Labels on quilts are so important. For me it's like making my own bit of history. Then why don't I do it? Here are all the quilts that need labels. It's a bit embarrassing. Some have even been returned to me or taken off beds to get their label. This week is label making week. I'm trying to come up with something that will be me, that will fit the quilt, and have enough info to make it meaningful, but not overwhelming. Do you label?
I haven't labeled yet, and I so need to! I have had a tough time coming up with the final look of it though. Good luck with yours!!
I don't label yet - but I really need to!! Good luck
I use to try and make really cool labels to match each one of my quilts. Now I simply sign my name and the title, if there is one, on the back. Much easier!
Given I'm usually under deadline, it's rare that I have time for a label! I stitch a "signature" in the corner with my initials and the year...better than nothing, yes?
I think about labeling my quilts. Does that count? Maybe you could inspire us (me) by showing how you label your quilts.
I label all mine (as of this year anyway...)
I have a really cool stamp from sweetpapery.com that I stamp then add the deets in fabric marker. You can see shots of it on varioud places on my blog.
I know I need to but so far haven't! I think I keep getting hung up on the fabric marker - but I learned recently I can use permanent. I need to go back and just do it - then get creative for the next.
I know I'm supposed to...but I haven't yet. I'm usually so excited that I actually made and finished a quilt that the idea of a label goes right out the window.
I so want to find a good way to label my quilts. And so far, I haven't been able to come up with anything :-(
I really need to get to it, because I really want to label the quilts I'm making for Christmas this year...
I haven't labeled, but I'll give it some thought. Maybe I'll start.
Perhaps this will give me the big push I need to get labels done...especially on my Autumn Quilt!
Aw it is one of my new years resolutions every year and i break it. No labels here. I really hate that about myself because quilts are so important to me and I want them to be remembered and want whoever has them to know something about the quilts history. Every quilt tells a story and without the label - there isn't a complete picture. Arghhhh I have gotta start doing this.
I don't label, but I wish I did...it's just one more thing to do before finishing a quilt, and sadly it gets omitted.
Yup, add me to the list as well. I'm not a labeler though I know I should. I can't decide on size or design of the label. I'd love to see what you come up with.
Not made that many quilts yet. I forgot to label all the quilts I gave away except for the pink-ribbon one.
I bought machine printable fabric to make labels. I want to make a coloured devliegendekoe logo/lay-out and use my colour printer. All it needs then have is to iron the printed fabric on the back side so the ink will dry and wash the label to remove all the toner that’s not gone into the fabric. Wow, can you follow this rattle??
I like to label the quilt, generally, I will at least hand embroider my initals and the year. To be fancy, I recently made a cross stitch label for a gift quilt, and that worked out very well. I just embroidered on the cross stitch material, and then I cut it out and finished the edges, and hand sewed it down. And for a quick hint, my sewing machine will write a couple of words, so I can make that and hem it to the back. I just did that for the first time the other day.
Good luck with the labelling - can' wait to see what you come up with!!
So nice to see such a beautiful collection of finished quilts!!!! I do lable mine and I also labour over what it will look like. Have fun!
Well, I've only made one quilt and I just stuck a name label in the binding when I sewed it up. I think if I made a lot of quilts i would def. make a label and date it and name the quilt though. I bet it will feel SO good to have all those lovely quilts labeled!
I either label or if the binding is a light color I'll write along the backside of that, which maybe isn't the best idea in case the binding wears out.
I've labeled my swaps, of course, and some of the pieces I've given away. I didn't label my daughter's quilts, but I have several tops that haven't been sandwiched yet that I plan to label now that I'm getting into the habit.
Well, sometimes I actually get around to making and sewing on a label. I try to do it for the ones I give away, but not so good on the ones I keep. I'm a few (!) years behind...to the point that I don't exactly remember what year I made the quilt! I used to try to get fancy with the handwriting and embroidery and all that, but I'll settle for a stamped frame and handwritten info now! Good luck on getting yours done!
I have labeled a few quilts, but that's it. I don't enjoy doing it, and I have mixed feelings about whether it's always necessary. But some quilts should be labeled and I am working on being better about putting them on. Good luck with yours this week!
a worthy goal- good luck! I label the majority of my quilts-all that I give away for sure. Some of the ones from the early years...still need one.
I don't label, Well, I take that back, my kids' baby quilts were embroidered in one corner with "Sugars' Lovey Made by Mom 200-" But that was more so everyone would know who's it was at school and that it was special.
My quilts are made to be used, I don't expect any of them to last more than a few years, I want them loved to pieces, so why label??
I have become a labeler. It has become part of the process. I sew them in with the binding.
I have never labeled any of my quilts before...I really should start doing this! Thanks for the motivation :)
I get behind on making labels as well. one day I added about 5-8 and i tried to resolve to not get behind again. it's easier to label the ones I am giving away. the ones that stay here at home are the ones I procrastinate on.
I had two books with iron on labels. They were cute, I got enthused and ironed several on fabric, thinking I would just have them on hand when I needed one. Well several months later I looked at them, they were all BAD! they had 'bled'...the lines were smeared and bleeding, it was wierd. The only thing I wonder about it that the fabric used had not been prewashed. It was very disappointing.
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