Sunday, January 17, 2010

A Neighborhood to Help a Neighborhood

It's difficult to watch television these days. The devastation and suffering in Haiti is hard to imagine and the amount of help and support that is needed to make a difference is staggering.

I read on the Craft Hope site about their etsy store to help earthquake victims in Haiti by raising money for Doctors Without Borders. I planned to donate items for the store. My husband suggested instead that I could raise more money by auctioning the quilts on my blog. However you choose to help, please help in your own small way.

Here's what I would like to do. I'm auctioning my neighborhood quilts and the proceeds will be donated to the American Red Cross. I WILL MATCH WHATEVER IS EARNED FROM THE AUCTION. The auction will begin with this post and end on Friday at 8 a.m. central time.

So here's how it works. Leave a comment with
1. the color of the quilt your bidding on (blue, pink, green)
2. the amount of your bid
3. your email address

If you have the top bid, I will send you a paypal invoice for your quilt. When all the payments are received I will send out the quilts, and make a donation to the American Red Cross for double the amount raised.

blue neighborhood 27.5" x 40.5"

pink neighborhood 29" x 29"

green neighborhood 27.5" x 40.5"
Thanks for helping. If you'd like to post about it on your blog to spread the word, that would be great. Let's see what kind of a difference we can make together.

I decided to donate a quilt to the Craft Hope Etsy store as well. Remember the Hot Spots quilt I didn't know what to do with? Now it has a purpose...hopefully it will find a home. (Sold 15 minutes after the listing went up. Yippee!!)


connie said...

What an incredible idea! We sent our donation yesterday to the American Red Cross. Sending prayers to Haiti and to your success with this generous offer.... Have a great day!

I will post a link on my blog

Luna said...

I will get the ball started on the green one. $20 (I know it is worth so much more)
sewingandxstitching (at) verizon (dot) net

Thanks for doing this!

Kim said...

Pink quilt $40.

Jewel said...

$30 for the green one

Anonymous said...

$25 on the blue!

(yes, cpa's have a sense of humor !)


Lunden said...

Wonderful and generous idea! $30 for the blue.

Katie said...

$50 for pink.

Kathy - Pink Chalk Studio said...

Very generous on your part Jacquie to offer some of your most beautiful work.

$200 on the Pink one.

carrie said...

love these quilts. and i love what you are doing here. 60 for the green one.


dutchcomfort said...

Those quilts are so gorgeous and you are so generous!

... $ 75 for the blue neighborhood...

Marty Mason said...

Great idea....$75 for the green one.

Rene' said...

jacquie, what a generous idea you and your husband have to help those in Haiti. I will post a link on my blog. I love your neighborhood quilts. So beautiful!

Sara said...

$125 for the blue neighborhood, please.
sames5 at verizon dot net

Victoria said...

Jacquie, you are one spectacularly generous woman! Thanks so much for the info on Craft Hope for Haiti. I just sent in my offering of two of my pieces. Also, I just posted and put up a link to you and your fabulous quilt auction. Best wishes. xo

Meg said...

You are amazing.

$150 on the blue.

Monika said...

I would love to put $100 on the green one!!


also put on my blog


Sara said...

Posted about your 'auction' on my blog (

Also, upping my bid....$200 for the blue one.

Marty Mason said...

Wow, what wonderful participation...I'll just have to up my bid on the green to $110.

Rene' said...

Wow, the auction is really coming along. I knew I wouldn't be able to resist. I would like to place my bid on the green one $150. Added a link on my blog.

Rene' said...

PS, I nominated you for an award on my blog.

Allie said...

Jacquie you are amazing!

Cheryl said...

I don't know if I mentioned it, but I posted a link on my blog, too.

Rene' said...

Just checking to make sure I am still the high bidder on the green neighborhood quilt.

Marty Mason said...

Okay, Rene''ve pushed your luck too far. I want that green quilt for $155!

Kimberly Roberts said...

I am bidding $75 for the pink one :)

kimberly Roberts said...

sorry i looked for the deadline and just found it!! i was so excited i was reading too fast! sorry i missed the auction!

permanent furnace filter said...

I really admire the minimalist design..this is perfect for my pantry.

rosacea products said...

WOW! I have seen the same designs in a Japanese magazine..this is just lovely.