Tuesday, May 15, 2012

To Market....To Market

My copies of the We Love Color book arrived yesterday just in time for me to take a look before heading out to market.  My Think Big quilt is on the cover and there are some real gems inside!  I'll be doing a Schoolhouse on Thursday, May 17th with some of the other designers in the book.  Come and join us in Room 2203 at 2:35!
I'll also be doing a book signing for my book,  Quilting Modern:  Techniques and Projects for Improvisational Quilts, on Saturday morning at 10 a.m. in the Quilting Arts Booth #1136-38!  I hope to see you there!
Someone had his sad face on while I was packing.  A suitcase might mean he's being left behind and this time it's true.  Though, my hubby will be home, it won't be the same.  Bruno is a ladies' man.
Luckily for the big guy, I've hired a lady for him.  Yup, Bruno will have his own girl while I'm away.  He should have a smile on that face before you know it.  Her name is Julie and she's pretty fabulous.  Julie is Bruno's personal dog walker and new friend.  She and Bruno are going to get along just fine and I'll be happy knowing that he's happy!

For those of you heading to market I sure hope to see you there!  I'm chomping at the bit for a week filled with quilty conversation, new fabrics, and good business.

I'm outta here!


Suburban Stitcher said...

yay! i'm headed to market on Thursday...SO excited!

**nicke... said...

i wish i was going to be there! i would make you sign a book for me and then i would take you to lunch!

Elsa said...

Have fun at market ~ looking forward to hearing all about it!
Bruno is such a beautiful Labrador! Glad he's got his own girl to take him on walks!

Anonymous said...

Bruno's sad face made me laugh out loud - so expressive :)

Can't wait to see you in KC!

Marta S. said...

I'm too busy looking at how cute your Bruno is to read anything else you just wrote. Sorry....

MightyMom said...

poor Bruno! being abandonded by Momma!

Valerie said...

Sooooo wish I was going to market! What could be better than talking about quilting all day with others who also love it?! The rest of us will live vicariously through y'all-can't wait to hear about it!

Debbie said...

I'm a sucker for a black dog picture. Have fun.

Ramona said...

Hope you have a truly awesome time at market. So wish I were there.

Lisa said...

have fun!

Mama Spark said...

Have a great time! Wish I could join you. Will have to content myself with waiting until June!

Aliceart said...

They are beautiful! Hope you have great fun - wish I were going with you!

Sharon said...

Kansas City welcomes you home!

Patty said...

Hope you can stay for the KCMQG meeting on Monday! I'd love for you to sign my book and to catch up a bit.

carol said...

The new book is being released on the 25th and should be arriving at my house about the 28th. I'm going broke with your publications, I'll have you know. lol

Lynn said...

I was sad that they gave out tickets to your signing the day before. I was at the booth first thing in the morning on Saturday! It was great to meet you in person.

Glen QuiltSwissy said...

Bruno ' s coat looks beautiful. Don't you just love those black dogs!

DiNozzo got left ehind this week as well. It was my 40th high school reunion! He's a mommas boy as well.
