An organized closet...left side my vintage sheets, tablecloths and thrifted fabric as well as upholstery weight fabric and a place to hang completed blocks and completed tops. I tried to put things on the left that I don't need to access very often. Those sliding closet doors drive me nuts.
Right side...fabric stash, batting, ribbon pillow forms...again, supplies I use most often.
I organized my scraps by color. Don't you just love the fabric labels. You should have seen that hot mess...every scrap I have dumped in the middle of the floor. I'm so proud of how it looks now and maybe I can work with my scraps better this way.
Here's that shelf I wanted...projects I'm piecing have their own home. Of course there will be projects on top of projects soon, but at least they have a place.
My quilting and sewing books on the top shelf where they belong. Work books below. Now that's prioritizing!
The room needed some cleaning and organizing to stand up to that fabulous newly covered IBC!
A clean place to read, work and blog.
Sewing corner.
Bought this journal yesterday...plans are to journal each quilt I've made. While going through the scraps I pulled small pieces from each quilt to be a part of this journal. I'm excited to get started.

Lastly, I've been given some lovely awards over the last week or so. Penny of Penny Quilts and Randi of Allen Quilts have given me the Arte y Pico award and Amy at 4Patch and Chaletgirl have given me the Brilliant Web Blog Award. You all probably know all about these. I'm so thrilled that folks enjoy this blog. All of these ladies have great blogs. If they aren't familiar to you...definitely check them out.
I'm not very good at accepting and passing on either, but I did want to share a new blog with you. If there was an award for "witty commenter" she would win hands down. Take some time to meet Kate at Katekwiltz. Here's what she said to my Border Dispute Resolved post. "Does this mean now that the border dispute has been resolved that you move into binding arbitration?" I almost spit my coffee out onto my laptop when I read her comment. She's a card! So head on over and say hi and welcome her into this fab crafty blog community. Tell her Jacquie sent you.
your room looks fabulous! I love the clean, organized look. I need to purge and reorganize my space's starting to get that "used" look :)
Your cleaning/organizing is inspiring! And thanks for the props!
You are sew organized - love it.'s not motivating me to organize mine just yet - maybe next month - hehe.
What a great room! And very organized! Good for you. The journal is a wonderful and fun idea :-)
Jacquie you are way too neat & tidy. Are you sure you don't want to come help me??? I will be sure to post some pictures of my mess tonight. You can see what you are in for then.
oh my, your sewing/quilting room looks like heaven!!! Can I come over and play??
DIFFERENT Penny here -
I love your studio. And you separate your scraps by color???? DUH!!! Why hadn't I thought of that. That is the only way I will ever get them organized. How perfect! Thanks for the tip.
I love your room! I'm a spreader, too, and have finally resolved to let myself spread somewhat during a project, but to put back every so often, and always when a project is done. So far, I'm in more control than before. I hate not being able to find what I need.
You're right -- Katekwiltz has a wonderful blog! I just discovered it and have really been enjoying it.
You have such a wonderful work space. Love all your organization too. Everything is so pretty and neat with all your great supplies and books right at your fingertips.
Thanks for mentioning me too-that was nice of you.
Well, that looks more like a haven than a workspace! Wow! And I like your journal. Right now I only use a small photo album to hold photos with info on the back of each picture.
As for the shelves, could you just remove the closet door?
In my closet is an old medicine cart from the last place I worked, when they went to a computerized system. Right now it holds all my rubberstamping stuff that I'm not ready to give away just yet. Also are two rolling plastic bin carts with various and sundry items. If I got rid of some of that, I might have more room....nah. I'll just have to struggle a bit.
Oh, boy! Your room is fantastic and I can truly appreciate the work that went into getting it to that point.
I get my little space cleaned up and then it just gets buried again..especially if someone is coming over, because I have to hide the other messes somewhere!
Good for you and congrats on your awards, you deserve them.
great job it's time to mess it up again! ;o)
wow now that is clean...(I'm trying not to covit your space LOL)
how wonderful to be soooo organized...
I love it. Thanks for sharing. It's very inspiring.
wow, your room is amazing, and even more amazing is it only took you a day, it would have taken me weeks..........
Holy crap!! Your space looks amazing. Very sleek and hip! Wow! You would die if you saw where I sew as it is very dark and not very useful. And my sewing machine is from the 1950s. Wow!! I studied all the great colors and prints in your stash and am totally jealous! :)
All I can say is WOW!
What a gorgeous make -over you have given your room! Love all your fabrics stacked so neatly! Colour co-ordinating your scraps was a great idea.
oh gee. this is nice. it just looks so peaceful and happy. is that how i would feel if i tried to get mysefl organized. maybe i should try a little harder.
Everything looks wonderful, so organized and attractive. I think I need to get back into my closet and get it looking better.
Oh my goodness. What a bunch of neatness. It's looks wonderful.
Love your space! Glad you found a journal for your quilts - lots of fun :)
geeez, I thought you were Kidding about living in a no purple zone....alas, not a scrap of purple anywhere!!
looks great! I'm nowhere near as organized. I have a system...understood only by myself...and as I no longer have a sewing space, I just clear enough room for the project at hand. :-)
I started a journal, thinking I'd add pics of each quilt as I make them...but I'm too excited to give the quilt to it's intended owner to remember to take a pick...sad but true.
oh, did I mention I'm pisces?
Your work space is just lovely and so organized!! I know we shouldn't be envious..........but I am envious!
What a beautiful room! It looks great. I love your wall of blocks!
Fantabulous sewing space. I love clean and neat but oh my things get messy sometimes. Thanks for the tip on the new blog. I'm heading on over!!!!!!!!! Happy Sewing.
I am VERY impressed with your organisational skills and so you should be proud. What a great idea to colour code your scraps. I at least have them in one basket, but all dumpted in together. I was loving your containers too. Well done!
Your space is gorgeous! All those lovely fabrics to chose from. Wow.
your room looks great... I hate those sliding closet doors too. so I took mine out and hung curtains..
I am so much happier and I can see everything all at once.
Wow you did a great job getting organized.
What an awesome stash you have, I LOVE all your fabric.
thanks for the tour of your studio! it's wonderful.
What a fantastic room - I love it so much! Looks like something out of a magazine. You are seriously talented, Jacquie!
Isn't it nice to have it all cleaned up and organized.? you do very well in such a small space. I don't have a closet in my studio so it's all out where you can see it. I'm a spreader too and my room is off the kitchen so I have the kitchen table littered too....
It looks amazing!
I've been wanting to get a journal for the very same reason. Where did you get your's it's pretty. ;o) ~jodi
so beautiful and organized. I love the hanging quilt tops!
I love this room, I wish I could have one but my appartment is so small...
Well, maybe it's time to plan for a new home ;)
Seeing your studio/work area is so fun! You look amazingly orgnaized right now. I am also in desperate need of a reorg. I think the only problem would be that I would get a good look at exactly how much fabric I have- and I still would want more!
what a fabulous room!
What did you use to hang the quilt blocks on the wall? I'm looking to do the same thing and don't know where to start!!
Congratulations!! Everyhting looks wonderful! I need to do something about my projects on projects very soon!
I wish I had my sewing room looking that organized!!
Yeah, a bit late in the game, but I am in complete awe of your sewing area! Your clear desk really struck me. It's so peaceful and serene. Everything is, really. Thank you so much for sharing it all :)
That is a wonderful space. Quick question, do you find the wall colour skews your view of the fabric at all?
Oh, and what qualifies as a scrap for you?
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