Sarah, and
Lisa live in the polka dot house with all the windows. They are quilty house mavens and provide inspiration for the rest of us with their fabulous work. Lynn and Joanna live next door. Everyone needs applique experts and all around good eggs on their block. Ellen and her "snarky seam ripper" live in that little blue house. Who wouldn't want an girl with a fabulous eye and a quick wit as a neighbor? She would probably be a good drinking partner too. See that cheerful little yellow house bathed in sunshine? I think Amy, Nettie, AmandaJean, Nanette, Tine and Nicolette might like to live there. Those ladies always have a kind and encouraging word. Of course, we might have to build an addition on the back to house all their fabric and all of their quilts. Wanda lives in the house on the end with the double doors. She needs some room for all that fabric, all those projects and 50 plus years of quilting experience which she doesn't hesitate to share with the rest of us. And then there's those high rise loft apartments on the end. Kris, Em, Melissa, Victoria, Audrey, Janis, Rebekah, Stephanie, Madge, Dawn...there's room for everyone. Every apartment is equipped with a sewing machine, large cutting table and housekeeping. Oh, I think I forgot to add the local quilt shop...maybe it could be just around the corner.
Emily of Ravenhill probably said it best, "quilting is such an adventure..."
This is just my funny way of saying thank you for all of you wonderful folks who visit this little blog and provide the knowledge and encouragement that is helping me become better at what I love to do. Check out the comments from my last post, you can find the links to all these wonderful folks and even more that I haven't mentioned. I appreciate every one of you.
Oh, and Wendy, maybe you'd like to live here too? Would you be interested in personal training? I think we'd be able to pay you in fabric.
There are more houses under construction. Want to move in?
I was rolling on the floor laughing about your post. What an excellent story to tell :)
I think what you did with the houses are wonderful. Keep experimenting!
LOL! I love the yellow house!! What a great street to live on! And very very beautiful!
What a dreamy neighborhood! Speaking of gratitude--I wanted to say thanks to you for being an inspiration to me! I just machine quilted a quilt (and survived!). In between the end of the summer semester and the beginning of the fall semester (yay college!) I whipped up a sweet little lap quilt for my momma. I took a LOT of chances and stepped out of my comfort zone, and it turned out great. Whew! Thanks!! (I guess now I just need a blog so I can share pics, eh?)
Would love to move into a room in one of the new "under construction" homes! Ha! Such a cute post!
Jacquie, what a great post! thanks for including me!!! How did you make that wonderful sun!!? it looks almost painted!!! I would love to live on a cheery street like that ALL the time!!!
Now that is a neighborhood I'd like to move in to!
Love your House blocks!
That is a cute post. I wish I had read your post yesterday... I was having the same kind of day, and it would have helped to know.
Your houses re adorable.
Love your houses and I can use some sunshine indeed!
I actually do live in a tiny little yellow brick house!! And I love yours!
I think it will be great to live on Tallgrass Prairie Road! (sounds almost like the Beatles...LOL!
Thanks for making room for me in your neighborhood. I'll definately take you up on the house keeping. What a fun post.
I'm packing my stuff and moving in! thanks for making room for me!
and if you didn't already know it, your work is an inspiration to me. i love it!
The quilt blocks are adorable!
I'm so excited! My very own place with sewing machine, cutting table and endless fabric! I'm so there!!
These little houses are so so adorable. Someday i'm going to hit you up for some advice on applique since you saved my cathedral windows....
Woo Hoo I'm packin' up and moving in!!! What a fun post!!! I would love to live on a street full of quilters - sounds like heaven to me!!
What a sweet and darling post. How thoughtful of you to mention all of us Jacquie. What a great blog neighborhood we all create. I've never thought of it quite that way!
I've been enjoying making houses this week too. Well not as many or as cute as yours!
So cute! Wouldn't that be great to all live near eachother. We could just walk next door for some ideas if we got stuck on a project!
These houses are fantastic! So cheerful and homey-he he... Thank you for leaving a space for me in that high-rise! It sounds fantastic to live on Tallgrass Prairie Road and be surrounded by such artistic and inspirational people. You have definitely inspired me in many ways; Thank you so much for your creations and your eloquent words.
What a perfect neighborhood you've created! Well equipped too...sewing machines, wonderful quilty folks, AND a quilt store too! Who wouldn't love living there!!!
Great post...what a wonderful street to live in with all that amazing knowledge.
Oh, Jacquie, what a wonderful post. I love, love what you are doing here.
I am so honored to be included, especially since I am not (yet?) a quilter. You warm my heart to no end and I absolutely know that when I wake up tonight at 2:00 or 3:00 I will have a huge smile on my face and a giggle just waiting to erupt.
I love my house, I love my neighborhood and I am right there out front with my snarky seam ripper. I am also eternally grateful that we all have housekeepers and a nearby fabric store. I think this place is a bit like Lake Wobegon, because certainly we are all a little above average.
I'll have the drinks tray out in just a few minutes!
Thanks again for including me.
Happy weekend..see you ALL on the front porches.
What a cute little post Jacquie! I'm really liking the house idea, it's like playing dolls with real live people! How fun!
I wanna move in!!!
fabulous! it's gonna make a great quilt!!
Delightful little houses! I'd *love* to live in such a neighborhood :- )
Thanks for giving me the double doors. It is so hard to get through a single door with a huge storage box full of fabric, LOL. I know because I have tried it. I would love to live on a block of all quilters.
I would love to move to your "block". It's just adorable...and you were so worried...silly girl;)
I LOVE your story and the yellow house is perfect! If only we were really all so close together :)
Thanks! I appreciate you too.
Very clever post!
So bright and wonderfull, what more can i say, But just love them,
On a dull day they will warm my heart as so cheerfull.
Thankyou so much
I got my bags packed! When do you get the Certificate of Occupancy?
This is great! I so appreciate being included!
Oh, I really wish I could live in such a delightful neighborhood, in such wonderfully constructed and colorful homes, surrounded by such lovely kind, talented, and fun people! (I think that from now on if I am having a not so great day, I will imagine myself there, and I know my mood will instantly lift!)
What a cute inspiration!
Cute little houses! I love them! They are so funky and happening!
I think those houses are fantastic. I like the way you stitched around them with black thread.
can I move into one of the apartments........sounds perfect.....
Haha..Jacquie, so cute...
I wanna move in for this fall and learn quilting there:)
oh yes, what a great street to live on! who wouldnt want to live here?? all the ladies you mentioned at fabulous and really creative spirits, we are lucky to have them, and YOU here in blogland!!
These are seriously adorable! You did a fantastic job with them. Now *everyone* will want to live there!
Great post!
I wanna movie in NOW!!! I LOVE your houses, they are completely superb!!!!
I want to join the neighborhood. Too colorful for words but not fabric. Thanks for the great post.
I Love it! The houses reminds me of a quilt my mom had on her bed when I was little. So sweet!
you've created such a fun little community! I just got some fusible web this weekend, so I'm going to be trying a test run of Betty's block soon :)
Thanks so much for making a polkadot house for me, I love all the light that comes in from the windows!
How I wish I lived in that house for real! Next to all those creative women, it would be so much fun!!!
the houses are adorable, I'd love to live in one!!!
I am so packing my bags. I couldn't think of better roommates. :)
I love the houses!!!! LOVE them.
These are great!
Fantastic houses! I'm loving what you are doing here. Way to stretch yourself and try something new! You inspire me!
Ok, that is ridiculously awesome. I'm so glad I live there!
Now that's my kind of neighborhood!
Love love love the houses!
You have won an award! Go to my blog and pick it up!
Cute entry! I'd be more than happy to move into that neighborhood!! I can just imagine...instead of asking your neighbor "can I borrow a cup of sugar?" you can ask "Can I borrow a half yard of that beautiful green and blue swirl fabric?" ;cD Just let me know when I can move in :cD
Oh yes - I'd love to move to this neighbourhood! Please can I live next door to Tine and Amy - they brighten my day and inspire me to sew and share! As do you - what lovely, lovely houses! Your work is so very unique.
Wow - love this Jacquie, absolutely gorgeous!
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