Friday, June 24, 2011

Exciting News!

I'm so happy! It's really's finally confirmed. The forms are filled out, the appraisal done, the quilt is packed and on its way! What's this all about?

Well, last spring a call went out across the country for pieces for an exhibit called SCRAP ART that will be at the San Jose Museum of Quilts and Textiles in San Jose, California. I saw the call, but ignored it and then I got an email from my KC guild friend Trisch suggesting that I submit the Selvage quilt. I was flattered, but not convinced. Then I got an email from my friend in San Francisco who had read about the call for quilts locally and she made the same suggestion. With a little pushing and shoving from friends I submitted the quilt. To my surprise I got an email from the museum asking to use my quilt. I'm so thrilled and honored that this quilt was selected. Thanks to my quilty made it happen for me!
The quilt needed a hanging sleeve before it could be sent on its way. I used Libby Lehman's instructions for a "D" shaped sleeve. (Scroll to the bottom of the linked page to get the pdf.) Notice how the sleeve doesn't lay flat on the quilt. The quilt will hang better with this type of sleeve. This is how I make all the sleeves for the quilts I hang.
The exhibit opens in August and runs through November. I'm flying out to attend the opening reception for the exhibit. How could I not?

I have a favor to ask. My friend Mary Lou lost her blog of 6 years to the black hole of Google, who knows why, but those of you who have blogs know how devastating that would be. She lost all her followers and folks can't find her. Well, she's not lost, she's here on her new blog Mary Lou and Whimsy Too. If you don't know Mary Lou, check her out. She's a dynamo and into story quilts and improvising. Say Hi and tell her Jacquie sent you!


Anonymous said...

I wish I could see your selvedge quilt in person. Congrats on entering it in the exhibit. It is beautiful.


Sara said...

Congratulations! That is so exciting! Beautiful quilt :) Thanks for sharing.

Theresa said...

I'm so thrilled for you ..... Mega star status!

Suzanne said...

I have been to that museum and it is wonderful. Your quilt will fit in beautifully among the others selected for the exhibit. You always do high quality work and should be so proud of this. said...

Oh you must be so honoured! I am to just know that I visit often and so the talent you have doesn't surprise me that they asked for your quilt. Wonderful!

Contented Caroline said...

Well you deserve it, it's a stunning quilt - i just never seem to have any nice selvedeges.

Mrs Flying Blind... said...

I love your quilt, what fantastic recognition, wow!! Well done x

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! How exciting to have your quilt in an exhibit. Sometimes our friends really know better than we do :)

Bridget said...

I am laughing because I just finished a spiderweb quilt using 30's fabrics. Loved the process and have a bunch of selvedges. Thanks for the great idea!

Congratulations on your quilt being included in the exhibit. I only wish I could go to the show!

Who knows? Maybe it will travel this way.

Here's a link to my quilt:

Debbie said...

Very nice! Congrats! I think this is great.

Jen of ReannaLily Designs said...

Congratulations- that is very exciting!

Taya@TypeB said...

Congratulations! A well-deserved honor. Enjoy the exhibit!

Needled Mom said...

It is beautiful!!! I am so glad it is entered.

Glen QuiltSwissy said...

Congratulations! I was there several years ago. And I have a great story about the Contemporary Art Museum in La Jolla. My daughter is really into contemporary and modern!

glen: and she designs interiors for buildings as a profession. She got married in the Museum of Modern Art here in Baton Rouge!

Cheryl Arkison said...

Love the way that sleeve is done. Fantastic tip.
Congratulations! I am so happy for you.

rubyslipperz1052 said...

This is a VERY fun...and informative quilt...well, informative because it has info about the fabrics of the times...congrats on the honors to hang in a museum.!

I went to MaryLou's blog and followed. I'm pretty sure I was a follower before. I have some of her fabrics from when she first started designing. Yep and it's one of those I haven't been able to project "worthy" far =)


Jenny said...

hooray for you Jacquie, your quilt is an amazing work of art. and hooray for me! I suggested your name to our quilt guild and Angie tell's me we have you locked in for next year's guild show! hip hip hooray!

paulette said... that is exciting news!! Love the quilt!

MariQuilts said...

Great news...wonderful quilt.

Unknown said...

Way cool! Congratulations!

Doris said...

A very deserving quilt, and artist, as well.

Went to say Hey to Mary Lou, can't even imagine...

Miki Willa said...

Fantastic news! Congratulations.

epban said...

Congratulations! That will be so fun for you to attend the opening and see your art hanging in the show!

Cascade Quilts said...

how cool is that?! Your quilt inspired me to make a selvage spiderweb quilt too - finished the top, have yet to have it quilted though, but I do plan to have Angela do it too!

Barb said...

congrats! that is so fabulous! as is your quilt.
I'll pop over to see your friend.

Renee said...

Much deserved congratulations! Your spiderweb quilt is amazing!
I made one also, and it came out completely different:

Unknown said...

congratulations J!!! That quilt is one of my all time favourites anywhere in the history of all quilts (so, that's a pretty big deal, isn't it?!!!)

Lindsay said...

Congratulations! It's such a beautiful quilt I can see why they picked it!

Browndirtcottage said...

My oh My!!! This is certainly FABULOUS news!!! You GO GIRL!!!

Birgit Ca said...

Since you will come to the opening exhibit may I cordially invite you to the East Bay Modern Quilt Group? We would love to host you for a chat and can probably combine it with a wonderful dinner at Chez Panisse? Eh we are about 45-hour from San Jose - so it may mean an extra night. - Birgit

Live a Colorful Life said...

That is AWESOME!! The museum is very nice. Mark had some of his fused glass items in their giftshop a couple of years ago. They now have a new director and we have thought of contacting them again. When will you be there? Maybe we could coordinate and be able to meet in person!

Bec Clarke said...

Wow yahoo for you, well done I am sure it will be fabulously received.

Poppyprint said...

What amazing news about your quilt. Congratulations!!!

Poor Mary Lou! That reminds me to do a blog back up, which I haven't done for a few months.

Angela O. said...

CONGRATS!!! I live in the SJ area and am really excited for this exhibit. I'm currently in the process of collecting selveges to make one myself, so I can't wait to see your quilt in person!

pat sloan said...


Melissa said...

That's wonderful news, Jacquie! I love that quilt and think it speaks of your style so well...a little vintage, a little modern :)

Mary Lou Weidman said...

Jacquie-just wanted to say how thoughtful, generous and kind you were this week to help me out on my blog dilemma and many of your lovely girls came over to visit and commented that it was you that directed them to me. You took a dark cloud week for me and helped me see the sunlight. YOU are a lovely person and I really appreciate your kindness. Thank you

Margaret said...
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Unknown said...

congratulations. I love it. hugs

Margaret said...

How great! I hope I can make it down there (I live in Berkeley) to see your quilt (and the others) in person. And I second the invitation to join the East Bay MQG for an evening!

Unknown said...

That's awesome, Jacquie! Congratulations!

Tonya Ricucci said...

congrats! that's very exciting!

tusen said...

Congratulations! I love the quilt.

Sharon S said...

Love the quilting on this one. My daughter & I will have to make time to go to the museum & check out all the quilts. Congrats!

Gina said...

Gorgeous!! Simple creative.

Kelli Fannin Quilts said...

I am such a huge fan of this quilt! I have lurked around blog land for a long time reading various blogs and recently started up a blog so that I can officially follow all of the ones I love. I was so excited to read about this quilt coming to San Jose. (I live in central CA) Can't wait to go see it! Congratulations!