It's nice to have second chances and to have friends who don't mind when you mess up.

I redesigned the pattern and remade the "Give Peace a Chance" quilt. This time it really is a peace sign. It all started with a Peace quilt that my friend Whitney showed at the KC MQG. I fell in love with her quilt and I asked her if she would mind if I designed one of my own. She said sure and so I did.

Sort of feeds my hippie wanna be, child of the 60's side. I love the back as much as the front.

I quilted it with straight lines 1/2" apart and then I crosshatched the 4 corners to emphasize the shape of the peace sign. I love that little detail.

I made the pattern to share so it's available as a
free download here. This quilt is perfect for a beginner, lots of squares and a few half square triangles.
Tammy of Marmalade Fabrics has put together
bundles to make the whole quilt or
fat quarter packs of the prints needed for the quilt. Check out the
Marmalade Mix, it's fab!
I'm proud of this quilt. It's cute and kind of a cool way to spread a message.
I was going to keep this one and give away the first one that ended up being the Mercedes Benz quilt. I may have to keep them both.

Beautiful! I love both colorways. What is that big, fat blue flower print? Very Merimekko-ish.
It is fantastic - love the back as well and the wonderful colours.
I love it! Those colors are the same as something I have in the plans. Stunning!
Wonderful quilt, message and quilting!! Love it!
oh my goodness - your quilting is amazing! Love them both.
Ha! My best friend grew up next door and per our generation we went throught a mini-hippie phase in the 80s. She bought herself a "peace" sign necklace and wore it everywhere, but wouldn't accept that she was advertisizing for a car instead of for peace. Funny memory. Both are lovely. Maybe someone is looking for a snuggly car quilt for their mercedes benz?
Love the modern look and your use of white. I honestly need to use more white. It really makes the colors pop.
both are fabulous. thanks for sharing ...
Thank you so much for sharing this with us. I really love this quilt and plan on making it.
Wonderful! I feel terrible calling a peace symbol "nostalgic," but it is. (Surely it's just the symbol and not the concept that brings nostalgia?) I'm sure you can find some Mercedes Benz owner who would love your original quilt.
Far out man ;-)
They're both beautiful, love how you've quilted this!
You know what? There is nothing so refreshing as seeing that other people make mistakes too. :) Thanks for sharing with us. I love both of them. The quilting is beautiful. I really like the texture the cross hatching gives the quilt.
I absolutely LOVE the back of the blue peace quilt. And for the red one, couldn't you applique a strip in the center and then just pick up your quilting lines? - if you wanted to make it more peace-y.
wow, you whipped that out fast! it looks great both ways!
wow - that a fast recovery!
love the quilting and the colors
The blue/green one is spesking to me! But, I love them both!!
Thanks so much for sharing~ I love the back too. . . . Great pattern to have in my stockpile for just the right person!
Thank you for the pattern....Love It!!
I love them both!
Thanks for the pattern! It will be so groovy to make : )
I love that you decided to give peace a (second) chance! (Maybe Mercedes will be calling for the first one :)) I love stopping by here and seeing your creations - thanks so much for sharing this. The quilting is awesome and the pieced letters are fantastic!
I super-love the back!!!! Both quilts are fabulous, actually.
They are both great!
How ironic that you share your peace quilt and pattern when there's such snarly stuff floating around the internet about quilting styles. But then, you have both style and class.
Love this almost as much as the fact of your generosity. And, BTW, I love your blog. Always so generous in spirit. Your creativity 'feeds my head.' This quilt is fun...so 'then' and so 'now,' which is what makes 'Modern Quilting' really vibrant. Now there's a word that describes your work: vibrant. Many thanks.
These are beautiful quilts!
hahaha. I didn't even notice the first time : D
looks GREAT!
Your quilting is so beautiful and I love, love, LOVE the back!!
Lovely quilt and the back is gorgeous. Thanks for sharing the pattern
Wonderful design Jacquie, and I really like it in the blue. The prints are great, and the quilting is perfect.
As for the first one... maybe you could pretend that omission of the center spoke was intentional... a sort of political comment on the eroding of peace in the world, and the need for all of us to help bring it back to the forefront, before it disappears even more.
I love both of them; thanks for the pattern and looking forward to trying it.
I love this peace sign quilt! The green and blue are beautiful together and the quilting is really neat. I love the crosshatching in the corners.
ummm...so can I say that i did the same thing when I made mine! No really I did. Thank the lord that mine was a little easier to fix and presto...it was a peace sign. Too funny!
I love the new one. And I'm amazed at your sewing and quilting speed. Well done. :)
beautiful, really love this peace sign!
I think you should send a picture of the first one to Mercedes and see if they want to buy it to add to their art collection for their offices! It would look great hanging in their conference room!
Well, I do drive a Benz that I quite like...
Loverly finishes either way.
They are both so fun!!! Good job! Can't believe how quickly you finished the second one!
I love both of them! I had such a giggle when I read your post (and didn't take time to comment) about your little design imperfection, Jacquie. I did the very same thing on a wool felted bracelet that I made for my daughters' German girlfriend. I didn't even notice it until I was looking back at the photos...long after Annika was back home in Germany! lol One can only laugh.
Happy upcoming week to you!
awesome! love the blues and greens
I LOVE the peace sign quilt - peace signs are kinda 'my thing'! I live in Overland Park and am excited about joining the KCMQG, but I won't be able to make the Thursday meeting:-( At any rate, I love your blog, I look forward to meeting you in the near future and I am DEF making this quilt!
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