Hey everyone...are you out there today? I could use a few opinions. I had some time to work on the redwork quilt that I'm doing collaboratively with my mom. This is the layout that I'm currently thinking about. It's not even close to my original sketch, but you probably knew that. I want the quilt to showcase my mom's redwork and have an antique feel. I'm worried about the red blocks. I feel like they are big blobs on the quilt. Does it look good as is? Should those red blocks be something pieced...like 4 or nine patches with all the fabric from the fans? I am looking for a red and white ticking-like stripe for a small inner border and then the large rose fabric as a wide outer border. Nothing (obviously) is set in stone. What do you guys think? This quilt is so important to me. I want it to be the best it can be.
What about this? Still too much?

Here's how it's looking now. The picture isn't great because the light is disappearing fast. I'm not sure I'm there yet, but I do like the lighter feel and how the 4 patches move the eye through the quilt. I wonder if I should turn them so they lead to the redwork? I made the four patches in the other fabrics too, but they seem to disappear. Thanks for thinking together with me! Thoughts?
Jacquie, if it were my quilt, I think I'd go with either the 4 or 9 patch. Those red blocks seem to take your eye away from the beautiful fans and embroidery.
The red blocks are taking away from the rest of the quilt. I would think 9 patch with mainly lights would look better. Just my opinion.
Hi Jacquie - I think your eye is telling you the right thing. I think the red blocks give it a more contemporary look and if you're going for an antique look smaller blocks may be better.
What a beautiful color combo! I do think as you suggested that the solid red blocks detract from the wonderful redwork. Are there more redwork blocks? I like the fans opposite each other and two redwork blocks opposite each other, creating one four patch block, so to speak. I also like the idea of framing the redwork blocks with a striped ticking-it might just be pronounced enough without being too pronounced. Hope this helps a bit and doesn't muddle it up!
Jacquie, I agree with the above comments...the redwork is getting lost. Nine or four patch!
i think a nine or four patch...or...somehow put a lighter diagonal (same angle as the fans) through the red squares to break them up...does that make sense? beautiful quilt!
I love the color scheme... and i do agree with the others that the beautiful fans and redwork are being overshadowed by the solid block.
Good luck with it... and I cant wait to see the finished project.
i also agree that the red blocks take away from the embroidery and the fans. your eye goes right to the big blocks of red when you are really trying to bring attention to the other pieces.
this will be a beautiful quilt when you're finished. :)
You could make the red block an arc to match the curve of the fans, then your eye wouldn't stop there.
I like Tina's idea of an arc. I think that would work really well.
I like what tina said - if it's curved it would feel better, but the same effect could be reached with 9 patch, add a couple of half-square triangles and it would give a curve, or at least trick the eye into a curve :) It looks beautiful so far!
I like your diagonal line of smaller patches. This would be a lot lighter, letting the redwork show up more. And they would be even lighter if you mixed up the patch fabrics, as in the fans.
I think it depends on how symmetrical you want to be. For me, symmetry is a compulsion, so I would maybe do a four square with diamond-shaped squares? Argh, I wish I could draw on here to show you what I mean! But I think a lighter square would be best, to compliment the embroidery square that is opposite. (If it is possible, an even LESS helpful comment: I know you'll come up with something fabulous, you always do!)
I, too, think the red squares draw your eye away from the redwork. I think something very subtle (mostly whites with a minimal amount of red) would be less distracting. I think the 4 patch with the red kind of over powers as well.
But it is a beautiful quilt! I like the idea of old vintage looking with your moms beautiful handiwork. Can't wait to see the finished product!
#2 is much better!
I think the red is too much. I like the second picture a lot better. It's gorgeous though!
I also feel that the red block is taking away from the red work. What about substituting the red blocks for the redwork. You would have 2 redwork blocks opposite one another, in turn making the quilt smaller. You could use the red blocks as cornerstones in borders or use them on the backing.
Jacquie ~ it is beautiful! I like the block with the diagonal line of smaller red blocks. I think the layout with the solid red block is too much. Can't wait to see it finished! Lisa http://candlelitequilter.blogspot.com/
When I first saw the quilt all I saw was the red blocks, could you frame you mom's work with a small 1inch sashing to help it stand out, but not to red, a lighter version?
I think the red squares distract from the gorgeous redwork and fan blocks. Your updated version is better but still not sure it's just right. I'll keep thinking.
Its a beautiful quilt... I love the fans and the redwork. I like the second picture much better (as it pertains to showcasing the redwork)... but it still feels a bit unbalanced. Is there any way to add some depth to the redwork... a border of some sort to make it pop. It still feels a bit like the redwork is being lost.
i don't think i could add anything, i agree with you and everyone else. the red block is too much.
i love the fans, have you considered more fans in place of the red block? maybe that's more work than you want.
i forgot to add how lovely it is. i have been wanting to do a redwork quilt for YEARS! I also love that your mom did the embroidery. What a treasure.
I like the idea of a 9 patch in the place of red. I love 9 patch. But I do like the diagonal blocks you have with the white texture. I think that would work too.
I like number 2 photo better. Could you get more blocks with redwork? I'm a person who likes symmetry.
I think another redwork opposite the other would be stunning
I vote for the second one.
Get red of the big red blobs:) The second picture is just how it should be. Your insticts are spot on. And we are all a very honest lot, don't you think?!
I love all the redwork embroidery! you and your mother are one talented pair!! This quilt is going to be sooooo gorgeous!! I'm so inspired to make one too! (although it would likely take me years and years to finish!) I like the second setting a lot. I like more white blocks instead of red blocks next to the beautiful embroidery and lovely fans :) Good luck with your decision!
the quilt is beautiful! i love the red work and the fans. i would rather see more those, than add another patterned block which might take away from the work you and your mom have already done.
I like the new four patch blocks, but I think maybe the red should be one of the lighter reds instead. But really, I'd have to see it, and I'm sure whatever you pick out will be stunning! You have a wonderful eye (which I think I've mentioned LOL).
So my opinion is I really love the first one IF you cut the big red blocks in the same semi-circle shape as the others and finish the block with white, so basically it looks like a 3/4 circle that showcases teh red work. Make sense? Probably too much work to consider at this point, but I think it would be uber-pretty. :)
I think the reds are taking away from the rest of the quilt...as so many others have said.
I love the picture you added in your edit! The little 4 patches looks great! They kind of complete the curve of the fans, and that, to me, calms the whole quilt down. And equally important centers the focus on your moms stitcheries :)
It looks so beautiful!
I like the diagonal 4-patches but I'd be tempted to use something lighter than that red. It draws the eye away from the redwork and the fans. It will be a gorgeous quilt when you're done!!
I don't know if you want one more opinion but here goes. I think the red squares look like big blobs. Have you thought of putting a white with red print in that spot instead? Maybe white background with red dots or flowers?
I think the red draws your eye. What if you put a very thin red border around each of the redwork patches? That would frame them and draw your attention there. And for the solid red patches, what if you instead tried to make that either red or lighter color quarter circle (so the inside of the block finishes the fan circle and the outside is white background)? Hard to know without seeing it, just thinking out loud. Good luck!
Hope you're not getting tired of comments...but I also think the large red blocks should be changed out for either a four patch or nine patch...it would make the quilt more harmonious and help the gorgeous fans and stitchery to really shine!
I prefer the top photo to the bottom one (the solid squares over the nine patches). I like the effect of the solid blocks. They kind of give your eye a place to stop. How about no red blocks at all? Just a thought
I like the double four patch. I think it helps the eye travel around the rest of the circle, where the red block kind of made the whole design stop, you know? I would keep those or just use white.
The solid squares look much better. I don't think you should do a nine-patch with the fan design...it's too much conflict. Can you post a bigger picture of the solid patch layout? Like a full on view?
I like the big red blocks. they add a richness to the quilt top.
I find the second more visually appealing, though I think the red blocks would work if there was some regular, symmetric arrangement to them.
Not sure if someone has already suggested this (I didn't read all the comments) but what about turning the squares so they radiate out of the center of each fan?
I know nothing of quilt design, (yet), so I just wanted to say hi! :)
The four patches are an improvement, that's for sure. What about quarter circles of the red? But you know me and circles...
I really like the diagonals and I like the idea of the diagonals heading towards the red work. I also think a lighter shade border around the redwork might work pretty well. You have had great ideas so far, the hard part is going to be weeding out what you want to do.:)
Gorgeous quilt - looks like the majority opt for #2!
Hugs - Lurline!
First of all, I love the embroidery squares and the fans. The reb blocks do bother me a bit and perhaps it is because of the square look. I am thinking a continuation of the fan blocks or perhaps a drunkards path type block would set it off better.
I love the red and white combo. Jacquie, I started sketching some ideas. I like one I did, but can't describe it. Will scan and send email.
You probably already figured it out anyway.
The sketch is only sketch to maybe bring a different idea on the table.
But I also like the second choice without the big red blocks.
I wish I could be there to help you play with the blocks and different layouts. That is my favorite part about quilting.
When I saw the first beautiful layout of the quilt I immediately thought that the fans looked like butterflies. I do however also agree that the larger red blocks were taking the attention away from the redwork, and like the second layout even better.
But, I was just wondering how it would look if you just turned the blocks with the diagonal squares 90 degrees, so that these blocks would make a "tail" coming out from the "butterfiles", or rather turn them into dragonflies..? Just a thought...
Wow, I don't think I can say anything else. I agree that the red blocks look like blobs. Actually I didn't have my glasses on and read "boobs" but that's another story.
I like the idea of turning the 4-patches to look like a tail.
Have you thought about just making another quarter fan section which then won't distract from the redwork at all?
I see the 4 patches...and it is an improvement over the big red blocks. but all the piece work stands out and makes the embroidery look like background music.
well, I'd change the whole layout. (you asked, remember ;-)
try putting all the embroidery together in the center and surround it with the fans/4patches..thinking medalion quilt-ish. That way the piecework "frames" the embroidery and therefore the eye is drawn to it instead of the pieced stuff...make sense??
Jacquie, the red is great. I am with everyone else the red blocks need to go and the four patches are not the answer either. To set this quilt off I think you need something with curve to it. I just thought of something and if I can find it I will e-mail it to you. Might be some work, but I think your up for it on this quilt. Keep it up girl your doing great.
I think everything I wanted to say is already said. Keep it light and try to keep the focus on the stitcheries.
Wow, lots of good ideas offered here already. My teeny little brain has nothing useful to add. But the colors give a beautiful refreshing feel and I can't wait to see what you come up with. Good luck!
I like the way your four patches move your eye around the quilt but aI do think they take away from the beautiful red work. I'm sure you will figure it out and it will be a stunning quilt.
i really think the 4 patches look much better BUT instead of using the darkest red from the fans for the patches, how about using the lightest value? then your fans would be the darkest value on your quilt, the redwork would be the the medium value and the 4 patches would simpy add a touch of color...do you understand what i'm saying? anything to not overwhelm the redwork - the fans are obviously going to pop the most, but i think you want the redwork to be next in line to pop...
your third photo looks much better. The big red blocks were a bit too much red but I like how you've fixed it.
How about a solid block the same as the blocks your Mom is doing the red work on, I think a 4 or 9 patch would take away from the red work too. It is a beautiful qult. Can't wait to see the finished product. HAVE FUN QUILTING WITH YOUR MOM!!!!!!!!!!!! Jeanne
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