Thursday, August 22, 2013

Midwest Tour!

I've been all over the midwest in the last couple of months.  Today I head to Orlando to spend a couple of days teaching at the Orlando Modern Quilt Guild.  I'm so looking forward to a weekend with this group!

I've had a crazy busy three months teaching and I've met and worked with so many great quilters...hi to friends in St. Louis, Kansas City, and all over Indiana, Illinois and Michigan.  I've met folks from Canada (hi Toronto peeps) and even Alabama, Kentucky and Alaska.  I've had a ball and the adventure continues through the fall.

I have done some sewing (especially at Camp Stitch-a-lot) in Michigan. Brenda will be hosting more camps.  Be sure to check out the next camp.

I was able to finish the quilt top you see on the design wall in this picture, Charlotte's Scissors. I can't wait to get quilting on Charlotte...can you see matchstick quilting on her?  I sure can and I'm excited to start.

I've rearranged my new studio again, so this picture isn't quite how it looks now.  I'll do a whole reveal of my new digs when I get home.  I think I've finally got it how I want it.
Kat is the winner of Quilting Modern.  Congrats Kat and thanks to everyone who donated to Action Kivu.  It's never too late to support this amazing cause.  In case you missed the fundraiser, you can still donate here anytime!


sandiqltr said...

I am happy I was in Michigan when you came to Grand Rapids!! I loved seeing you and chatting and seeing your Trunk Show and learning more about your style of Modern Quilting. I came home inspired to get back in the Quilting Modern book and finishing some of my half done projects!! Thank you for so much inspiration!!!!

Melissa said...

It's so good to get an update! I've been wondering how you've been doing. So glad to hear your studio space is coming together. Have fun in Orlando!

Elizabeth Dackson said...

Goodness gracious you've been busy! I had no idea you were coming to Florida, you should let me know if you need any company for dinner, you know I'm not far from Orlando! Have fun and safe travels to you :)

Sylvia Powder, OZ said...

thank you and bye bye

Live a Colorful Life said...

I can hardly wait to see the reveal of your sewing digs. And when you get to Orlando, give a big hug to Rene' (Rene' Creates). If you haven't met her already, you will love her, although you might have met her at QuiltCon. She is super cool, and so are you, so the two of you should have a great time.

Sew Festive said...

Oh man! I live in Orlando but have never been able to join the MQG because of my schedule and theirs. I guess I should have made it work!

MariQuilts said... have been busy. And when one gets really busy...of course one has to rearrange the studio again, right?? I so get that!

Ever coming to Western Canada??

Angela said...

I'm looking forward to seeing Charlotte littlest daughter's name just happens to be the same!

Have a super time in Florida!


Kat said...

Thank you again, Jacquie!

Charlotte said...

you just totally made my day!

HeathersSewingRoom said...

I love the inspiration I get from your work, thanks. Looking forward to seeing your new work room.

Anonymous said...

I hope you get a few days soon to catch your breath! It was great to see you earlier this month.

Looks like you've got a red and white theme going in the studio :)

Arita said...

You have been a busy women and I love Charlotte's scissors....looking forward to seeing the finish.

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