Sunday was another example of how the KC MQG has changed my life. Three of my new guild friends, Camille, Darcy, and Melissa, gave up their Sunday afternoon to come all the way out to my house (not a small task in itself) to help me prepare the kits for the
fetal demise pouches that our guild is making as our service project. We cut a LOT of fabric and ribbon!

We have kits to distribute at Thursday's meeting and soon these will be finished pouches to deliver to the hospital.

It's great to have more than just me working in the studio. I had to clean before they came. In that process I was looking at a stack of quilts folded in the corner. I asked myself why I was holding onto them when they could be being used by someone who needed them. So I packed the whole stack in a box to send to
Victoria's project. I've sent quilts before and it seemed a much better place for these quilts to be than gathering dust in my studio. I can't say I won't miss them just a bit.

If you happen to have a quilt or two that you're not using, there are some needy families that could use them. Check out
Victoria's project, Bumble Beans Basics.
How wonderful to have others working with you, I'm sure it was a fun day! Will your pouch kit specifications be available publicly? If so, I'd love to add a link to my blog, Hopeful Threads if so. Blessings!
You are awesome. Thanks for your emails, too, by the way. What a wonderful guild project, xoxo.
So so great to have a wonderful group of folks to work with. It makes such a difference. I am still searching!
How fun to spend time in a sewing room with friends. And how generous to send your quilts off.
Many hands make for the load light. I bet there was a lot of laughter as you worked.
What a beautiful project....I'd not heard of these before, and I am speechless after reading about the project.
That is wonderful you take time to do that. I am a labor and delivery nurse and when parents have a tragedy, it is so nice to have something homemade to give them for remembrance. We have hand painted boxes and inside put either mini quilts or crocheted or knitted blankets and the parents love that extra touch. Thanks for all you do.
HUGS,HUGS AND M ORE HUGS!!!!! I am going to squeeze you when I see you in UTAH! thank you for sending more quilts to BASICS!!! They are so loved.... You're a gem! thank you!
It was a pleasure to work on these together in such a lovely studio. It was a little easier to have some company on this project.
I'm so glad to learn about BASICS. Thanks for sharing!
p.s. LOVE the new facelift! Your banner is beautiful. ;)
I love reading your blog and just fell in love with the truck quilt. Would love to make one for one of my 5 little grandsons. Humm - bet I will have to make more than one.
Reading your blog makes me feel more creative and adventurous when I go into my sewing room.
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