This quilt is looking for a home. I made it as an experiment to learn the Disappearing Nine Patch. It was also my first ever machine quilting experience. I think it's pretty, but it's not me. I don't like the colors, in fact I really don't like purple, (sorry Purple and Paisley!) except in nature where I adore it. It's been sitting folded up on the shelf for too long. A quilt shouldn't suffer that fate when someone out there would love it and use it. Even though I don't really like it and don't use it, it's hard to give it up. Go figure?
So, here's where you all come in. I'm in a creative slump, (may be due to the four day migraine I can't seem to shake!) I can't think of how to do this. I think it's a big deal giving away a quilt, maybe it shouldn't be... So, what do you think? Ideas?
Jacquie, I'm so sorry you're suffering with a migraine. Maybe you could do a draw for it, perhaps think up a question, or two and whoever has the answer or closest answer could be the winner. I'm not a purple girl either, but I do appreciate the work that's obviously gone into it.
I'm sorry to hear about the migraine - I had one yesterday - thank you to the makers of Imitrex. I don't know how big your quilt is but have you considered the QOV or Project Linus programs? The colors are great for a female QOV.
Migraines are the worst. I hope you recover soon.
How I've done quilt giveaways and other giveaways is to have people leave a comment in response to a question and then use the random number generator to pick a "winner".
I've also done it where I picked a charity and people had to donate at least $1 to be entered into the raffle and then were picked by the random number generator at the end.
I hope your migraine subsides today. They are so horrible to deal with, especially for four days! I like the raffle idea and the Project Linus that have been suggested so far.
I know it makes it easier for me if I give big projects to someone I know so I can see it when I visit. Is there anyone you know with a birthday coming up or save it for the holidays? It is a beautiful quilt.
Hi! so sorry about your migraine, those are the pits. I've always dreamed of making some quilts for my local pregnancy center. Just an idea!
oh I hope you are feeling better soon, 4 days of migraines sounds no fun at all. I hope you find someone to love the quilt, you've obviously put a lot of work into it.
I'm so sorry about the migraine. I'm lucky in that I don't get them - however, my husband has suffered with them in the past.
As for the quilt, I wish I had a good suggestion. I run into the same problem as you, at times (although it's not usually quilts I'm trying to give away). I will be watching this thread for some suggestions.
Migraines are terrible! I am so sorry you have had one for so many days. That's awful! I hope you can get feeling better real soon.
I like the ideas of donating your quilt. Another idea is a women's shelter. Alot of those women are "broken" and I think a quilt would help their healing. BTW, the quilt is very pretty!
It would be easiest just to send it to me right away. *S*
I have lots of places it could go.
Sorry about your migraine, headaches have a tendency to drain our creativity.
For the quilt (which is gorgeous by the way ), I would do the leave a comment thing. then use the random thingy to help pick a winner.
Bummer - sorry your migraine is so bad! Thankfully I am not a headache person - unless I'm too tired, then I just go to bed. . . Lots of good suggestions for you already, I think I would try to give to someone I know. My 2 cents! Feel better
purple and paisley's birthday is january 7...LOL! just kidding...
you are so generous about donating your quilts, how about a nursing home or hospital? i like the project linus idea, too...
My daughter who suffers from migraines recommends caffeine--she usually gets a soft drink with lots and lots to drink when she starts noticing the signs of the migraine coming. Migraines happen when the blood vessels have dilated, and the caffeine contracts them, maybe? Anyway, here's good wishes for it to go away soon.
For your lovely quilt, I agree that there are many places where broken hearts could use some TLC, so I second the suggestions to donate it to a good cause.
The quilt is gorgeous!! Purple....YUM! Way to pretty to be put away. If you can't find a place for it in your own home, maybe someone you know would love it?
I really like the disappearing nine patch design. I think someone would like to have the quilt - I like the suggestions in this string, womens' shelter. Since you are a dog lover, maybe there is an auction site for lab rescue foster families or something? Hope the migrane subsides soon.
Sorry about the migraine. I get them, too, and they are so debilitating. I'm not a fan of purple either, although I do like pastels and actually used a color like your quilt for my wedding! Anotehr suggestion for donation - Alison (in the Dear Baby Jane group) just started a new quilt charity for siblings of children with serious/critical illness. She's working on getting her first two quilts together. I'm sure some little girl would be comforted by your lovely quilt here. Check out:
The quilt is beautiful. How about a worthwhile group that is having an auction or a raffle? It may not be to your taste, but I'll bet that it would sell a lot of tickets. There are a lot of worthwhile charities, or even, many times on the news you hear of people with horrible medical bills, etc., who need help badly.
Hope you find the perfect method, and I hope that your migraine is a thing of the past very soon.
I'm so sorry you've had an on-going migraine. That really is THE biggest creativity killer!!
My initial thought on giving the quilt away was to ask a question, then give it to the best answer... and since you're looking for inspiration, maybe some question about inspiration... maybe where people look for inspiration? how they find it? Or even have everybody with blogs post some of their most inspirational creations?
But then again, seeing the suggestions about such worthwhile programs like women's shelters or animal rescues are also wonderful.
Whatever you choose is certain to be the right option ;) But in the mean time, get some rest, some relaxation and don't stress about your lack of inspiration... it will be there waiting for you.
I hope you are feeling better soon! I work at the University of Michigan and we do a quilt raffle to benefit patient families every year. We are always looking for quilts. So if you want to give it a good home and benefit some people that are less fortunate just let me know and we can work something out. If you go to my blog you can see some of the quilts I have donated. I run the raffle with another woman.
I'm sure whatever you decide will be the right decision! Good luck and I hope your migraine improves!!
Its a beautiful quilt, and the colors are gorgeous.
A women's shelter would definitely welcome such a beautiful item... or any of the other charities listed above.
If you want to give the quilt away to bloggers etc... perhaps you could ask people a question or have them supply some information and each person who responds is entered in the drawing. Then you could use one of those random number generators or perhaps even choose the answer you like best to win the quilt.
Hope your migraine eases up soon and that you are back to feeling your normal self.
I have no creative ideas about the quilt giveaway. sorry to hear that you have had a 4 day migraine. ouch. hope you are feeling better!
DH suffers from migraines as do his sister, our daughters and granddaughters. I hope you're not a diet pop drinker ... he tells me they cause migraines. I don't know as I rarely even have a headache.
I hope you'll donate the beauitfil quilt to QOV or a woman's shelter.
Migraines just stink! about donating the quilt to a Ronald McDonald house. Or perhaps a family devastated by flood or fire or if you know someone who works with Habitat for Humanity it could be donated to a deserving family on move in day.
Hope the head gets better. I am a terrible hoarder so not good at giving advice about giving things away but I think something so lovely could be given to a local hospital to be raffle to raise money or something like that. My mother although very old knits lovely rugs and she donates them to he local hospital and they are raffled and make a lot of money and someone receives a nice rug.
Jacquie, thank you for your post over at KidsQuilts (quilts for comfort). I would love to take you up on your offer. My son is in the hospital right now and we won't be home until Monday. I will email you then if that is ok!!
I would donate the quilt. There are many organizations out there that would love to have a quilt to give to someone in need. We might think they are ugly but the receiver will love it.
So sorry for your migraine...hope it gets better sooner!
I would donate your quilt somewhere. There are many people who have very little and would cherish this quilt. If it is small...maybe a neonatal unit. or a little about Project Linus or Wrap Them In Love or even Pam Gwillim's Quilts for Mexico '08. Anyone would be delighted for such a wonderful gift!
I would say either donate it or give it away. Personally, if I won it, I would donate it! sorry for the migraine! HUGS
Let me add to the sympathy about your migraine. I get them like that too and have found something that works for me (and has for a few friends as well). Advil Sinus and Cold. (The kind you have to give ID for and buy at the pharmacy to make sure you don't have a meth lab in your basement...) Anyway, often one pill will work, but for one like you're having now, I take two immediately. I hope you have the same luck with it. It's a pretty cheap fix. (My doctor recommended trying this before prescription stuff and I never needed to get the prescription.)
I forgot to second the caffeine idea too. A good glass of coke to wash down those pills helps.
If it were me, I'd give it away. It will make someone very happy and I believe that being generous makes you happy too. I also believe that what goes around comes around - and all those other karmary things. Someone, somewhere needs the comfort that your quilt can bring - and I'm pretty sure that you will find them.
ps sorry about the migraine - hope you are better.
Sorry about your migraine. I've never had them myself, but have friends who do, so you have my sympathy.
There are so many wonderful ideas here already--I have nothing to add.
Sorry about your migraine.
I think donating the quilt, (which is lovely!) is a good idea. Maybe to a woman's shelter where it will bring a lot of beauty and comfort.
njkrocSorry to hear you are not feeling the best Jacquie...Your quilt is lovely...Here in AUS we have a lot of long term patients in Hospital and our quilt group often make quilts for these older patients they really love your local Hospital!!!!Take care..
Hope you're feeling all better. This quilt is beautiful. I'm sure you'll be "lead" about how to donate it. Hey-do you square your quilts before binding them? If so, can you share the process with me? I have a basic idea of what to do, but I SO don't want to cut off too much. I don't have a longarm, just a nice regular machine. Thanks in advance if you can help me out!
Ugh, I just had a migraine attack last night. It took a while for my eyesight to come back. And when it did, the pounding headache began. My head still feels very sore and tender today, like someone took a baseball bat to it. I hope you recover soon. Migraines are awful!
I love the colors of your quilt. Purple happens to be my favorite color. I really love the muted tones of this quilt. Giving it away shouldn't be hard at all. Anyone should feel grateful to receive such a wonderful gift.
Jacquie, hope the migraine has broken. Haven't had one myself in a while.
As already mentioned, QOV and Project Linus are great causes. I'm sure you'll find the right place for this treasure.
(P.S. The peaches are about 1500 miles away but you're welcome to them.)
Hi Jacquie - I am so sorry you are suffering from migraines - wish I was closer to help you out!!
As for giving it away, I think it is absolutely beautiful - why not do a drawing for it - or give it away for a local charity? The church I am working for has a Peace Auction every July of handmade goodies (I'm trying to decide if I have enough time to make a twin sized quilt for it) and all the funds raised go for disaster relief here in the USA - we are hoping to raise $10,000 to help out farmers in Iowa this year - we always cherish the homemade quilts that come in because they are so special (and incidently our district colors are blues and purples) and people love snatching them up.
Hope you're feeling better,
I'm sure what ever you decide to do with that quilt, it will be well loved. I like the purples, although it is not my favorite color, it is starting to grow on me. What pattern is this? Love it. HOpe the migrane leaves you as soon as possible, they are torture.
I hope you feel better now Jacquie!
I think there are already some wonderful causes to donate the quilt to!
Hi Jacquie! I am sorry you were (hopefully!) suffering from a migraine. I get them too and can't take a thing for them so I usually end up in bed with a hot rice thingy on my head!
As for the quilt - having been a recipient of one from Project Linus, I am all for that! I have one that I have to get to my local donation site. I want to give back since they gave to me in my difficult time.
I think this quilt is beautiful, but then again purple used to be my favorite color before green took its place. How about doing an online auction and then donating the proceeds to a charity of your choice?
Sorry about the migraine. Hope you have recovered. Project Linus is always a good place for a quilt. My daughter, who has congenital heart disease, is 34 and was just in the hospital and received a quilt from Project Linus. Since she has congenital disease she is always on a pediatric floor, even at the age of 34. She also quilts. As a matter of fact she just received a quilt from you in a give away. Anyways, she really appreciated the quilt while she was so sick. I am also sure if you have a give away many of us will join in.
You quilt is so might want to 'give' it to a favorite women's shelter etc...for them to use/display?????
Hi Jacquie, you've received so many great ideas both about the quilt and your headache. I get migraines sometimes although much less in the past couple of years. When I find one beginning I take extra-strength Advil gelcaps made specifically for migraines, and sometimes some coffee helps, but once it gets going, it takes a few Advil to get rid of the pain although the sluggishness that always accompanies migraines when I get them, never goes regardless of what I do.
I think your quilt is beautiful - I love purple - even have a purple kitchen and hallway. I'm sure any of the mentioned charities would be very happy to receive it. I've thought of making quilts for children in hospital who have terminal illnesses or who are fighting cancer - something special just for them.
All the best, and I hope your headache disappears soon.
Jacquie, I am unsure if you have already found a new home for your quilt. I am Alison from over at KidsQuilts. My son was in the hospital and we just got home on the weekend. I think I am back in the swing of things now.I have a lovely young lady who has a brother who has spent over 6 months of the past year in the hospital. I believe she would be the perfect match for your quilt.......if you have not already found a home. Please email me if it still needs a loving home!
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