So, let's get to the business of the challenge. PLE ASE READ CAREFULLY AND FOLLOW DIRECTIONS. I'd hate for you to miss out on the prizes because you didn't follow directions. Here's what you need to do:
Leave a comment on this post...the comment MUST include:
How many UFO's you declared on November 1. (check this post if you can't remember)
How many UFO's you finished by midnight, December 31. (your time)
A way for me to contact you. If you are a no reply blogger leave your email address.
You must leave a comment by 8 a.m. Central Standard Time on Monday
Your comment might look something like this:
I said I would finish 12 and I finished 10! Thanks!
If you finish all that you declared, you will receive double the entries. For example, declare 5, finish 5 = 10 entries.
We have lots of prizes, so there will be lots of winners. Each person is eligible to win only one prize. On Monday morning I'll use the random number generator to choose the winners.
I hope you finished at least one. I can't wait to see how many items we've finished. Start counting! Have a wonderful first weekend of the new year!
I had 7 UFOs to finish, and I got through 2 of them. I wish I could have done more, but I'm not such a quick quilter yet. I'm happy I had this challenge to help me along! Thanks!
I had 12 to finish and i finished 4. I think 12 was a little unrealistic as i started late, so am thrilled to have 4 quilts finished - yay!!
Happy New Year and thanks for the incentive to keep me motivated!!
I said I'd finish 4 and I finished 3, though I made significant progress on that 4th one. Thank you for this motivation Jacqui! May the new year bring joy to you.
I declared 15, and I finished 7. I finished an 8th one, but it was 12:12 by the time I got the binding done, so I'm only counting 7. I'm glad I got it done, though. It's just nice to have a few more off the hanging list. Thanks for the big push. I finished things I would not otherwise have done.
I wanted to finish 12 but finished 10. The last two will be finished in January and many more will be started soon.
I declared 9 and I finished 9, just as back muscle spasms started from sitting at the machine for so long!
I had figured one a week since Nov 1, but I didn't work that consistently, more at the end.
Thanks for the push, along with Finn. I need to finish 2 UFOs a month in 2010 to get down to a reasonable number.
Happy New Year, I wanted to finish 5 projects, I finished 4 that were on the list but I started several more, so does that help or hurt my count?
Happy New Year, Jacquie!
I finished 4 of the 8 I committed to. It was great fun to sew in the virtual company of others. Thank you for initiating this project!
I committed to 9 UFOs and I finished 9 and even squeezed in two charity quilts - thanks for pushing me on to 2010 with much less guilt ! I can' t believe I did this in the busiest time of the year- colleenkole at gmail dot com
I declared seven and I finished three and a half.
I had 9 to finish and got 5 done.
I was hoping to get a couple more done, but the main thing is I got the ones for my nieces and nephews done in time for them to open up on Christmas Day.....they love them and they've been carrying them around all week.
Now that things are starting to settle down I can finish the others.
I finished 13 of the 14 I declared. WOW it's nice to see them gone. My hubby is now wondering how many quilts I need....You can check them out at and you can reach me at
Okay, I declared 5, and only finished 3. I should not say only, as I feel great about finishing any!!! The last 2 are on my list for January...that is if nothing else tempts me away!
Thank you so much for hosting this!
I declared 4 and I finished 3. I made good progress on the last one, but didn't get it done. I blogged them at
Thanks for the challenge and the prizes! Happy New Year!
I wanted to finish six things (including three baby quilts), but only finished two things, as I am still having trouble with my binding!
I did sign up for a quilting class that begins at the end of January though :)
I did not sign up for this but wanted to tell you that it inspired me to work on some 10 yr. old UFO's. My son died 10 years ago Christmas and I was working on some Debbie Mumm, making stockings for his kids. I had completed their stockings but had a lot of fabric left that I had intended to make more for family. Needless, to say I had no incentive to continue. Your post inspired me to get back to it and make a stocking for my new Grandson (daughter's child) and two baby quilts from the same fabric. One will go to Africa to a village I visited recently. Thanks for helping me get over that 'stuck' place and get those UFO's done. People do good in the world and don't even know it. (sounds like a quote to me but it is mine... and this refers to you):D
Thanks and God bless. kpaints
I finished 2 of my 5 big projects. I finished several little projects that I did not count toward my total, so I am happy. Now I am off to work on the other 3 big projects. Thanks for the nudge!
Happy New Year!
I said I would finish 4 and I finished 3.
I started with 8 ufos and I was able to finish them all! :D Thanks so much for helping me along the way!
feliz año nuevo!!!!!
I finished 3 of my 8 UFO's yay!!!! thanks for the challenge and the prizes!
have a fantastic 2010!
I am embarrassed to admit that I finished nones of my declared UFOs. That's right NONE of them. I did, however, land a new job and take up crochet so I've been crazy busy. I'm still happy I joined. Thank you for hosting.
I declared 4 and finished 2, though I'm happy to report I'm 1/2 way through the quilting on my 3rd. Thanks for the incentive to get these finished:)
is it over already? pooh. i said that i would finish 4 projects and i got through 3. that last one will haunt me for some time. happy new year!
I said 5 plus 8 journal pages. I got 3 pages, 1 quilt and the quilt along is up to date and ready for the quilting step. I'm not impressed with myself. I shoulda done better but it was a heads up for me and I'm anticipating punching certain ufo's into a very fun 2010! Thanks for the motivation.
I only had one and I finished it. I had planned to hand quilt the entire thing but it ended up being half hand and half machine. It is one of my favorites. I was able to start and finish a memory quilt the week before Christmas, too, but that was never a UFO. Thanks for the challenge and I'd love to see links to all the quilts that were finished. Have a joyous 2010.
happy new year, Jacquie! thanks for hosting such a great challenge.
i entered with 19 and I finished 9. I am down to 9 ufo's now (as i combined two into one quilt). i'm pretty happy to be under 10 for once. :)
my email is
Happy New Year!
Well, I'm 3 for 6, almost 4. So, so close, but I can't count it yet.
I had 9 UFO's to finish and I completed 6 of those. I really enjoyed getting these finished and out of the way. On to more projects!
I had 5 ufos and believe it or not I finished 4 of them. I didn't realize I'd finished so many because I also STARTED a bunch more!
I had 3 to finish and I only finished 1. Another one is SOOO close. I just need to put the binding on, but I realized I didn't have any appropriate binding fabric yesterday and couldn't run out and get more. Alas--it will be the first finish of the new year. Thanks for the challenge!
Happy New Year!!! Well, I said that I had 10 UFOs to complete and ended up only finishing 2. I was sewing until 10:30 pm last night, but the vest for the doll just needed too much alteration to fit. (It's a patchwork one too!)
It wasn't a failure though because this really inspired me to make a list and work hard on those UFOs. I wouldn't be this close to completing my Miss Molly cloth doll if it weren't for your challenge. Thanks!
I had 5 and I managed to complete them all plus 2 more (it's been a productive winter break). Now, of course, I created more WIPs, but that's what the new year is for!! Thanks for hosting this!
I pledged to finish 6 and shamefully I only finished 3. It seemed like evil forces were against me! But I refuse to feel bad about that. :D Thank you for the challenge to finish more!
(I don't know if my email comes up as noreply or not... pinsorneedlesATgmailDOTcom)
I said 14, and I did 14!!! So nice having a deadline, now for more for 2010!!
I said I was in for finishing or getting rid of 15 flimsies. I am happy to report that I sold 12 tops and managed to finish 5 more. That is 17, 2 past my goal. Thanks for giving me the kick in the pants that I needed!
I said I would finish 5 and only finished 1 of those. I did finish a lot of Christmas thins but most were new projects not ufos.
I had 8 ufo's, and was able to finish all 8 of them!!! Man, that feels good!
I declared 5 and I finished 1. Oops. I'm taking this challenge into 2010 though! quiltingbarbie30(at)yahoo(dot)com
i declared (15) and finished (7)...not bad, huh? happy new year! ☺
I can't even remember how many I declared (7, I think), but I finished a big fat 0! I should have known myself better! :-) Oh well, I did get 4 quilts basted this week, which was a BIG accomplishment. I'm looking forward to starting off the new year by finishing up all my UFOs before I start on any new projects. Thanks for the inspiration! And great job to everyone else who met their goals!
Yay for motivation and progress!
(I'm not participating, just enjoying your progress.)
Hello Jacquie. Happy New Year!
I said I had 3 quilting UFOs and 3 knitting UFOs to finish. Well... I finished only one of the quilts, but all three of the knitting projects. Unfortunately, I kept starting new projects (and finishing them) and my poor quilts languished in the to-do pile.
I noted 14 - and finished 5. Not as many as I'd hoped, but something is better than nothing!
I'm keeping my list up to work on...
happy New Year ! I said I'd do 3 and I did 2, quite pleased with that xxx
I put down 4 and I finished 1 - I'm extremely happy with that 1!
I declared 8 and finished 5! That's so exciting to me, this was a wonderful challenge!!!
Happy New Year and here's to a productive and crafty 2010!
Morning Jacquie, and happy new year! I set my bar low, and said I'd finish 4. I managed to finish all 4, staying up late on the last night of the year to finish the binding on #4! Thanks!
HI! I said that I would try to finish 6, however I got 2 completed! I'll gladly take that, it's been a busy December with moving and Christmas!! Look forward to the new year!!
Happy New Year Jacquie and all you UFO-ers. I pledged 2 and finished 2. Surprised even myself! Yippee!
I said 7... and I got, um, one finished. But hey, that's one down, right?! :D I'm amandafetters at gmail dot com.
Happy New Year! I said I'd finish 4 and I finished 1. Fortunately they are my only UFOs so until I need a designated UFO storage area I'm pleased!
I originally said five, and realistically reduced it to three...which I finished. The last one didn't turn into a Christmas gift like I'd hoped (not very happy with it), but at least it's not in pieces on my kitchen table any more.
Happy New Year, and thanks for the inspiration!
I said I would do 4 and I finished 4. Yay! That feels good:)
I had 6 UFO's. I finished 4! Not bad for me... :)
Happy New Year!
I listed 5 dresses and yesterday I finished the fifth dress. I still have a number of UFO's but I am pleased with the dent I made
My goal was to finish 7 but I only finished 1. Most of my time was spent on my niece's quilt top, which is almost done. Thank you for the encouragement and your continued inspiration. You can reach me at:
as usual i way overshot what i thought i could do. i had 17. i think i declared i could finish 8 quilts??? hahaha. i completed 3 quilts, 2 bags and one jedi robe for a total of 6....i am proud of that six. thank you for pushing me along.
I said I would finish 1 and I did it! My little girl got her wonky star lab quilt for christmas.
I`m not a blogger but you can see finished quilt here on lab of Frosty the Snowman. He is very happy with it also, because it`s freezing here -21 celcius.
I said 7 and finished 3. Feels good!
This month turned out to be a crazy month for our family. So I finished 3 of 10.
Happy New Year, Jacquie!
I said I would try for 13 and I did it! I finished all 13!
Thanks so much Jacquie for this challenge. I am truly feeling joyous today!
I said I would finish ten UFO projects, but I only finished eight. The last two are almost done, but I left town and did not get to use the last eight days of the challenge for the challenge.
I checked the old comment I left and I claimed to have 6 quilts to finish. Unfortunately I've found 3 more I forgot about and spent my time knitting instead of sewing due to a not-quite-right quarter inch foot giving me too small seams and me not wanting to fix it. So I guess my progress is -3, but at least I now know what I'm really up against!
I said I had 6, and I finished 3, I'm happy with that, It's progress!
I don't know if this is too late but I said I would finish 10 and I finished 5- that's not bad for having a newborn and my siter in town christmas gifts and my parents moving and bringing all there stuff to my house- so many more ufo's to finish!
Well, i am am quite happy with myself, and grateful to you for this challenge!I had 12 on my list. I had completed 10 by the deadline. I am also happy to report that my actual list of completed items/projects for the time period of the challenge is 18, which means (to me) that while the list was not complete I was highly motivated, and able to produce without any real major changes...Therefore I am thinking of adding to the challenge (for myself) and keeping the list on a personal level for every month this year..Just a thought so far...LOL..
At any rate, thank you SO much for hosting this event. i enjoyed it, and I enjoy reading your blog on a regular basis!
I said I would finish 4 (1 Christmas quilt, 1 flannel squirrel quilt, 1 crazy placemat, 1 star quilt). I finished the christmas quilt and the thing that was originally going to be a placemat, but became a cover for a rice-stuffed warmer thing. I also finished several projects that were NOT on that list.
So to summarize: I said I would finish 4, I finished 2. My email is
I declared 12 and I finished 8! And considering the last 2 months I've had. I'm so very proud of myself! LOL. Thanks for the boost! I love these challenges.
Thanks so much for the motivation Jacquie - I said I had 13 and I finished 7 - yahoo! So excited - and I have another one almost done - this was really so great - thanks again!
Hi Jacquie! I aspired to finish 6 and I finished 3! My wreath of doves quilt, my figgy pudding quilt, and my sister-in-law's quilt.
Happy New Year Jacquie! I finished 8 out of 9! I'm very happy with these results...thank you so much for the helped me to get my butt in gear:)
I'm happy to say I got the 2 done that I had hoped to! I unfortunately still have a project left, though!
I do everything by hand, so I try to keep my project number low!
I said 4 and I got 3 done. Number 4 will be my first finish of 2010!
I had two UFO's to finish and I am happy to report that I finished both!
midnightpurls at gmail dot com
I didn't sign up but wanted to do three things and did them all thanks to your inspiration!
I think I listed seven on your initialy count - 3 realistic, 2 'stretch' goals, and 2 'completely realistic but since when have I ever been realistic?' ... and I finished 3. The realistic ones. Ah well, that combo of pragmatism and idealism never hurt anybody!
So, techinically speaking, it turned out I had 14 WIPs, not 8 as I originally declared. *ahem*
However, I did complete 8 WIPs, so yay me!
Happiest of new years too you, Jacquie.
Thanks for the impetus to get those WIP's finished.
I declared 6 (though I blogged that I would do 7), and got 4 completed.
Not too bad, new projects kept getting in the way.
Happy New Year.
I declared 6 and finished 2.
rossiebug _ at_ yahoo_* com
I declared 12 and finished 7. Still got me some JOY there! Happy New Year! Read about it here:
I said I would finish 4 and got 3 done - so close!
I had 5 to finish but end up completing only 1. Will definitely have to tackle those quickly so it doesn't get piled up with new projects.
Thanks for the motivation.
I had 9 to finish, and actually finished 8. Three of those were quilts, so I'm declaring a v.i.c.t.o.r.y.!! Thanks for the kick in the pants to get it all done!!
Unfortunately I didn't know about your blog in November :(
But if I had, I would have told you I have 5 UFOs ...none were completed by years end.
I'll be sure to be part of this challenge next year if you have it ....I'll be reading your blog because I love it!!
Happy New Year!!
I confessed to 8 UFO's and finished 7 of them... went all out and blogged my results :-)
I declared 4 and I finished 4 (barely - that last one was right there at the end). Not sure if I am no reply or not so yarnpig @ gmail . com
Ugh, I got nothing finished!! Thanks for the incentive though, hopefully if you have another go I can get a few done in the next one!
I said 5. I finished ONE!
I finished six out of eight!!! Yipeee, that's great for me!!
let's see I said " Although if I get one finished plus all the Christmas presents that's much more reasonable goal."
well I did finish all the Christmas presents...but not that quilt. it's still being embroidered..... :-(
i said 16 in my original count and i finished 16. wow, thinking they would all be simple to finish each were very intense to get done. christmas was all the better because of it though.
I had started my own challenge in October and found 7 unfinished projects. I documented their progress on my blog. When I found your blog challenge, I had 4 unfinished projects left to declare. I was able to finish 2more. Thanks.
I said declared 4 and finished 1.
thanks for the push!
I'm going to try to pick up momentum in 2010!
I had about 7 (including new ones! if it was in my head it counted)and got 2 completed...but I did clean the sewing/dining room.
Have a Happy New Year, Jacquie!
I had 2 to finish and managed a feeble 1!
Thanks for organising this!
I said I would finish 7 projects total, 3 quilts and 4 other projects. I finished 1 quilt and 3 of the other projects, so I have a total of 4 finishes. Thank you for the motivation, and for organizing this.
I said I would finish 8 and finished 7. We went to bed at 10:30 and I probably could have finished that last side of the binding, but opted to turn in instead. I did finish it in the afternoon on New Years Day, but didn't count it.
i said that i would finish four and i finished two. silly christmas presents getting in the way of quilting! hahaha. but, it was a good kick in the butt to get going on it, so i'm happy with that.
So I posted 10 and later on I found a couple more so that's 12. I actually had a week or so off from work so I did get to finish them all! Now I'm off to my favorite fabric stores (online and brick & mortar) to enjoy the New Year sales and add to my stash! My dad loved his quilt that I've been procrastinating for a few years (embarrassing!) on!!!! Happy New Year!
I was hoping for 3, but only finished 2. But since the main goal was a 96x96" hand quilted monster, I don't feel badly since it's the one that's been taking me years to finish.
I went for 12 and finished 7! And got much done on some of the rest.
Great challenge let me breath again! and gave me some nice garments to wear, after I got them finished, finally! Thanks to you Jacquie!
Wow, I mentioned 10 UFO'S, and I only got 4 done. What possessed me to think that I could get 10 done is beyond me. I had it in my mind constantly, yet whats a quilted to do. At least I have the desire to keep at it and make my closet get smaller. thanks a lot for hosting!
I said 9 but finished got in the way of sewing!! Thanks for all your work to set up the challenge.
cantbelieveimsewing at gmail dot com
I aimed for 3, but only truly finished 1. Do I get a bonus for also graduating from pastry school? ;) Happy 2010!
Oh, I wish I had found your blog earlier! This is a great challenge! Looks like you motivated a lot of people to work on their UFOs. Happy New Year!
I signed up for 10 finishes. I finished 9 and have 10 more stitches (it's a wee cross stitch) to do on my last little WIP. It'll be finished tonight. If you'd like evidence you can check my blog :)
Thanks so much for organising this. I can't wait to see your finishes too!
I had 8 on my ufo list, and I finished 2 of them. I wish I could have done all 8, but at least I got the two biggest projects finished! Thanks for the challenge, Jacquie!
Okay, I signed up for 10 and managed to finish... well 12 actually! LOL! Cool :-D
I believe I said I'd finish 13 but I only finished 3. And none were the ones I listed! Figures, right? Ahh, well. Happy new year!
I posted for six, but I got seven done. It was really fun to be challenged - especially during the busy holiday seasons.
I listed 7 projects and finished 2 from that list.
But, I started and finished at least six other projects in December! I should have stuck to my list. Thanks for the motivation. It was fun!
I finished 7 and had 9 on my list! Hope to finished EVERYTHING this year before starting any new ones....Lord help me. :o) Amie
i didn't post on the original entry, but still participated in the big rush to finish. am i still allowed? in case i am, here is the info:
i pledge to finish six. i actually finished four. pretty good, considering one of those is a handwork project and only needs to be quilted and bound!
great challenge and i can't wait to finish my remaining projects so that i can have a clean slate in 2010.
Ok, I said I'd quilt 3 quilts and I did!!! I also said I'd finish piecing 5 quilts, and I only finished 3. My darling daughter decided that she needed to move about half way across the country by Jan 1. It put a severe kink in my quilting time!!! It was worth it though.
I said that I would finish 7 and to be honest I got work done on a lot of them, but 1 was finished a day late. I did like the idea that I was working on them with all of you so I feel like I got what I needed out of this experiment. Thanks Jacquie, you are an inspiration!
Oh - I didn't do very well on this at all. I said I would finish 4 UFO's and only finished one. Better than 0 though. It was fun to check in on other people's blogs and see their progress. Thanks for the motivation!
I have had a terrible past two months, and I'm glad to see the year over. Unfortunately while having such a bad time I only got 3 little finishes to show, out of the 6 I had hoped. I hope 2010 is much better!
I declared 6, but I got three done!
Not as many as I had hoped, but I have gotten a good start on the other ones too, thanks for the motivation!
I had 4 UFO's (all quilts, and all Christmas gifts) and I was able to finish all of them before Christmas eve!! Happy new year!
I can't find my first post- back in Nov. I have finished all that I had and started and completed 2 more. 8 UFOs- 4 already with their new families. All but one are lap size which probably made them much easier to finish. Now I'm going to start on some scrolls and wall hangings. Thanks for your inspiration.
Wish I could say that I finished all of mine. I did good to finish this one project. Even though I only finished one. This one had been in the works for almost 7 years. It really feels great to have it finished. Special Thanks to you for inspiring me to finish it.
I had 7 to complete and I got 4 done which I am happy with.
Thanks for the challenge and the inspiration!
Diane at
first off...
thank you so much for doing this. even thought i didn't finish them all it was the push i needed to get a bunch done at the end of the year.
I said I would finish 14 and I finished 7... so half done isn't that bad!!
I finished 4 out of 5! A very good thing for me!
I think I originally wrote that I had 3 to finish, even though i knew full well that wouldn't happen! I did get one done though, the quilt for my sister, so at least that's something! Maybe 2010 will be the year for those remaining two unfinished quilts!
I challenged myself to finish one project a month through the whole year of 2009 and I'm glad to report I surpassed that number. Most months, 2 projects completed but some months, 3-4!
A HUGE sucess for me. I did not join in your Joy in the New Year challenge due to illness but am happy to see how many people did. Thanks for hosting this and have a
Happy New Year!
Hi Jacqui! I just put up pictures of Hannah's "Quilt of Super Awesomeness". They didn't turn out as wonky as I wanted, but I have ideas for the next one :) Thank you for being such an inspiration!
Thanks for the challenge!! I had six ufo's and I finished two - that's good enough for me :)
I finished six out of seven -- I hit the wall when it was time to hand-stitch a binding on my final piece. Just didn't have it in me! But I'm grateful for the motivation to get as far as I did, so thanks for holding the challenge.
I had one UFO that I said I'd finish - but I didn't, due to the death of one of the folks involved with the UFO. Alas - the New Year did not start joyously for me.
My husband says I had 17 to finish. If that's so, then I guess I have 2 completed. I don't think he's right, but there are too many to count ;-)
I had 4 and finished 1.
Okay, on a guilty was a queen sized quilt. I'm almost done with 2 other quilts...kind of, sort of.
Okay 3 more to go (if I don't start something else that is)
I had 4 and I finished 3. Most importantly I finished the one that needed to be a Christmas gift in time to be mailed out and make it before Christmas!
2 out of 8 - pathetisad
I said 10 and I finished 5! Thanks!
I challenged myself to finish 6 and got them all done:)
I had 5 and ended up doing 7 - amazing what a little motivation can do!
Wow! I almost missed this! I didn't see your blog in my reader today....
I said I'd finish up five UFOs, and I finished those five. Then I ran out of batting....*S*
Well this is a very impressive line-up. I actually didn't declare any (not sure if that invalidates my comment) but I did finish 4 UFOs by 31st Dec (Christmas actually) and had to leave 3 to be finished later now that I'm on holidays!
Here's the deal: once I begin a project, I can't stand to stop until I finish it! So, I have actually finished everything I started in 2009. Now, that doesn't mean I started everything I might have wished to ... but actually I managed to construct a great deal over what turned out to be a challenging year and I am satisfied.
OOPS! I forgot to say I started and finished 6! :)
Well, I didn't get this in on time, but I still wanted to post it so that it was out there how much I had completed!! I put down 10 and I finished 6! (and also a 7th that I had forgotten about when I put down the 10) That is more than I had completed in the last two years so I am overjoyed with how much I got done!! Thanks for putting this challenge out there, I really loved being a part of it, even if I am getting this comment in too late for a chance at winning any of the prizes!
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