I'm so thrilled about the STUMPY Whirlygiggles quilt, I couldn't wait to show it. After the mistake cutting the template, this is the final top. I used Peg's tutorial to add a little yellow peeper. Mine is a bit bigger than what she recommends. I thought a bit more width might make it easier for me. I like how much yellow peeps! This one is to be donated to KU Med Center Pediatric Unit. I have a fun flannel back. I hope this will be finished by the end of the weekend. No exclamations of joy until it is totally finished.
Also, some old business to take care of. I’ve been tagged three times (Kris at Quilted Simple, Dawn at Sew Ritsy Titsy, and Magik Quilter) and it is time to respond. Actually, it’s way past time, but it seems to take me a long time to do these kinds of things. I’m going to try and combine all of the tags into one scintillating post. I know you’re sitting on the edge of your seat leaning in to your computer screen. Here we go!
4 Jobs I’ve Had
1. Delivery “guy” on a beer truck during the hottest summer in Kansas City history (one of my summer jobs during my first years of teaching)
2. Teacher
3. Principal
4. MOM (best one by far!)
4 Shows I Watch
1. Project Runway – I love to watch folks create. These designers amaze me!
2. CBS Sunday Morning – My hubby and I enjoy this together every Sunday morning with a few cups of coffee. Love a show that highlights art, music and culture. It’s my only never miss!
3. Late Night With David Letterman – Better than Leno…
4. The Late Late Show – Mostly because I’m awake and Craig Ferguson makes me laugh!
4 Places I’ve Been
1. Maine – Hubby and I spent our 20th anniversary hiking in Acadia National Park and exploring the coast. Fabulous!
2. NYC – Whenever we can Steve and I try to get to New York. Last summer we took my mom. She hadn’t been back since she went to nursing school there when she was very young. I love NEW YORK CITY!
3. El Paso, Texas – My brother-in-law was stationed there. We went to welcome him home from his tour in Iraq.
4. Chapel Hill, North Carolina – Home to the Dean Dome, mecca of college basketball. Go Tarheels!
4 Foods I Like (love, would rather not live without!)
1. Dannon Coffee Yogurt – It’s getting hard to find. Love it because it’s coffee and it’s not too sweet like all other commercially produced yogurt.
2. Vereniky – This is a family favorite. Some folks call them perogi. We make them filled with dry curd cottage cheese. Served with fried farmer sausage and covered with cream gravy. They are the absolutely BEST food in the world.
3. Blueberries – I love them best right off the bush, but I’ll eat them in just about any form. Love them on my cereal in the morning.
4. Rhubarb – I love rhubarb right out of the garden dipped in a bit of sugar, but it makes a FINE pie too! Can’t grow it here…grows great in North Dakota where I grew up.
5. I have to put a fifth one…it’s food folks! I adore homemade bread. Love to make it, knead it, smell it and eat it when it’s fresh out of the oven…or any time for that matter. I’m not picky, if it has a little yeast and whatever kind of flour I’m all for it!
5 Things I Have In my Purse – I’m not sure. I hate to carry a purse. I’ve carried a brief case for so many years and carrying a purse in addition was always a hassle. So, let’s go have a look.
1. My cell phone should be in there, but it never seems to be. Nope, not there!
2. A tape measure – I learned this from my mom. You never know when you might need a measurement. Great for thrift store shopping!
3. A bag full of paint chips, formica and carpet samples. I love to have these with me in case I find some fab bargain. They are great to see if things will work in your house.
4. My wallet – I have a teeny tiny pink wallet. I learned this from traveling for so long. Carry only what you need.
5. Glasses (3 pairs) My eyes are great except for reading. I have so many pairs of reading glasses scattered everywhere. I try to keep them spread out, but they keep congregating in one place. They are never where I need them!
5 Things in This Room That Love (I’m in the living room in the country) Blogger won't let me upload the pictures of these. Just use your imagination!
1. My milk glass collection.
2. Fudge - It doesn’t matter what time of day or what room, as long as I am in it, Fudge is there too. As she’s gotten older she’s much clingier. She’s my baby, and I don’t mind.
3. Star Quilt – My mom gave this to me. It’s my favorite quilt, first because it’s from my mom, second it has the most beautiful hand quilting, and lastly I love the fabrics. This quilt sings to me.
4. Little Blue Horse - I collected horses as a kid. This is my very favorite one. I have always loved horses and have always wanted one.
5. My ipod - I love that I can have my music with me 24/7 where ever I am.
And for the 7 things…
I have these 7 principles posted in my office. They are how I try to live my life and conduct myself in my profession. They are simple, yet challenging when applied to my day-to-day life. They serve me well.
1. Find, listen to and articulate my own voice.
2. Let go of my expertise.
3. Honor the expertise of others.
4. Believe in possibilities.
5. Keep my promises.
6. Do my best always.
7. Check my perceptions.
Be ready...this weekend I'm going to have my own little online quilt show. I hope to have 4, yes, count them 4 quilt finishes this weekend. Stay tuned!!!!
I LOVE the Whirlygiggles. The fabrics you picked are GREAT! Makes me want to sew sew sew!!! Have a good weekend!
Wow that will be a lot of quilts. can't wait to see 'em. I love this quilt here with the whirlygigs. How fun. Do you do your own quilting?
Love the whirlygiggles - beautiful. And 4 finished quilts - you are rockin right along - I'm having trouble gettting motivated this week to get 1 totally done (it's been way too nice here). I'll look forward to seeing your completed quilt tops.
I can't wait for your online quilt show!
Your stumpy quilt looks great. Love the boarders.
Fascinating facts as well! What did you teach?? Do you still? That explains the "Teacher Man" book in your favorites...I have that one in my pile to read.
oops ... I meant yellow, not pink.
I love that quilt! Beautiful color combination! You did a great job.
PS -- LOOOOOOVE Project Runway too! :-)
Oh, I love milkglass, too! My last house had lots of built-in shelves in the dining room and I had most of them filled with milkglass, but none had any pictures on them--just white. And I prefer the "whole milk" white over the "skim milk" color.
Oh J!
Your quilt is perfect. The peeper is a great touch. This will be treasured by the receiver. I love the colors you chose also! Have a great weekend!
i love the aquas and browns in the whirlygiggles! it turned out gorgeous! i'm looking forward to your online quilt show!!! =)
what a great quilt! i also loved your "tagging" you did! I was a teacher for a year too! Then the momhood started! LOL
The colors of your Whirlygiggles quilt are so gorgeous! But....I must say I truly gasped when I saw your Star Quilt. Now that is just SiMpLy beautiful.
I had to laugh--we have sooooo much in common--and now I see we can add 'teacher' to that list, too!
Have fun finishing those 4 quilts.
I love your completed quilt with the touch of yellow. And flannel backing... Mmmmmmm. Someone is going to be very happy.
Jacquie that combined meme was fabulous!!!! Found out a lot more about you, which is always a good thing in my book and though I loved everything. especially the quilts and collectibles, my favourite is your
seven things...thank you for sharing with us, you are a special lady and we now know how special!!!
You are so quick the quilt is lovely.
I love the stumpy-gigs, Jacquie! So cute ... the peep is great too.
Thanks for sharing all of your things ... I love your star quilt too ... I can see why it is your favorite!
BTW - I tried the coffee Dannon yogurt last week ... didn't have the same reaction as you. I like things to be sweet, I guess!
Looking forward to your quilt show!
I love the quilt!!!! And your milk glass collection too. I have a milk glass lamp that is one of my favorite things too.
I love that peeper. I can see why you love that quilt your mother made, it's beautiful.
I'll be here for the quilt show :-)
Beautiful. I love the blue and brown together - the peeper too.
Jacquie, those whirlygigs came together very fast. I love it!!! I love your milk glass collection. I don't have many collections (who has room with all the fabric LOL) but I would like some!!! Love that star quilt too. Lucky you!
The Whirlygiggles quilt is GREAT and I love the idea of a peeper! I am going to have to try that someday :)
I was thinking about joining in on AmandaJean's stars but...seems like I'm busy in the sewing room with my current list of projects.
Thanks for visiting and I'll stop by again for your quilt show :)
Hi Jacquie, Just getting caught up. I love your post. I also love to collect things too. I saw your quilt posted on Peg's blog. It is great. I love the quilt your Mom gave you, truly wonderful. Now just one question, the pincushions, how did you get the ribbon through? I had the hardest time and just gave up!
I like this last bit. Those seven things will serve me well too. :)
The quilt is wonderfully whimsical and I really enjoyed seeing it. Looks vintage.
Love the whirlygiggles quilt!
rhubarb is my favorite too!
That quilt is beautiful. Love the name! I would love to make one like this
Your milk glass collection and star quilt are beautiful!
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