits said...

What a great looking new friend! Congrats to you all!

Angela Nash said...

Welcome Bruno! He was meant for you!

Vicki W said...

Bruno is one lucky doggie!

Gari in AL said...

He is beautiful. My DS and DIL have a shelter dog that is the most perfect dog I have every seen. He, Ponce, has been featured on my blog several times. Great granddog!

Kat said...

Congratulations on your new friend. I got a cat on valentines day from a no-kill shelter and he's my best buddy. He's a character (allergic to cats, for starters). Have fun getting to know each other!

jodie said...

lovely to meet you too Bruno. I wish you and your new family many years of togetherness.

Heidi said...

OMG.. He's adorable! I couldn't have resisted that face either.

randi said...

He is simple adorable! Lucky you!

Amy said...

Oh Bruno - I love you. I would have taken you home also. Congratulations on your new family. I'm sure you'll all be very happy together.
Love, Amy

Alissa said...

Oh Bruno! You are so handsome!!

Yay Jacquie. This is wonderful news.

Lynn said...

Good for you - we all need a dog (and/or a cat) to love. And it sounds like he needed you too. Labs are such wonderful dogs. So happy for you.

Jessica said...

oh yay...i'm so happy for you and bruno...he's absolutely adorable....such a sweet mellow looking boy...dogs make our lives so much fuller...they give us so much unconditional love and make it so easy to reciprocate...i wish you and bruno many great years together!!

Julie said...

I am so very happy for you both. I am a dog person as well - no day is complete without a walk with my two boys, Nick and Tucker. But I will always have a special place in my heart for Maggie, the black lab who adopted me and stayed with me until her last day. She looks much like Bruno. And made me shed a tear.

Laura said...

Congratulations! Both of our cats are adopted from the shelter and I don't think we'd have it any other way. It's a great feeling, I think, to rescue a pet and give him a loving home!

Lorajean said...

what a cutie! my 15m old son just walked by and said hi jake to your dogs picture. Our dog is jake, a german shepherd. So cute I had to share.

Lurline said...

Hope you and Bruno have happy lives together - he looks like he wants to be a best friend!
Hugs - Lurline♥

Danielle said...

Those eyes, who couldn't fall in love! Bruno looks like he is a sweet, sweet dog. Congrats!

Thimbleanna said...

Awww, how sweet! Welcome to blogland Bruno -- hopefully we'll be seeing more of those big beautiful eyes!

paulette said...

He is SO cute- I can see why you melted when you met!! We are dog people too. We lost Mo this winter and felt the same as you-you can't ever replace them but you need a little furry buddy. As you will see on my blog we now have TWO dogs and love them to bits! Enjoy each other!

Megan said...

That right there is a sweet boy! My last dog came with that world-weary look in his eyes. You are the best thing that ever happened to Bruno, and I suspect he already knows it!

Unknown said...

Cute pup! Enjoy getting to know each other :)

dutchcomfort said...

Ohh... I could not have resist those eyes either!

Welcome to a wonderful family Bruno! You will be probably loved to pieces! Enjoy each other’s company!

Unknown said...

ahhh, what a cutie!! those eyes would sure grab my heart!!

i also can't go long with out a four footed friend! we have a collie and he is sooo great with the kiddos, and such a sweetie.

Kerri said...

woops the last comment was from me. i guess my husband was still signed in. :)

Rose said...

It's amazing how our pets leave their mark on us, and how often once we've owned a pet, when we lose them, we need to fill that void! I lost my cat in March, and I miss him terribly, and while I miss his personality I also miss just having a cat. Our dog is great, but no substitute, and now is just not the right time for us to add another pet. Congrats on your new family member, he's beautiful.

Sandra said...

Thats the way we "found" our dog ten years ago. A Labrador too. Unfortunately we lost her one year ago and I`m still not ready for an other dog...maybe I should go back to the shelter?!.. It seems they chose you and you can`t do much about it...He is beautiful!

Contented Caroline said...

The best dogs are those that pick you!!! Bruno looks lovely and you can really see into his soul with those beautiful eyes. I'm sure he'll be very settled in his new home.

Miss Kaizer said...

Oh, how sweet!
Those eyes make me just want to hug him - and maybe give him a little smooch on his little doggy forehead!

Anonymous said...

best way to get a new best friend. our shelter cat also "picked us".
she is the light of our lives and such a spoiled little thing. But she gives us plenty of laughs with her antics.
Enjoy your new buddy. those eyes would do me in too!
Dawn in MA

Abby and Stephanie said...

Now Bruno has a wonderful loving new home. Our animals are always rescue. I miss both my Pepper dog and my Neko cat. I'm petless. I'm sure it was hard to come home with just one doggie.

Mandalin said...

Somethings are just meant to be! Bruno looks like he has a fantastic personality. That face is so adorable.
My Ruby picked me, well she insisted really. I was walking amongst her and her siblings (she had about 8 of them) and she wouldn't stop nipping my ankles until I picked her up. And that was that, done and dusted, she had my heart. Skeeter came along two years later, he was a rescue dog that I couldn't walk away from. When I later looked at his papers, I discovered he was born in the same year and on the same day as Ruby!

countrychicken said...

Same thing happened to me. I was just looking. My husband said look for soft eyes. Didn't plan on a big yellow lab, but she had soft eyes and cried when I went to look at the other dogs. The deal was sealed!! I still miss my border collie, always will have a soft spot for her in my heart - but Marley - we are having such fun!! Good Luck on your new adventure.

Two Dogs and a Quilt said...

Great news for the both of you. Enjoy getting to know each other!

Anonymous said...

I don't think I could have walked away from that face either. What a sweet looking man he is. I'm sure he give you years of love and loyality.

Stephanie D said...

What's amazing to me is how you can come home with only one dog from a shelter. I want to scoop them all up and bring them home the few times I've gone.

I think Bruno made a good choice.

Shannah said...

He's beautiful. I look forward to seeing more about him in the blog in the future. :)

Lucky dog.

Suzi said...

How I envy you right now. We can't get a dog until our fence is fixed. :-( Can't wait til that happens. He is one lucky dog!

Victoria said...

Oh Jacquie, This post does my heart good and I am thrilled for you, (and for Bruno, too!)

What a beauty he is! I wish you both many, many happy and healthy years together. xo

Anonymous said...

Jacquie he is adorable!! The liter of puppies were born a week ago I posted a pic of them on my blog...

Can't wait to see more of Bruno...that face is soooo cute!! I just wanna kiss his nose!

Congrats on the new addition!

Shogun said...

That dog is adorable. Yep, I just saw the blog you mentioned and am reading it.

PurPleCaTe said...

Congrats he's a cutie! Welcome Bruno!!! <3

Dorrie said...

Okay, I'm crying. What a great choice. He is TOO cute!
There's nothing better than a dog. He looks so sweet. I see he already has a very handsome collar. Please give him a big hug and a hey, boy. . .from me. Hope the boys are doing well, and you too. I just love labs!

Sew Create It - Jane said...

He's so sweet. I'm happy for both of were obviously in the right place at the right time.

Candace said...

Oh Jacquie - Bruno is a very lucky pooch to be with you and your family! How sweet he is! Congratulations on your new family members!

Rebekah said...

congrats on the new addition to your family! Bruno is such a handsome dog :)

Patchmaker said...

Hi, Bruno, you handsome fellow . . . Welcome to the world of quilters! Hope we see more of you.

Anonymous said...

Bruno!! You sly dog, you knew just who was going by didn't you? You have chosen the best ONE!! Gail

Leanne said...

He is beautiful.

Lauren McFeeley said...

What a beautiful guy! And hats of to you for giving him a home. Are you going to make him a quilt?

Sara said...

I think that Fudge would approve. What a handsome boy!

Anonymous said...

Bruno is beautiful, looks very smart and soft. I'm so happy you took him home :o) Amie :o)

Amanda Jean said...

i'm not a dog lover, but the photo of Bruno makes me want one. shhhhhh. don't tell my husband. :)

Unknown said...

wow,Bruno is beautiful, looks very smart...

You cannot go wrong on the best security systems

ls said...

He's beautiful....I mean very handsome! I'm sure Fudge is happy you're sharing your heart and home with him. And a new chapter begins.
Bless all of you.

Anonymous said...

I cried reading your post. My girls are young, 28 and 18 months. I keep counting in months as it makes me feel like they are babies... and they are too me. They are both weimers. One silver, Ruby, she's a rescue... my poor girl, she had it hard the first 4 month of her life, but now she is rotten spoil. And Xena, she comes from a very beautiful place and she blue... and big... LOL I love them both so much, I cannot imagine what you had to go through. My heart is with you.
Bruno seems to be such a nice guy! What a beautiful face ;) I'm so happy he's with you, in a good home where he will be love.

RosaMaría said...

i think we always have love to share, and Bruno is perfect. Sure you'll be the best friends soon!!!

audreypawdrey said...

He is so lovely! Congratulations on your new friend!

Nanci said...

Congratulations on finding a new companion. I know you miss Fudge but Bruno looks like he's been waiting along time for you to come and pick him up. He is going to be the best friend for you, you can just see it in his eyes and Fudge must have had something to do with this :)

Wendy said...

I just discovered your blog today (I am a newish quilter and quite addicted!) and just had to leave a comment on this post. I lost my beautiful 11 year old German Shepherd in January and although there is no dog that can really take her place, I did get a new puppy who is now 7 months old. Raven is the perfect pup for us...she is VERY funny...which is what I needed to help my heart heal. I hope you will find that with time and this new (beautiful!) dog, that your heart will also heal. Our fur babies are so special, aren't they?