Monday, March 7, 2011

A Little Shopping

The first weekend of the month is vintage shopping time in Kansas City. My oldest son and I went together. We were looking for some unique, cheap, decor items. My kind of shopping! We hit Good JuJu, Liberty Bell and Urban Mining and came home with some great finds. I wasn't planning to shop for myself until I found this. I am totally smitten with vintage TV's, but I don't have room for one in my house.This art piece is made from the parts of an old TV. The knobs even turn!
The inside of the screen showcases the old test pattern....I remember those filling the screen when there was no programming available. Better than infomercials, don't you think?
It's an old motorola...I'm hanging it at the bottom of the stairs so I'll see it as I enter my studio. Reminds me of simpler times.
Speaking of shopping, I did a little fabric shopping at Marmalade this weekend. Did you know Tammy is now up to 80 colors of Kona cotton solids. Yum! So I stocked up on a few that I was low on. She's also carrying one of my favorite basics, essex linen/cotton blends in 5 colors. Did you know that essex comes in orange? Be still my heart! These make great background fabric!

Have you seen RK's Metro Living? Love these prints!
And the fabric I've been pining for...waiting for...wanting...wishing... (Shades of Grey!) should be arriving the end of March. Is it ok to wish a whole month away, just to get fabric? Check out Tammy's other great collections.

My tasks for today...quilt Night Forest! I'm so excited. I also need to decide what quilts to bring to LA. It's going to be a wonderful week! Have a great one!

Oh, I almost forgot, the winners of Shea's patterns...The playhouse goes to Anne and Nichole and the quilt pattern to Valerie and highwaycottage. I've contacted everyone, but contact info in your comment. Valerie said, "I would love that quilt pattern! So pretty!! My pet peeve would be not including various sizes/fabric requirements. I like to have options!" Please drop me an email with your address. If I don't hear from you by tomorrow I'll draw another name.


Paige said...

I love Metro Living and Shades of Gray! WHy do I keep looking at these blogs? Too much yummy temptation! ;)

Michelle said...

That is NEAT! And makes me wish I'd known about things like this when my parents had their old appliance store, where I'm sure there would've been old knobs and goodies lurking someplace.

I love birches, too!

karen @ badlandsquilts said...

Cool TVs...There is an exhibit at the MN history center in St Paul that has several old TVs that you might like to see when you are in town. I tried to explain to my boys how Gunsmoke was the show when I was little...they were so unimpressed by the display (sadly).

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for drawing me as a winner!

Love the old TV / art. I've had plans for ages to quilt a test pattern, but haven't quite got around to it yet. It's on this years plan though.

Poppyprint said...

Have a great time in LA!!!

Valerie said...

I won! I'm soooo excited! Thank you!! I'm sending you an email right now...but just in case, you can reach me at

Mary Lou Weidman said...

I adore anything connected to old memories and this fits the bill in a fabulous way! Congrats in such a wonderful find!

Anonymous said...

What a great way to have the fun and memories of a vintage TV without taking up so much space!

Love your fabric ideas - may have to increase that fabric budget (again)!

MightyMom said...

why the Indian head??

and do the knobs "click" when you turn them??


don't be wishing any months away woman!! I've got too much to do!