I joined Wendy and a group of folks at The Running Quilter and am renewing my commitment to be crafty (not a problem), creative (doing my best) and fit (it's harder as I get older.) I hit the big 5 0 last year. I'm not much for freaking out about age, but as "old" creeps up, at least for me, health and fitness need to move up on the priority list. It doesn't come naturally any more...I need to be more overt about it. I joined the local YWCA last summer and I've been doing pretty well. I feel so much better on the days that I exercise. For me it's about being and staying active and healthy. I'm not a runner like Wendy or my husband, but I've been athletic and strong most of my life and I want to keep my body in good shape. I've been a slacker...lots of good excuses like busy life, demanding job etc. etc., but no longer. I want to live long and live well. The goal is 4 out of 5 days during the week I hit the gym and at least one day on the weekend I get physical...tennis, riding my bike, walking the park...whatever. I can do this! Thanks for the inspiration, Wendy! You can read more about Wendy on her blog. Just click the picture on my sidebar to check her out. Want to join us?
Good on you Jacqui....I walk 5 out of 7 days but I am struggling at the moment I don't like the cold and the mornings have been freezing.
Good for you...I, like you, am doing just fine in the "creative" and "crafty" categories. With two preschoolers at home, I'm hoping that chasing them around and cleaning up their messes qualifies as getting fit!
Great idea - I have started going to the gym and am feeling better already. I think I get more crafty some done when i feel better too.
Oh, my..I could have been your baby sitter! This is something that I need to do too! No gyms around here, but I could bench press two Newfoundland dogs, go for a walk and JUST DO IT. Thanks for the inspiration.
Go for it! Last year I trained for a 3-day, 60-mile walk, and really loved how I felt! As soon as I heal from this surgery, I plan to be back at the walking. One really does have to work harder at staying fit as the years go by ...
This is great timing. I am moving into our new house today, and am hoping to get into the routine of things pretty soon. I do see that I get more done when I am exercising regularly, and that includes more sewing and quilting as well, so that is a good thing.
Great idea, its good to actually look after your health before you actually lose it! Am not able to join you as need to be careful with the knees until they are replaced but I do not drive so walk everywhere. 50 and onwards is such a time of freedom really, so it makes sense to be strong enough to enjoy it. Congratulations on your commitment Jacquie.
good for you!!
keep at it!
Good for you!!!
I went to have a look, and I am thinking I may join. I have been wanting to start running again, but of course I have a lot of excuses. First off....I need some shoes. LOL!
Maybe this is just what I need..
It does get harder when you get older. I think the key is to keep yourself motivated and try to keep the routine going, just doing some sort of exercise most days of the week. Once you find all kind of excuses not to exercise or when you stop stop exercising alltogether it will be so much harder to get the whole thing going again.
Amen to everything, I turned the big 50 last year also. I totally know where you are coming from at this point.
Good for you!! Sounds like a great motivator. I know how you feel about the "good excuses", I've been coming up with too many myself lately. I'm gonna go check out Wendy's blog and maybe join up myself. As a former marathoner I would love to have the motivation and support of others who are also 'crafty, crative and fit'. I'll be cheering you on, I know you can do it! :cD
And why is it that as we get older, our body groans louder when we do exercise?
Thanks for sharing about this, I'm joining for sure! I can always use the motivation. Just started running myself.
I love walking for my exercise, but am not as motivated as I should be.
By the way, I made that design wall you suggested. Thanks so much for the tip, it was easy to make. Now if I just had some decent looking pcs to put on it!
Hi Jacquie - good for you! I'm a walker, usually with my dogs. Am wanting to make more of an effort to eat more healthfully though. Will join you!
Thanks for the post and thanks for joining! The commitment to stay fit is half the battle....Wendy :)
you've been tagged
what a great goal! How fun it is to have some partners in crime for extra motivation!
good luck on your fitness challenge. I have been trying to become more active. I used to be better at it, but it seems like there aren't enough hours in the day!
keep it up!! i have noticed too how the older i get, the more important it is to stay in shape, as i get sore, and tired a lot faster. i need to get motivated!
I have been looking for inspiration to return to the gym-could be your post has become the last straw-I have an injury (hence the long absence) but I could do partial workouts.thanks !
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