Let's keep it simple. You decide what you want to work on, and do your best to achieve your goal. It doesn't matter to me if you are finishing quilts or finishing that half painted room in your house. It's all up to you. Count your projects however you see fit.
Simply writing the words 'spring to finish' the other day gave me the kick in the pants I needed to motivate myself.
After you've decided what you want to do, decide how you're going to reward yourself for completing your goal. If chocolate is your thing, indulge. If you love movies, take a friend or your honey and get a big popcorn to go with the show. Have a relaxing bubble bath with candles and all the trimmings. Treat yourself!
I've made a button for all of us. Feel free to take it from the sidebar and link back to this post. Here is the code for the button. I hope this works!
May 10 is the halfway point in the challenge. I'll do a post that day and everyone can come back and leave a link to their finishes so far and I'll do a little giveaway that day for all of you who have at least one finish by that date.
May 31 is the end of the challenge. There may be a prize or two that day, but folks, any finish is a prize and remember, we're all going to reward ourselves!
So, leave a comment to tell me you're in. Tell everyone your goal and most importantly how you plan to reward yourself for your finishes. Feel free to invite others to join.
Can you feel the collective energy building?
I have my list of projects made and prioritized. First on the list is my niece's graduation gift. This is not a quilt (though I'd sure like it to be.) They will be four stacked book placemats. She's getting dishtowels and potholders too.

As for how I'm going to reward myself. If I finish my list, I'm taking my hubby away....it may not be very far away, but we are getting away together and NO ONE is going to work.
I hope you'll join me. (not on the getaway...on the challenge!) Now, I'm off to sew. Could I get that first finish by the end of the day?
I have my list of projects made and prioritized. First on the list is my niece's graduation gift. This is not a quilt (though I'd sure like it to be.) They will be four stacked book placemats. She's getting dishtowels and potholders too.

As for how I'm going to reward myself. If I finish my list, I'm taking my hubby away....it may not be very far away, but we are getting away together and NO ONE is going to work.
I hope you'll join me. (not on the getaway...on the challenge!) Now, I'm off to sew. Could I get that first finish by the end of the day?
Yaaay! I'm in! While my UFO list on my sidebar has 10 items on it, knowing I have several swap commitments also due in May, I'm going to aim to get 4 of them off of there! I'd love to say I'm also going to finish my kitchen reno by the end of May, but I suspect that is just wishful thinking...
Good luck everyone!
I am so in! I would love to empty my sewing "inbox". All the mending and unfinished projects out of my sewing area and off my mind...I get giddy just thinking about it!
I'm not sure I need an incentive other than the thought of all of it being done and gone. Maybe I'll get new fabric for even more projects...
Thanks for the Challenge!
I'm in! I have 3 quilts that need to get quilted and DONE and 1 that I want to be at least a completed top. Also, I have a very large quilt that I would like to have at least the body of quilted. So that's 5 altogether.
Okay, I'm in! I have a ton of things that need finishing - some quilts that need binding, blocks that need sewing for a swap, baby blankets that need to be crocheted and knitted, a little bit of everything. Hope I can get at least a few crossed off my list. Thanks for the gentle push!
did you know my muse just dumped a quilt on me? So, I'm in, my goal will be this one quilt for a friend facing chemo which hasn't even been started yet! (can I make a quilt in 6 weeks????????? eegads!) my bonus goal will be Sugars' footprint embroidered.
my treat? hmmmm, gonna have to think on it.
hey girl, do a McLinky or blog hop so we can go around and check up on everyone and see all the projects!!
if you need help with these see Mrs 4444, she does it every week and should be able to work out kinks for ya.
I'm in! I need to finish my first ever quilt. The top is 'almost' done, but it's been on my wip pile for the last 10 days or so, untouched, while I was working on something else...
My reward... I think I'll get myself a sewing machine!
Ok - I've done a bit of work and thinking over the weekend and here's my list
1) Baste and quilt Lewis's top (and if I'm really good actually complete it for the talk at the beginning of June)
2) Hand quilted Santa panel - add binding to finish
3) Complete hand quilting the harvest panel wall hanging.
I am so in!
I have the following to complete
1. cut and piece quilt top for custom quilt gig.
2. piece and sandwich Deborah's quilt if she is still my friend because this has taken so stinkin' long to finish...
3. Finish up all outstanding bee blocks.
What a wonderful idea, I like to take ist with me to Germany! Yesterday I started to cut fabric for an Hourglass-Quilt and I like to finish it on May 31.
Das ist eine wundervolle Idee und ich nehme sie einfach mal mit nach Deutschland. ich habe gerade gestern begonnen Stoff für einen Hourglass-Quilt zuzuschneiden und er soll am 31 Mai fertig sein.
Well I jumped the gun when I read your first spring to finish post, panicked and finished two quilts over the weekend and now I see I've made a false start so I'll just say I'd like to finish my spring quilt because it's really fiddly with tons of hexagons and little birds and hand sewing but I'll aim for end of May. Anything else is a bonus!
oh yes, my UFO list is big too, mostly I want to get the quilt for my daughter finished, but that will take me months I think, coz its getting handquilted and Im far away from the end, so I think I choose my latest kit I started a few weeks ago, its a friendshipstar quilt, and I want to get my top finished, maybe back too,
Heck, I'm jazzed at the thought of compiling the list!
Love the stacked books for your niece's placemats. Every one of those fabrics is a tiny treasure, and I'm a fan of the stacked book configuration in general. Great gift!
Let's see...
-The matching skirts w/ruffle hem for my mom, daughter, and i.
-A few more pairs of summer shorts for my daughter.
-Cleaning out my bedroom closet.
Taa-daa! There's my list!
I'm in. I have two twin size quilts that have been cut for two +/- years. I've got a ton of other stuff but I'll start small.
Now if I could just figure out how I'm going to get this button.
I am in! I have three quilt tops (over a year old) that need to be basted and quilted, so if I could just finish one of those I would be happy. Plus, I would like to finish a table runner that is pieced, a Barcelona skirt for me, three Oliver S blouses for my daughter-all cut out and in various states of finish-and I am sure I could add more!
I'm in, too! I have too many projects going now to count, but:
1. I would like to finish my son's bento box quilt that I made last summer. I still haven't quilted it because it's a queen size!
2. Finishing a charm quilt that I started in the fall. Still need to finish piecing it.
3. Amy Butler's Liverpool tunic for a client.
4. Oliver + S birthday party dress for a shop sample where I work.
5. Baby Surprise Jacket - knitting one as a class sample.
6. Spring cardigan I'm knitting for myself.
7. A laptop case for my new laptop.
I'll stop there. 7 is the number of completion, right? Lot's more to do, but if I finish those, I'll be happy. Oh, and I'd like to lose 10 more pounds, but not sure if that will happen before May 31. If I reach my goals, I will reward myself with a new iPhone!
I'm in!!
There's two baby quilts to finish, and quilt laying around waiting for me to complete the quilting, my very first sampler from quilting class that still is in blocks, and some other projects that really need to just get done, so putting the button on my blog and adding finishes as I go will be a real help!
If I reach those goals, I think I'll treat myself to a Kindle!
I'm totally in! I have several quilts to finish and a mess of vqb blocks to do. This will be the push I need :)
I love that there's going to be a half way checkpoint! i will have to make my list and come back to report what I hope to get done.
Okey doke.
I'm finishing my novel and getting it to my editor. That's number one.
And if that gets done on time, I'm going to finish the big blue sweater.
I'm in! I've only got a few projects..but they are biggies:
1) finish mixtape quilt top (queen size) if I get it basted, quilted and bound, thats a bonus!
2) finish the curtains that need to be hemmed.
3) make canvas tote boxes.
1. Duvet cover and pillow shams
2. Baby boy quilt for a friend
3. Make a quilt with circles...I've always wanted to do it, but never have. I'm jumping in!!
I have 1 quilt that I want to get the top done. Also I need to make a set of curtains, and a set of crib bumpers. The baby comes in June, so an end of May finish is perfect!
I'm in! This will be so fun and I need the motivation. I plan to
1. Quilt Glen's quilt
2. Make a new shirt
3. Make a quilt for a friend that's getting married.
If I complete these, my prize will be.....more fabric!
Thanks for setting this up.
Here is my list:
1. Finish quilting and binding the big brown quilt top.
2. Quilt the disaster top
3. Quilt my ticker tape quilt and bind
4. Finish the back for my paintbox quilt, quilt it and bind.
5. Finish outstanding bee blocks (2)
6. Prepare my ICE exchange block for May's quilt guild meeting.
If I finish all of those by May 31st, I'll buy myself the extension table for my machine that I've been wanting for a long time. I imagine that it would make my quilting faster too.
Maybe if I write down my goals, I'll actually accomplish something.
1. finish Hello Betty top
2. binding on bargello quilt
3. Sam's graduation quilt pieced(or at least partially pieced)
Appreciate your help to motivate.
ooh...I'm totally in! I've got the following projects to finish
1. Quilt and bind hedgehog quilt
2. Bind maverick star quilt
3. Bind owl quilt
4. Quilt and bind vintage quilt
5. Noro striped scarf
6. Knit purple baby blanket
7. Kandinsky art quilt
8. Bee Beautiful quilt
If I finish all of these by the end of May I'm buying myself a few skeins of Pigeonroof studios cashmere yarn :)
I'm in!
I have 8 (maybe 9) projects that need finishing! Ack!
This is the perfect motivation to get my hiney in gear! :)
My prize will be some fabric i have been eyeing, and a whole day spent lounging by the pool in a total vegitative state! :D Sounds awesome to me!! LOL!!
I totally need this motivation to get stuff done. I have 8 projects that need finishing. Various sewing projects in progress and three tops that need finishing before I visit my mom and her long arm in the summer.
If I finish I am going to treat myself to a new magazine subscription, I know that sounds silly but I love magazines.
Thanks for the help!
i'm in again!!
i think i have 9-10 projects started that need finishing soon. it might be more than that... if i count finishing painting rooms, then i definitely have more!
I am throwing my hat in the ring to join! I want to get that Millennium quilt I have posted on my site done. It is HUGE - almost 8 feet wide and it will be approximately 10' long. I still am trying to gather up enought scraps to finish it. This is the kick in the pants I needed!
I'm in. Because it is fun to cross things off a list. I have been working on a white-on-white totally hand-quilted quilt for my son and daughter-in-law, started before they got married. I want to finish it before their 10th (!) anniversary in June. And get some painting done around the house.
Please count me in... this is just what I need to get motivated. I have several quilts (3) in various stages of completion that have been stalled for some time... 2 sets of potholders to make and a sewing room to set up and organize.
As a gift to me for completing at least 2-3 of these items I will get myself some bulgarian lavender essential oil.
Oooh! Can I come play? With two wee ones, time is always a challenging thing to find but I love me some Spring to Finish motivation!
I'd like to finish:
two potholders I'm quilting to give as gifts
my son's I Spy quilt
piecing my retro wave quilt (baste and quilt it too, if I'm lucky!)
piece my Farmer's Market picnic quilt
There are enough OTHER projects to keep me busy until the end of the year, but everyone has to start somewhere, right?
I am SO in!!! I have at least 4 quilts to finish, plus numerous small projects in my WIP basket!
"Spring" to finish will be more like "drag myself" to finish. *L*......however
I have two quilt tops nearly pieced and sitting here; so those two can be finished.
but the BIG thing is a mending project! I hang my fabrics in mesh laundry bags, and just lately they have been dropping like flies when their handles give way. I have a tiny idea about how to do this, but it will take a whole day, and I'm putting it off like mad.
Reward? I don't need any stinkin' reward......altho maybe not feeling guilty about purchasing a kit for a red silk quilt over at I Have A Notion.
This will be awesome! I defintely need a deadline. I have a charity quilt to finish, two quilts to bind, my daughter's sock monkey to repair. There's more but I'd better stick with that. My reward....fabric shopping of course. I need to decide how much :)
My list is so long I just picked the first 7 things.
1. finish Moda Nouveau quilt
2. finish Oklahoma Backroads quilt
3. finish Cats donation quilt
4. Quilt tablerunner
5. box stuff for donation
6. finish sorting strings
7. get items ready for new Etsy shop
I just wrote about this on my blog needed to finish what I start. Perfect that I read your Spring to Finish.
1. Pinwheel Quilt
2. Rooster wall hanging
3. Bee blocks
4. Owl stitching
5. Little Red Ridinghood mini.
Thank you for the kick in the backside!
I'm going to focus on sewing projects, or this list could get out of control! I have one finished quilt top, and one part of a quilt top. I'd also like to finish a little girls dress that is halfway done. My final goal is to fold and organize my fabric stash. If I complete all my projects, I will reward myself with some new fabric :)
Oooh this is so what I'm needing right now! I have some pretty big tasks on my (very long) list...I think I'll just list the priorities:
1. Submit thesis manuscript for publication
2. Garden clean-up and planting (before mid-way point)
3. Purge, pack, and clean Mom's house (she passed away last year and the house has finally sold, hand over the keys June 1)
4. Finish wedding quilt for friends (before their first anniversay...oops)
5. Finish Mendocino quilt for little cousin's birthday
6. Sew summer dress
7. Find a job :)
8. Finally get my blog up and running to chart my progress.
Whew...it appears I have a lot to accomplish in the next 6 weeks. At least there are a few just for fun projects in there.
As a reward? I think I'll indulge in Folk Festival Tickets. It's a highlight for me every summer but without a paycheck it would be hard to swing this year.
Thanks for the motivation Jacquie! Good luck everyone :)
I am SO way in!!! I love challenges like this - because it gives me the kick in the behind that I need to get going on projects :) :) :)
I have, as of this second, about 10 projects to finish...and I'm going to list them on my blog...
I'm sure I'll start more before I finish all 10, but I'm going to stick with 10 for now :) :)
I don't have a blog so I'll put my list here - and no pics.
1. baby quilt for a charity - I hope to get it done today, or tomorrow the latest as it has to go in the mail.
2. A table runner with a celtic design I've been making since November. Just need to finish the quilting. It's for a friend.
3. I spy quilt for my granddaughter - again I'm in the process of quilting it and more than half way done.
4. Buy a new computer - not really a finish but something I need to do since mine crashed and I am using an old computer that doesn't have much memory. So no downloading any photos right now.
5. A couple of new starts that I want to make :
- a quilt for my middle daughter, graduation present that I want to finish by her graduation in July
- a mini quilt from a book I borrowed from the library(hence time limited). It's 5 inches square finished.
My reward - to take a long walk with my dog or work in my garden in the sun.
Hi Jacquie, you know I'm in! I have 9 on my list. It's a bit more realistic in that 3 of these are smaller projects with looming swap deadlines. 3 are baby quilts, and one's even basted already (though one is currently a pile of blocks and another is, um, a jelly roll and some yardage...). Of the final 3, one top is pieced and awaiting basting, and the other two are stacks of blocks waiting to be put together in a top. I see a bit of quilting in my future!
My reward? A weekend off. No housework. No racing around doing errands. No work. Nothing but whatever I want to do. I haven't had one of those in MONTHS!
I'm in for 21 finishes - 20 small projects and 1 wall hanging.
Finish 3 charity baby quilts, piecing top for my Christmas story quilt and whrilygiggle quilt.
When (if) I accomplish all of that I'll reward myself with a bit of new fabric. It's all a vicious circle. Thanks for doing this, it was fun last year.
Count me in:
1- back, baste, quilt and bind Rouenneries couch quilt
2- Start to finish Plume mini
3- Finish piecing Crazy Hunky Dory 9-patch; back, baste, quilt, bind
4- Make 10 blocks for Aster Manor appliqué
5- Start to finish Garden stars
6- Make all pinwheel sampler blocks
7- Stay caught up on Hexagon quilt-along blocks
8- Finish Verna paint-box blocks
I think that's plenty; though there's plenty more I need to do!
My reward will be fabric, or a massage... I haven't decided which one I'll *need* more!
I am going to be so busy the new few months and I have so many UFO/WIPs that I am going to try and be conservative.
1. Get my Sew Kid @ Heart top ready for the quilter (finish top, borders and find a backing)
2. Get Ronin's ABC top together (fabrics cut, but that's it)
3. Get Zach's's ABC top together (fabrics cut)
4. Get School Charity ABC top together (fabrics cut)
5. Stay on time with all my VQB blocks for April and May
If I achieve these goals then I am going to cave in and buy the last 5-7 yards of the KJR blue basket weave hidden in the back at my LQS.
I'm definitely in, I need whatever motivation I can find! A little ambitious, but here it is:
1) Quilt & Bind B&W quilt
2) Quilt and bind Mother's Day quilt
3) Finish Valentine runner
4) Finish six NI blocks that are cut
5) Bind Girlish Charm quilt
6) Finish Tonya's quilt
7) Finish Birthday quilt top
8) Bind the Freedom Star quilt
9) Finish Flying Geese runner
10) Finish Lisa's medallion border
11) Finish Heather Bailey canvases
12) Finish vintage sewing machine table
13) Cassidy's baby quilt
14) Finish car sorter for Frank
Thanks for the kick into gear, Jacquie!
I'm working on a year-long project of two UFO finishes a month. So I will bump it up just a little and say 3 in 6 weeks. Not going to say which three they will be!
My "treat" is an already planned trip to Cornwall, leaving the last week of May.
Oh I'm definitely in, and I see a "spa day" in my future!
I'm in! I have at least 3 projects I want to finish and hopefully more. My reward will be more fabric, yarn, etc to accrue more WIPs!
Wow so many! :D I loved the last one you did so I KNOW I will love this one too!
Oh is my list long! Lets see, I have 10 different projects I want to get done. 5 quilts and 2 non sewing projects and 3 more sewing projects. It will be a miracle if I get them all done, but it would be a nice thing to have them all done! :D
I'm in!
1. hedgehog quilt
2. knit & wool quilt
3. wonky improv quilt
My reward will be a honeymoon in Costa Rica. I'm pretty sure I'll get my reward even if I don't finish though....
I’m in Jacquie! No list from me. I’ll just be happy if I manage to finish some tops of quilts I started during workshops, classes, quilt-alongs etc and maybe I will even finish a quilt.
My reward... a walk on the beach and a huge ice cream!
I'm in!
Quilt for DD #2
Quilt for 'Chica'
Napkins and place mats for DD #1
Doll Quilts for C and A
I am in... I was going to post this morning but I had to inventory my UFO's. I actually started some finishing up around here last week so three things are already off the list.
1. Finish Wonky Log Cabin top
2. Finish Tic Tac Toe Top
3. Finish Christmas quilt including binding
4. Quilt one quilt on my quilting frame (it is brand new and I am a little intimidated)
I have a few more things but if I get these 4 done I will feel a huge load off :)
First, yes, I'm in, of course. I hesitate to put down a goal because "as much as possible" is very vague. Let's say five big finishes (I have a bunch of little tooth fairy pillows to do, but they take about an hour each).
Second, I LOVE this stacked book pattern. I'm going to have to make it as a quilt.
I am definitely in! I have three mini quilt tops to quilt and several quilt backs to get ready so I can take some quilt tops to my long arm quilter. I will post about my projects later today.
I'm in. Here is my list:
1) Keep up with the hexagon quilt a long
2) Keep up with the pinwheel sampler quilt a long
3) Quilt and bind Liberated Amish quilt
4) Quilt and bind baby boy quilt
5) Quilt and bind Charity "100 block" quilt
6) Label, register and mail AAQI Peace quilt
7) Start snowman embroidery block of the month
I'm sure there are other projects I'd like to finish, but this is a start ;-) Thanks for the challenge.
Very exciting! I have to go home and count up my UFOs but I am guessing I have about 10. I am an all-around sewer, so I have quilts, mending, from scratch sewing and more all waiting to get finished! Thanks for the motivation!
Oh wonderful! I am so in. Just the motivation I need for some of my WIPs/PHDs.
Going by my sidebar, I claim the following projects to be completed by May 31:
1. Birthday Banner for nephew Charlie
2. Quilt my daughter's Very Hungry Caterpillar top
3. Baby carrier with IKEA fabric
4. Finish quilting charity quilt
5. Laurel Burch cats charity quilt
Thank you thank you!!!
Oh, I forgot: my reward! That will be allowing myself to start a quilt with my newly-acquired Mendocino yardage. Yum!
(btw, I couldn't copy and paste the code for your button).
My list: finish the baby quilt that's for a friend who's due in the beginning of June, finish the Quilts 4 Kids quilt that is sitting in pieces on my desk, and get at least 5 squares done on the hand-quilted queen-sized comforter for my husband's and my bed.
My reward: probably new fabric. I haven't been collecting long, so my stash is probably pretty tiny compared to some of ya'll's!
I've got 6:
1. Twin quit for my daughter -- binding
2. Quilt for my other daughter -- quilt and bind
3. Orange/green quilt -- quilt and bind
4. Dick and Jane quilt -- quilt and bind
5. My entry for the county fair -- finish top, quilt, and bind
6. Matching tops for daughter and doll -- sew together
Thanks for doing this again!!
so many ufo's not enough time But I have three that I need to finish so I am in maybe this is what I need to get me going. I have quilt for grandson that needs to be quilted by June (his 3rd birthday) a challenge for quilt guild and a runner for a runner of month group I belong to .Good luck everyone
Great Idea!
My List:
-Finish Modded Brown Quilt (first quilt that's not ear-marked for anyone!)
-Start on Extended Blue/White quilt.
-Make a quilt for my younger son. Haha he's over 1 and I still haven't gotten around to making him a quilt yet. The yard part for making quilts for the family is deciding on the fabric. I don't want to make him a baby quilt because I want something that he could use for his awaiting twin size bed. So I still have some time :).
-Make some NON-Quilt items: pot holders, pillows, place mats, etc etc etc. Oh wait. Ok I'll stick to TWO NON-Quilt items.
Alright...here goes:
*Quilt (or send it to a quilter) my red, white, and blue string quilt.
*Complete my Good Folks Turning Twenty quilt, and then quilt it or send it out to be quilted.
*Complete a baby quilt for a friend of my Mom and Dad.
*Complete my improv. quilt. I've got to get over myself and finish the quilting, whether it is perfect or not!
That's enough. I have a craft show in less than two weeks. I will focus on my own projects after that is finished!
Thanks for the challenge. Of course, I want to start more quilts. My challenge will be to stay focused on finishing and NOT buy any new fabric for a while!!!!
I will finish my sunflower quilt and a mini-Baby Jane Quilt (this has only 9 blocks). I will reward myself with starting a new project with my b&w fabic collected. Thanks for the challenge!
I'm in! I'll get my to do list made tonight!
Thanks for getting us all in gear!
Awesome, I'm in!
I'm in and the button has been added! I can't wait to empty out those "in-progress" bins in my studio.
I will finish:
-4 bags currently in progress
-an ironing board cover
-start/finish whirlygiggle quilt top
-learn zippers
-participate in and complete Sew Spoiled's sew along
-and more to come!......
I love this idea, I needed a little push to get me going.
I have 5 quilts I'm working on right now, so, I AM IN.
I am hoping to get a couple (OK, 1) quited this week and on to the next one, or two, or three.
I will go in and update my blog this week with all my UFO's and hopefuls.
I don't have a blog where I can post progress, but I'd love to quilt along with "Spring to Finish!" I have a bunch of little projects I've been working on, so my list is:
-finish "Everyday Table Topper"
-finish "Serendiptiy" wall hanging for mom for Mother's Day
-finish project for Rachel's birthday
-do labels for Rachel's, Mark's, & John's gift-quilts
-finish "Party Cakes" mini
-finish Bobbie's "Choc-o-Cherry" runner
-finish "Tumbling Spools" to hang in my sewing room
-start "SW Trail" for Elaine's retirement
-start "Band Together" for Marshall (or at least get fabric)
-decide on pattern for G&G
-try my hand at wonky log cabin with my osnagard
-pay forward to Sharon H, Jacquie, Sharon B, & Paul
Whew! I better get going!
okay, this is wonderful. I love doing challenges like this. I appreciate the oppurtunity to accomplish something else besides my beloved quilting which will, of course, be a part of this challenge. I can think of at least 4 quilting projects and then my non-quilting challenge is to sign up at the gym for walking the pool and strengthen my knee.
Okay, I'm in. Let's see, I need to finish:
-binding a doll quilt for a swap (okay, that one's easy)
-making house blocks for a swap
-most of the work on the handprint quilt for my daughter's preschool class
If I actually finish those, I have a sundress to sew for myself, a skirt for the kiddo, and a baby quilt to start. Ahhh!
I'm so in!
--I need to finish my current bee blocks for next month.
--I have a baby shower gift to make by May 2nd.
--A friend's birthday is this Friday, she needs a homemade gift.
--We're having a party mid-May that requires baking and planning.
--I want to start a quilt inspired by children's book illustrations. I'm a school librarian and very into this idea. Been thinking about it for a while, now I will do it.
OK, I am IN...Joy was a great challenge for me...so i am hoping for a (scaled down...lol) repeat! I am going with 6 to finish.
My UFO list (written down yesterday) has 8 already started things on it. Yeah, I list things that I haven't begun yet, too--there are 3 :). I finished one today! I also have 4 "want to make"s.
I think one of my rewards (besides chocolate) will be starting my 5 year old's monkey quilt!
I'm in. I just posted about my hope-to-finish projects here: http://scatteredsquee.blogspot.com/2010/04/spring-to-finish.html
I'm in! I have a few projects with set deadlines and a few I just want done before I start new things. This will be wonderful motivation!
ps: Jaquie I'm e-mailing you info on how to display html code in your blog
I'm in, hopefully with a more achieveable goal than last time. I'd like to finish 4 quilts out of the 10 or so in progress. Afer they are finished I can allow myself to celebrate by starting 2 more projects I have planned and can buy some more fabric.
Ooh I'm in! I have 3 quilts that I am working on at the moment however two of them are on pause because I can't decide how to quilt them and as I am doing Year 12 this year I have a lot of study and exams this term so I think I better stick to one for now :)
so my #1. is:
-“Fancy Free Quilt”…In need of sashing, a border, quilting and binding.
My goal is to get as much of it done as possible and if I finish it before May 31, then…
-Start on my Boutique(by Chez Moi for moda) Quilt
-Or…Make something with my little bag of Liberty Scraps.
Sewing or Working on my quilt is usually a reward in itself for having done lots of study and worked hard during the week...if I have any spare time left after that! so any progress I will be happy with and if I finish it then I will be ecstatic! So my reward will be the satisfaction I guess of having finished it!..if that makes any sense?
Thanks for the challenge, goodluck everyone :)
Definitely in! I have three quilts already basted that I'd like to see done, two more that need borders/backing/layering that could also be finished completely, at least one project that I'd like to finish the blocks for and then layer and finish and three more block projects where I'd like to either get the blocks done or at least bring the blocks up to date.
I figure if I get even half of that done it'll be a good spring forward!
I'm game. I have only one goal - to finish the quilt I've been piecing for myself. Funny how that one goes slower than the gifts for others ever did! Maybe what I need is a deadline :) And, maybe working again will bring about a bit more creativity for future projects yet unknown. Thanks for hosting this.
Another year of your challenges, another step toward finishing things. I've been using your challenges for the step-by-step process. Before May 31, I hope to finish 10 blog-friend gifts that should have gone out after the holidays! I hope to bind the quilt I sent out for quilting during the Project Improv phase. I should finish piecing one of the quilts I started during the Joy In The New Year Challenge and send out for long-arm quilting. Not too bad a set of goals. The first half is all finishing work. The piecing is just sewing together work, no thinking necessary. We'll see. I'll display wear your challenge badge with pride, though!
I think this is just what I need again. I have 7 things on my to do list to finish for May 31st.
My reward- register for a workshop.
I'm in! My goal is to quilt some tops. Need the inspiration. Thanks! My reward will be to start more tops!
Count me in!
I'd like to finish
1. I'm a Mavrick Star quilt
2. Christmas Cottage quilt
3. String quilt
4. Dutchmen's puzzle
Thanks for the motivation!
I am definitely in. May is my month for quilting, once Quilt Canada is finished. On tap:
1. A few orders for doll quilts (12 right now).
2. Quilting Baba and Dido's Garden, with binding and delivery by the end of the month.
3. Finishing my Values Quilt top.
4. Basting and First step quilting on my Slaveship project.
5. Quilting the Low Volume Circles.
Hubby is out of town a lot, so I anticipate some quality quilt time!
Okay I am in with 12 projects on my list. I think I am setting the bar kinda high, what the heck go BIG! If I get 2 things a week off the list it will happen!
I have no idea what my reward will be. That I will have to think about. It will be a reward to have some of this done!
I am in!
here are the items on my list so far.
1. My knit tote - it is about 1/2 complete
2. American girl doll purple outfit - cut out
3. American girl Kirsten school dress - cut out
4. recycled purse - cut out
5. Skirt for Jo from old dress
6. 5 pages in Tim's Scrapbook - pics are printed.
Not sure yet how I will reward myself yet.
And I was just thinking about the "Joy in the New Year Challenge" and how I need something like that to help me with my new projects.
1. Aunt Fay's Quilt
2. Alex's Quilt
3. LJ's Quilt
4. Pot Holder Pass
5. ABC Book
6. Sultry Quilt
7. Exotic Quilt
8. Spring Clean the Carpets (the carpets only get shampooed twice a year...spring & late november)
All the, quilts are basted, so I figure I'm off to a good start!
This is a really great way to motivate me. There's only 1 small 7lb. problem due on May 15. I have 10 things I'd love to finish, but if I finish 5 I'll be happy. (April block, may fabric cut, my daughter's skirt hem, mother's day gift, bibs for my niece.). But let's face it, I'll be treating myself either way for surviving my 3rd and last labor & childbirth.
OK, because you said that anything could be included...I'm working on getting a teaching license through an online university. I have 28 assignments and 1 test (maybe 2) that need to be passed before June 30. My goal is to have them all submitted for grading by June 1. My reward, I get to sew!! (If I get the second test taken care of too, I get to take all of July and maybe all of August off of school related stuff!)
Man, am I ever in! I have so many things to finish!
I have a list of 35 UFOs that need to be done. Well, at least I made a list! LOL.
And I have made 5 kits from the FQs that have lived on the corner of my cutting table for the last two years.
I can work most furiously during May and see how much I finish and reward myself with a trip to the Abita Beer Brewery for lunch and a sip!
I read about this yesterday, not dare to join. But...today I forced my self to finally JOIN!!
Thanks Jacquie for "pushing" me, I kow I really need it :)
My list:
1. Should open my first small Etsy shop (OMG...help me)
2. My String quilt should be done!
3. Sewing at least 3 more items for the shop.
I think it's kind of overloaded list to me, but let's see.
2 for me. A hand quilted, applique quilt destined for my niece Ashley in New Hampshire. Have to be finished by July 1. And the top for the Pinwheel Party completed (including the extra blocks for Full size to total 30). It is for her brother David, and has the same deadline.
If I can get these done ahead of deadline, I can start on an insane cross stitch inspired quilt I started collecting fabric for last summer. Knowing how detailed/time consuming it will be, I haven't allowed myself to start until the 5 quilts I have to deliver to a family reunion are finished.
Count me in, too! I've posted my list on my blog today - http://sewjoy.blogspot.com/2010/04/making-list-spring-to-finish.html
- 8 things including publishing my first pattern! My reward plan is simple - a fabric pack (or 2!) from Sue Spargo's website. Thanks for the push, Jacquie!
If I get my 9 projects finished I am buying myself a red pair of cowboy boots!!!
I am in! I have one quilt to finish quilting and binding and then three other quilt projects that are already started and need to be finished. If I get all this finished I will be rewarding myself with $50 in new fabric!
i really need to get some stuff done. my goal is 4 quilts that i'd like to have fully complete.
to keep myself motivated, i am going to limit myself to buying fabric only for the 4 quilts that i want to finish. my reward will be some non-project specific fabric. i'd say a weekend away with my husband, but we already have two of those planned for may. nothing like a reward that is already planned before i make the goal! haha
I am definitely in! I have so many unfinished projects that I have lots to choose from. As far as knitting I have a couple pairs of socks that need finished and a shawl. And quilting...oh my goodness what do I choose. Let's just say I have a lot to pick from and I will have to sort it out as I go. I don't need a reward other than the awesome feeling I will get from finishing my projects and getting to use them. Thanks Jacquie for the motivation!
count me in, Jacquie!
i have a list that i have been working from but a little extra motivation goes a long way! :)
I have a few goals, not sure if I will finish all of them this month or not. I have two charity quilts to finish. I have two bee blocks to get done. I also want to work on quilting one of my quilts, and two quilts for my mother. Finally I want to work on the top to my quilt using moda blush.
Ok, I'm in - My first goal is to finish the hexagon doll quilt for my daughter - this includes finishing the piecing and quilting it. If I'm really ambitious, I'm also planning to do some burp cloths for a coworker for her shower on 5/27.
1... finish mystery block of the month quilt! 2... make 2 bags; the high street messenger bag, for Becky! the swing bag, for me! 3... make, quilt, and bind a quilt for baby henry!
I'm am soo in!! I was just thinking i needed a bit of a nudge, well more like a push.
where to begin-
Just found your delightful blog (via dutch comfort). Can't wait to go home and make my list of things to finish...I'll keep it small but focused.
Thanks for the wonderful resource you're producing here!
OK, I'm in. I just updated the WIP list in my sidebar and realized that I need a kick in the butt.
My goal is to finish at least 4 of the 14 projects over there.
Which 3 really doesn't matter.
If I can get the list down to 10, I'll ber ecstatic!
My reward: Chocolate. Definitely chocolate.
I have to be in. I'm so behind. Of course, my WIP list is ridiculous, but I have to finish 3 bridesmaid dresses in addition to some quilts. I'm going to have to blog about it, because the list is so long. If I get it all done, I may have to reward myself with a rural jardin FQ pack -- although that will put me back behind. Thanks for always encouraging us to finish things, Jacquie!
I'm in! Honestly, I don't think I'd get very much done without the occasional butt-kick from you!
I have a MAJOR project that needs to get done SOON.
I have a portfolio to pull together (and website? is that too ambitious? probably.).
My house is a mess, and I have to finish two baby quilts by Tuesday.
That's all I'm admitting to.
I'm going to join you this time around! I have several projects that are oh so close. :) And a few more that, well, not so much. Here is my list. As for a reward? I'm doing a triathlon the week after the Spring to Finish ends. And then I'm buying myself a new summery dress. And perhaps a bit of dark chocolate along the way. You know, just to keep me going. :)
I thought, gosh what a great idea but I have NO TIME for that. Then I thought, that's why I need to do it!! I have two quilts that need to be quilted and bound to be ready for summer picnics - I was hoping to have them ready for *last* summer but I was pregnant and they got moved to the bottom of the list. Now they will be back at the top for summer fun! Thanks for the inspration!
Count me in. I made a plan of attack a few weeks ago, but have since found more things that I want to do. I'll be adding a list of UFOs/WIPs to my sidebar to make sure I stay on track. This is a great idea, BTW.
I am definitely in -- I used this challenge last year to finish up 4 things and I have 10 things on my list this year! WooHoo!
And the reward would definitely be a fabric-shopping spree.
Can't wait to get some of these things just done!
Count me in too! I've been working at finishing up my UFO's, but I still have several tops that need to be quilted and bound. This may be just the incentive that I need to get them done!
I'm in! I posted my 8 things on my blog:
I'm so glad you're doing this again. I just couldn't see trying to finish anything around the holidays with everything else to do.
So - 2 twin quilts to quilt and bind, 1 queen to quilt and bind, 1 small one to quilt and bind, 1 top finished (of the 3 started), and a baby orange and yellow for a friend. 6 things!
I'm going to reward myself by buying more fabric, of course! And starting something new.
Love the stacks. I was pulling teals and blacks from the magic closet this morning!
Oh, Jacquie~I'm on board. I have accumulated several tops again which need to be finished! Let's do it!
Sounds great-I have quite a few to finish!! Thanks for hosting again.
I'll post my list on my Blog. I think I can finish two of the flimsies that have been giving me trouble and the quilting on two wall hangings. My reward will be a new outfit and dinner with my husband to wear the outfit to.
I think I have five quilts to finish and I can totally do that! I made a "New Years Resolution" to make at least a quilt a month and I have some catching up to do.
I have a couple dress projects I'd like to finish as well.
I haven't decided on my reward yet..
Look forward to check in; I'm off to sew!
I'm in too. I've listed five projects on my blog and I can't wait to start crossing them off my list and getting my rewards. Nothing motivates me like a list and knowing that someone will be seeing said list. Pressure, pressure.....
Thanks for inspiring me to get moving!
Yes, I'm in! I'm already underway with the first 'waiting to be finished' project and have the goal of completing 10.
Thanks for being our fearless leader, Jacquie. ;o)
I have a blanket I was planning on finishing before I moved May 1st but it's so not happening. Maybe I'll use this as my motivation to get it done! thanks for the idea!!
Ok We have two ladies leaving our little church so I want to make them each a signiture lap quilt to remember us by. Thanks for the motivation! Have a great weekend and happy sewing.:o)
I'm in! Here is my list: http://tingtongandthings.blogspot.com/2010/04/spring-to-finish.html
I'm in! I posted my list on my blog at http://LivelyStitches.blogspot.com. By the way, the link does not appear to be working, Jacquie.
I'm in too. I'll post my list on my blog, but here it is in no particular order:
1. Green Gable sweater
2. Paintbox quilt
3. Color Wheel quilt (hand quilted)
4. Ripple afghan
5. Pinwheel quilt top
6. Orange placemats
Thanks for the motivation and inspiration!
I need to be in. I have so many things I need to get done. I'll post my intentions on my blog next week. I'll have to be thinking of how I'll reward myself.
I am so in. The list includes a cute little skirt that really just needs the zipper, the ORB Quilt along #4, a beach bag, pinwheel quilt along quilt, "leslie's" quilt, pillows from the fabric from my May swap.
I'm in! I'll gather up my list and post about it tomorrow, but I've got a LOT to tackle before the end of May. Thanks for the push!
Finally finish the 'almost matching' Amish quilts for my daughters' May birthdays. These were very nearly finished for Christmas '08, but life threw our family a curve ball when my husband was hit while riding his bicycle to work on November 6, 2008. Since then, we've been picking up the pieces and putting a very different life back together. I'm giving myself my rewards first: No. 1 - Some respite care for a few hours a day for this next week so I can concentrate on some tricky mitered borders, and fearlessly improvise with the backs.
No. 2 - Again, reward first: lay out all my other interrupted WIPs on a clean sewing room bed, brew me a cup of tea to sip, and let all those lovely fabrics bring back my quilt dreams. I will pick one to work on and 'Spring to Get Started'. It will be another gift quilt because, after all we've been through, I have a lot of people to thank.
I'm so excited about this. I just realized you were doing this again. I'm going to blog about my list.
Thanks for this again! It really helps to have fellow bloggers in the same crowd!
PS How are you??
ooh, i'm in, it's just the push i need to get a few things done, i'll post my list soon...
thank you!
Cate, x
haha...darn. And I would have loved to tag along with the two of you! lol
You're always so busy...so enthusiastic...so inspirational. Best wishes to all on this project!
LOVE your niece's gift-in-progress! Mmm...gorgeous fabrics!
Ok... My daughter is getting married the end of May and I'm crazy busy...but I'm jumping in! I'll just have to be realistic in my goal setting.
I've been working on my list even though I am just now signing up for the challenge. There are six items on my official list but many other projects that I hope to get finished. My reward will probably be simply the joy of finishing these projects and maybe a few extra cups of Starbucks along the way.
Finally decided on my list - it's got a total of 6 items. That might be stretching it a bit, but since the reward is some new fabric, I just might be able to do it!
Oh, I hope I'm not too late to join in...I've sort of been doing this myself-in my head-but I'd love to have the commitment to a challenge to help me along. :)
I am in too! I just made a list of things a few days ago with deadlines too! I will find my list and get it up on my blog! Thanks!
Can't remember if I posted in here or not. I am in though. I have been working very hard
1. Quilt 4 Kids quilts
2. mom's quilt
3. Sampler quilt
4. Stars quilt
5. Wonky Nine Patch
6. Pointless Wonder quilt
7. Fairy quilt
8. Bee blocks
I think thats it. I am going to reward myself with fabric...goody :)
I'm going to sign myself up for three. I managed to do my four for the new year challenge, but I'm signing in late this time. It'll be the butterflies, the log cabin, and the next UFO that looks fun to me!
HI there.I admire your quilts. I think I can learn a lot from you. Im a beginner at this. And I love to quilt. I am hoping to learn techniques and new tutorial. I am particularly interested at the deer quilt pattern of another blogger that was inspired by your beautiful quilt. I dont know what the pattern was called. I would be happy if you can share a tutorial about that. Thanks.
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