It feels so good to finish this! Definitely out of my comfort zone, but that's what made it a challenge.

I found a place for it over the bed. Looks like it was made for it.

It may move later, and now it's getting packed up to go with me to LA.

The quilting is only done in the background...makes the trees pop forward and kinda ups the creepiness factor. It's sort of spooky looking in person.
Have a happy hump day!
Awesome, awesome, awesome - this is just wonderful. Thanks for sharing.
Your quilt is really great! Love it!
Looks really cool. Love the birches.
very very cool! love that pop of light silvery blue in there...PERFECT!
It is beauiful.
Wonderful and it looks just perfect hanging there!
It's gorgeous Jacquie! I have been telling everyone I know about this quilt, I just love it!
Love the "quilt above headboard" idea. It looks great.
Stunning! Thanks for sharing!
That is beautiful!!
It's truly a wonderful piece. OK, maybe just a tiny bit creepy, but I think Robert Frost would appreciate it.
Wow. I agree with grendelskin that it has a stopping-by-the-woods-on-a-snowy-night feel to it. Your accidental blue really works.
You're an artist! That is a stunning piece.
What a cool piece of art!!!
This quilt is completely not my usual style, but I am drawn to it and completely amazed by it. The accidental blue is just the perfect touch to it, and your quilting, as always, adds so much. I love this one!
I love it, Jacquie! It's beautiful!
Wow Jacquie -- it's fabulous!!!
Creepy and beautiful at the same time - love it! Stay outside of your comfort zone, its obviously a wonderful place to be!
I love this to bits and I think it's utterly beautiful - the quilting is brilliant ...
Absolutely gorgeous! I'm obsessed with birch, and your quilt is making so happy.
lovely, lovely, lovely birch forest. congrats on a great finish.
this quilt is so awesome. It really looks like a forest of birch trees.
Lovely! Doesn't look creepy to me!! I admire how you can take what you 'see' and transfer it to a quilt. Very cool.
This has turned out beautifully! It's been so informative to follow your journey through this project. Thank you for sharing your process with us.
I guess we all agree that the addition of that blue was a stroke of genius. *S*
It's so beautiful - I'm not sure I even see any creepiness.
Amazing! It looks great above the bed.
beautiful. I have a thing for trees and this is wonderful. thanks so much for sharing it.
So, so pretty. I love this piece. I am sending it to my son. This is the kind of art he like to create, too.
Why are you coming to LA? That's close to me...I'm in Orange County.
I was so surprised to see you call it creepy. Of course, it must be different in person, but I find it peaceful and restful when I look at the photos. It really is a stunning achievement. Truly beautiful!
I love it! It's so different and makes a great wall hanging!
It really is perfect. Truly a work of art. sometimes I think we create our best work when we are out of our comfort zone because we don't have any preconceived notions about how to do it and what it should look like. So we go more with our gut instinct. Yours is right on!
Glad to see this finished. I really love the colors and the subject. I can see myself making a pillow of birch tree trunks someday, but mine will be on a deep blue background to match my bed (if I ever get the hand quilting done on the stupid thing). :)
So very very gorgeous!!! I love how birch trees look in the winter and this captures it perfectly :)
For something that is 'outside' your comfort zone, you have done a stunning job
I love it Jacquie, congratulations
The world is a funny place. I too am working on an abstract (birch) tree quilt with black background and have been quilting "only in the background to make the trees pop". Started this before your postings.
Hauntingly beautiful quilt Jacquie.
Jacquie - this quilt is amazing! Truly inspirational!
I just love it--the design, the oblong shape, the colors and the way you hung it.
can't WAIT to see it in person tomorrow!
This is absolutely stunning. You are such an inspiration!
I too love it. LAMQG are so lucky to be able to see it in person.
Hmmm..... Creepy is not the word I would have used. Nor spooky.
It is, however, peaceful and lovely.
I can't even begin to say how much I'm LOVING this one!! Such a simple design and color choices just POP!!! Thanks for letting us watch it happen!
I absolutely love this! VERY inspiring!!
this turned out fabulous. It can come be creepy at my house anytime, very creative.
I just love this quilt and it looks so perfect above the bed! Out of curiosity, how are you hanging it?
Hands sown, this is a favourite. I hope to feel its creepiness myself one day. Just amazing.
I really love this! So much!
It's absolutely stunning!!!
Spooky, really? Mysterious, I'll give you. It seems the perfect spot there - it's truly stunning, Jacquie!
I've loved seeing this quilt as it's progressed. It's so beautiful! Have fun in LA!
I can't tell you how much I love this piece! Just stunning! Looks perfect against that grey wall too.
I love this. Almost black and white, but not quite.
So glad you are bringing this to LA!
LOVE it!!!
Absolutely gorgeous! This has my head spinning dreaming of it as a king size quilt.
I love how this turned out, Jacquie! Perhaps April KC MQG Show and Tell?
We missed you tonight, but I'm sure you had an AWESOME time with our SoCal Sisters! The challenge quilts were AMAZING! And the turnout? WOW!
This is fantastic, wow! <3
That's awesome! I really does look like a grove of birches!
That looks so beautiful up on the wall !!!!!!!!!!!!
Wonderful..I think I will use this as inspiration for a wall hanging at my lake house. I LOVE it
Chiming in late here, but I did want to add to the chorus of "Beautifuls!" because it truly is.
it's perfectly awesome!!! I really love this one.
I love love love this. I love it so much I want to copy it. (Which I wont' do.). Cathy
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