My hubby and I haven't much time together in so long so we set aside a few days for work, no email, no nothing. That's tough. The computer, the office, the studio seem to call to both of consumes us. Balance can be difficult to achieve. I have to tell myself that time away is a good thing. We're not going anywhere, we're simply going to check out of the rat race and check in to some relaxation. I'll probably still sew, but no stress. I have to do something with those late night hours.
So in the interest of fun I played with a new block. I was trying to achieve some movement and a bit of zing in a string block. I'm not really into block based quilts right now...they seem to be too traditional and restrictive for me, but it was fun to experiment with this and maybe it has potential for something.
For those of you who are asking...the block isn't a pattern...I just made it up. When I have a free minute I might do a quick tutorial...or maybe someone else has a block like this one. 
I actually started playing with this block in selvages...just because there was a leftover pile from another project. The block doesn't really work with selvages.

You know, that's OK with me. That's what experimenting is all about.
Dang, I'm on the computer. Busted!
BTW....Cindy was the winner of the Block Party book. Congrats Cindy! Megan will send you your book. Enjoy! (Ok, that was work related...I'm done, I really am.)
Great, yet not too intimidating.
I won't bust you for being on the know the saying...people in glass houses?...etc. There are sooo many times I could be doing something really productive...and, I find myself in "blogland" instead =p
Enjoy your time off! I love the block! I think the selvages one is great, actually! Happy 4th!
Love that block, can you tell me where I can find the pattern for the crazy star?
Well heck....time stress...I'm jealous!!
Hey, I don't see anything wrong with the selvage ones....what don't you like about them??? Oh, I forgot, you can't answer me cause you're not supposed to be compoootin!
Enjoy your R & R!
have a great break jacqui!
Cool block! Enjoy your break!
I like this block! I'm doing some liberated stars right now and interspersing a few bursts in the corners. Your bursts with string backgrounds are making me look at the block with new potential. Thanks for the new point of view.
Just wanted to pipe in real quick to say I DO think the selvage blocks work; just maybe not butted up against the others...Maybe with something separating them or staggering them or whatever. Anyway, they each look like fun to make!!!
That looks like a fun block for a bee. Enjoy your time off.
Enjoy your break. Sometimes just staying at home and turning everything off is the most relaxing of all holidays!
Nice block by the way.
This is a fun block. You are so inventive and creative!! Have a great weekend!
It's been a long time that a block made me excited, this one is it, love it!
Have a nice break!
The star looks like a ninja style throwing star! I'm pretty sure ninjas are under-represented in the quilt world so this might be their big break!
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