Thanks so much for dropping by my quilt show. It was fun to do. Who knows if I'll ever finish three quilts in one weekend ever again! I've been feeling so yucky the past couple of days. By late yesterday afternoon, I was sick as a dog. Came so fast! I hate to be sick. I worked out every morning this week...told myself no more skipping...but that was it for me...worked out and went to bed. Arrrg. I thought a bit of sewing might make me feel better today.
I've made a commitment to make a star for a mom whose kids are doing a holocaust project. She's been asking folks all over blogland to contribute. I couldn't say's's about learning! I thought it might be a good opportunity to try paper piecing. I found this free pattern from Carol Doack.

It said it was for beginners. Then I read all I could about how to do it. This is from my third try. And it's only a fourth of the star.

This single star might take as long as a whole quilt. How long does it take to do a whole quilt of these? I've heard from lots of folks that paper piecing is easy. Not so far. Maybe it's because I feel so lousy.
I missed on some of these pieces so there isn't a total 1/4 inch seam allowance around the block. My question is (if I get the other 3 made), do you leave the paper on when you sew the sections together? Take it off? I think I'm done for today. Maybe a nap!
I would cut your block to size and them remove the paper before sewing it to other blocks. As as far as a beginner's block for paper piecing, it would probably be easiest to practice he technique with something like a log cabin that doesn't have triangular pieces (even though you don't technically need to paper piece to do a log cabin). I think working with all the angles or odd shaped pieces and flipping them to sew can be confusing sometimes. I even had to redo those first two triangles on my tutorial because I went to press and they were too small!
Ummmm that block looks super hard! A whole quilt of them holy moly. But if anyone can do it, it is you. Good luck--it will look amazing when done
What you have looks really good. I would take the paper off, square up each part of the block, and sew them together. I really don't like paper piecing - seems to complicated to me - but I keep saying I want to give it a try again. It will be amazing when done - hope you are feeling better!!!
According to the "rules" you are supposed to leave the paper on until after you sew them together. That is because so many of the outside edges of fabric have off grain and bias edges. If you are careful to not stretch the edges you can take the paper off first.
I find paper piecing tedious but have to go back to it once in awhile because some project looks neat. I can't stick with it for long though.
Don't give up!!! Paper piecing is very fun and rather easy, once you get the hang of it and system that works for you. If you ever get to take a class from the Queen of Paper Piecing (Carol Doak), run skipping and jumping and don't hesitate at saying yes. She is wonderful and has made me an addict.
Just one tip - remember before squaring that you need to give it a quarter inch on the outside of the solid black line.
hope you feel better soon.
I know it's not paper but the principle is the same if you use light weight interfacing (vilene?), then you can just leave it on.
I leave the paper on when I sew the different sections of a block together. I remove the paper when I'm done with each individual block.
I was going to comment also saying that you need to remember to leave 1/4" seam allowance around the outside. don't ask me how I know that. (I think I learned that the LAST time that i paper pieced.)
hope you are feeling better! it's the pits to be sick.
I surely hope you're feeling better real soon. Paper piecing can be very slow but it's so accurate.
Feel better soon...are you home yet from your folks? i have never tried paper piecing but have read up onit and you do sew with the paper on as the other ladies said. I once bought three magazines to get an eagle paper pieced pattern...American mags cost me $60 Australian and dare not attempt it as some of the pieces are 1/4" on earth do you have a seam allowance with something that tiny? I am going to attempt to scale mine larger ...did you say how big the star is? Good luck Jacquie
I've never paper pieced - your's looks great! Thanks for visiting my blog!
Personally, paper piecing is WAY down on my scale of fun things to do. I made two baby quilts last summer with paper pieced tropical fish, and thought I'd die before I finished those blasted things. I posted them on a blog Feb. 3rd, if you're interested to see. The worst part was picking all the paper off the back. And all the bias edges distorted no matter how gingerly you handled the blocks.
I'm a paper piecer lover and think your block looks great. It took me awhile to fall in love - sort of like Ann Lander's old line that "Love is friendship that catches fire."
BTW, I tagged you but don't worry about playing. I was just having fun!
I have always left the paper on--it was soooo much easier to sew and you can stab your points of intersection with a pin so your seams meet exactly. Sounds harder than it actually is, but my seams were always so precise if I did it that way.
Feel better, Jacquie!
I know nothing about quilting... but I'll get there. Can't help you out. But I do know that I like what you've done... and the colors.
Hope you feel better son.
I usually leave the paper on until the complete top is pieced, since it makes the fabric stable and not stretch. If you are using water soluble paper, then you don't have to take it off, it disappears in the wash. :) Can't wait to see the finished project! Oh, I made a baby binkie for a shower this weekend, I tried to go Wonky haha! I put pics of it up for you. Have a blessed Sunday.
Looks great! I love how you get perfect points and seams meeting with paper piecing.
it looks pretty, i cant wait to see the finished star, that was sweet of you by the way
That block is so pretty! I've always wanted to try paper piecing, but I have no clue on the technique end of things so I can't help you there...
I think it looks nice, but I know nothing about pping. I have always wanted to learn it, but not as brave as you to try it on my own. I'll need a class one of these days! ~bonnie
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