Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Pillow Party

My hubby jetted off to Chicago and my son headed to his girlfriends for dinner and the evening and what do you know...a house to myself...didn't have to cook or do dishes, so I got productive. Got lots of work done quickly and had time to sew. I decided to have a bit of a pillow party so I could do a little more free motion practice before I tackle a quilt. I've had these sewn and sitting on my design wall for weeks so it was great to quilt them and have new pillows for the family room. My quilting is getting better. I'm learning to look ahead and not at the needle and I'm starting to get smoother curves and more even stitches. I'm still wondering how to handle the bulk of a quilt, but as many of my bloggy friends say, "just do it." So a quilt is next up.

These pillows are made from a vintage quilt I picked up dirt cheap. It was terribly damaged and I could barely stand the ride home because it stunk so bad. I soaked it and hung it in the sun daily for over a week and now it's pretty much fresh as a daisy. These will be Christmas gifts. I think I can get maybe 3 more pillows from the quilt so I may make some for myself too. The hand quilting on this quilt was simply amazing, so it was definitely worth saving. I have a bit of an obsession with rescuing vintage quilts. I hate to see someone's beautiful work languishing and so many can be saved with just a bit of effort. The fabrics in this one are so interesting too.

I played a bit with my hourglass quilt to come up with a layout that I liked. I didn't have enough of the hourglass blocks to make a quilt, so first I added the solids in lime, black, pink, and pomegranate. I loved their addition. I finally decided on a layout where I used a strip of the hourglass blocks, then varying widths of 3 of the solids, another section of the hourglass blocks and then a large section of the pomegranate solid. I like it. I think it takes a traditional block and gives it a modern twist. I will tell you this quilt is not for the faint of heart or color shy. It's bold and bright and may even enter the wild category. I scheduled this to post at noon so I hope it happens. Thanks for the response to the giveaway. I'm slowly catching up on my blog reading. See you soon!


Lorna said...

I just dropped on your blog via a link from Bettynija - I love your quilts - oh how I wish I had 1/100th of your talent - off to toodle some more around your blog - Lorna

nettie said...

I love the solids mixed with the hourglasses!

And the pillows are awesome, especially the "rescued" ones. What a great way to save a quilt.

Unknown said...

Loving your pillows! I have that fabric with the circles...from IKEA. I love it!! The vintage pillows are lovely and your quilting is great. I definitely am loving the hourglass quilt!!

brown robin said...

Do you love free motion quiting as much as I do? It's like running for me... I love the freedom of it. I can't wait to see your finished quilt. The pillows are beautiful!

Browndirtcottage said...

old quilt pillows...what a great idea......good design on these

Purple and Paisley said...

wow - every single item in today's post? absolutely gorgeous!

Sarah said...

yay! sewing time! love the pillows and the quilt! yum!

Tine said...

The pillows are wonderful! I think your quilting looks beautiful :-)
And your hourglass-quilt is looking really really good. I like the solid blocks.

Exuberantcolor/Wanda S Hanson said...

That's a great use for parts of an old quilt. I agree it is nice to be able to salvage the hand quilting.

Re:pink-black-white: no,not for the faint of heart but for the adventuresome. It is so neat and graphic. I love the solids in there. Again I should take a lesson from you.

Your free motion quilting looks good. Just jump in and quilt. Be sure to have the quilt supported so it can't slip off the table (on big ones).

crafty diane said...

I love the pillows you made from that old quilt! What a fabulous idea! I have a quilt I made my daughter when she was almost two. That was 19 years ago and unfortunately it has been washed many, many times through the years and is really worn in places. I think making her pillows out of it would be a great idea. Thank you for the idea!
Have a Blessed Day,

Alissa said...

I love all three! The new pillows are beautiful, the old quilt pillows are beautiful and I love the hour glass layout!! The solids really do give it a new modern touch. Lovely!

Becky said...

I love the pillows. Missed you at guild.

Anonymous said...

The hourglass quilt is looking terrific, love the colours, and those pillows are terrific, such great colours.

Sara said...

The hourglasses are totally awesome! Just way too cute! And the pillows look great - you are so talented!

Melanie O said...

Love the pillows. What a great way to rescue an old quilt - beautiful!

QuiltedSimple said...

Your quilting is very good - love both the pillows. And I love the hourglass quilt- how bright and cheerful!

Shannon said...

This quilt definitely NEEDS to come to my house!

I admire you for being brave to free-motion...

Anonymous said...

The quilt I made for my son is also in the eye-catching/sear the retinas out variety. Jis is blue and green with orange. Sounds revolting but it works.

I've decided that I really love working with the brights. With all the time that a quilt takes, why not make a statement?

(Good luck with the free motion quilting. I signed up for a class but it's not till next year.)

Two Dogs and a Quilt said...

LOVE the vintage quilt pillows. What a wonderful gift. And the hourglass quilt is so striking.

Lisa said...

Your pillows are great! what a good idea to do with that stinky vintage quilt! It looks marvelous! and I am just lovin' that hourglass quilt!!!!!! did you use a specific collection of fabrics or mix and match?

Julie said...

Will you blog more on free motioning? How do you drop the feed dogs? How do you know what pattern to make? How do you know where to go? I like the "just do it" advice.

Cami said...

i just love your hourglass quilt, i like bright and bold fabrics. I really like that you added bits of plain fabrics in between all the hourglasses. It really makes it unique.
I love the pillows, and the vintage ones are fantastic! I agree, I don't think someones hard work should go to waste. What a great idea to save them.

MichelleB said...

The hourglass quilt looks great! And I love the quilted pillows. They turn out terrific. What a great idea for the vintage quilt, too.

Miri said...

Loved both sets of pillows-the old and the new. The hourglass quilt is looking good too-great idea to mix in the solids

Unknown said...

Love your pillows! And I love that you can add the solids to your hourglass randomly. . . i have the hardest time with that! (can you hear the grumble!?) Glad you got some time to yourself - that makes for a good night!

Abby and Stephanie said...

I know the old quilts are happy to be fresh, clean, and loved again! Great pillows! I thnk your quilt is terrific.

Amy said...

Those vintage squares are awesome. Your quilting looks great - your a pro already!

MightyMom said...

Purple!! You have Purple!!! YIPEEEEEE!! :-)

good job on saving that quilt. holy cow that's a lot of quilting!! I wonder what the batting is? plain cotton requiring 1-2" quilting maybe??

That hourglass is AWESOME! It's bright and spunky and just looks like you all over!

whew! you go a lot done, must need rest....

The DO said...

That hourglass quilt is really cute, I really love the color combo; those solid squares really make the hourglass ones shine. And your hour quilt is too cute:) I didn't enter, I figured I was already lucky enough to have the teacup quilt, and, well, it's good to share:)

Beth said...

Wow - you were productive! Ah, those quiet evenings. Few and far between here, but they do happen. The pillows are lovely.

Fran said...

You should have called this post ""Pillow Talk" instead of pillow party, because those pillows are speaking out loud and clear.
Your free motion is improving with everything you put out there. Keep up the great work. As for the re-cycled old quilt...did you say those pillows were ear-marked for Christmas gifts? Can I be on your gift list? They are beautiful! What a wonderful testamony to the original quilter, who I am sure spent too many hours to count, quilting that old quilt. If she could see it now!!!

I really, really like your hourglass quilt, and I admire the talent you have for going out on your own and creating your own design, wonderful, it grows along with you as you grow creatively.


em's scrapbag said...

Love your festive pillows and the ones from the old quilt are lovely. What a great idea. The solids in your hexagon quilt are great. They really pop.

Karen said...

Your pillows are absolutely adorable and I espically love that your took something old (smelly quilt) and made something new. Way to go! Also, your hour glass quilt just makes me smile;)))

Cheryl Arkison said...

Good luck with the free motion. It is a lot easier than you think. When it comes to the big quilts, work in sections. And keep the rest of the quilt supported, by your own body or the table behind the sewing machine. The less the quilt hangs the easier it will be to maneuver. And if your machine has the ability to move at half speed then use that. Good luck!

dutchcomfort said...

What a great find, those vintage quilts!
You’ve made them into wonderful new cushions.

The hourglass quilt is gorgeous!

Peg - Happy In Quilting said...

Great pillows and the hourglass quilt, I love it...

Cher said...

oh, this bright colorful quilt top is great-and love the vintage quilt turned into pillows-nice save. I free motion best by working in a small area and stopping often to re-adjust and figure out where I want to go next to quilt. I like to quilt to music as well. I am sure you will find your own style and the more you do, the more fun you will have

Kieny The Dutchlady said...

I'm happy you rescued a quilt and made something new and beautiful out of it. As always I love your colour choices and the hourglass quilt looks great!

Marie' said...

The lime color pops! I like where you are going with this one.

Amanda Jean said...

your projects are all so wonderful, Jacquie! I adore the pillows that you made from the old quilt. they are so wonderfully fabulous.

Nanette Merrill said...

I love the power of the colors in your hourglass quilt. They make a beautiful statement. Very artisic and fun to look at. Those pillows are so darling. You are a lucky recycler. And those that get them will be even luckier.

Jane's Fabrics and Quilts said...

Hooly Mooly, I am in love with that quilt, it is just amazing!

Anonymous said...

I love the pillows so much...
jackie, i think now I addicted to sew my patchwork. that's why I didn't post any in my craft blog on these days...:)
Have a nice weekend!

Anonymous said...

You make me feel like a complete sluggard! Great work, love the pillows. Such a good idea to make pillows from the lovingly worn vintage quilt. I've framed the good pieces of old quilts before. Okay, dangit I'm getting off the computer and getting productive. Start calling you "litte miss motivator"!

Alice Grace said...

I love the pillows! and the hourglass quilt! Your work is flawless!

prettywithribbons said...

wow - good job saving the quilts!

Unknown said...

omg, those cushions are fabulous! I really need to take the plunge and master free motion quilting, a cushion is a perfect way to practise - thanks for the tip!!!!

Levin said...

i love your pillows. and i love your idea of practicing free motion quilting on them.
i love the idea of saving quilts too. they can have such a history.

Anonymous said...

I love what you did with the old quilts. That is such a wonderful idea and prolongs the life of the piece.

The pillows are a great idea too. My daughters love pillows and I've been putting off learning to free motion quilt for too long. I'll have to try it out on a few pillows of my own.

calicodaisy said...

Pillows! We were doing the same thing this week, however, I wish I would practice the free motion quilting. I took a class and have a great machine for it but just haven't done so. -- Michele

Molly said...

Again, I love, love, love your work! The pillows and the hourglass quilt--exquisite! And thanks so much for your comment about my baby--you are so right; when he's fine, I'll be fine.

Jodie said...

Loving those "rescued" pillows - what a fantastic thing to do!

jovaliquilts said...

I'm loving the hourglass quilt! Great layout. I love seeing how traditional patterns can be transformed with modern fabrics, too.