Friday, December 5, 2008

Festival of Trees

Thanks so much for participating in my little giveaway. I had so much fun reading your guesses. Some of you thought 9 was a crazy big guess. Just you wait! Without further ado, I give you the festival of trees!

I got my first tree as a college student. I still have that one. College was a long time ago and I've been collecting ever since. Each tree has a story and is a Christmas memory. I don't put them all out every year. And I don't have a big house, just lots of Christmas spirit! Let's start outside.

the front porch - a lighted tree to welcome folks to the house

my studio - a feather tree with my vintage shiny brite ornaments

hubby's office - a birch bark tree to remind him of his Wisconsin roots

the landing - a pipe cleaner tree

the bedroom - a shiny 50's pom tree with my collection of Polonaise glass ornaments

the kitchen - 3 Swedish trees, a winterberry tree for the table and 3 trees to shade baby Jesus

the living room - 3 sparkly trees on the mantle, 3 miniature blue spruces, my red glitter tree, a silver branch tree for special ornaments, a mercury glass tree, a bottle brush tree, 2 pink and green bottlebrush trees, a sparkly tree for my miniature santa ornaments and a tree to lead you down the hall

the family room - a white feather tree for the kids' handmade ornaments, and finally the mother of them all, a nine foot live Frasier fir for all of the family ornaments.

adding it up:
front porch 1
my studio 1
hubby's office 1
bedroom 1
landing 1
kitchen 7
living room 14
family room 2
still packed away ?

total Christmas trees 28

Only 2 people out of over 300 guessed the correct number of 28. The first person to guess correctly was Meredith, so the little quilt is yours. Please let me know which little quilt you would like. Cygnetsmall also guessed correctly so you win a fabric bundle. The other fabric bundle winners are those who guessed either 27 or 29. I chose you in the order of your comments. The other fabric bundle winners are: 3inunder3, Mommyshome, Anonymous (Chris), Kelly, and Sara. Please send me your snail mail addresses and I will get all the packages in the mail on Monday. Chris, I don't have a way to contact you so if I don't hear from you by Sunday evening I'll pick the next person on the list. Thanks for helping me have a little holiday fun! I hope you had fun too.

Oooh wait, hold the phone. There is one more giveaway happening here. For all of you who left a comment on this post to help me with my redwork quilt, I did the random number thingy and the winner is #31, Michelle of Michelle Sews. Congrats Michelle. Please send me your address and I'll mail your little Christmas surprise on Monday too. Want to see it now? Nah, it's Christmas, you'll have to wait till Santa (your jolly postman) brings it to you! Congrats and Merry Christmas!


Meredith said...

HOLY COW! That's so funny that I just *knew* what the number was. I love your trees too! Gives me an idea about starting to collect trees for Christmas around here. So I'll pick the one with the green tree in the middle ok?
I can't believe I won, how cool!
can you email me at flisleshnitz at gmail dot com and I'll send you my snail mail addy?

Anonymous said...

What fun! I entered SO many giveaways that day but this one really stuck out in my mind because it had me pondering about the size of your house, what the trees look like, etc. Thanks!

Exuberantcolor/Wanda S Hanson said...

I can't imagine putting out that many trees, but I'm sure there is a lot of Christmas spirit in your house. It looks beautiful.

MichelleB said...

I won something from you! I'm so thrilled! I don't even care what it is. LOL

audreypawdrey said...

Congratulations to all who won! That was a neat contest-I was so far off track but kept thinking the trees were big. They are all beautiful!

Regi said...

Congratz to all the winners!

Wow, thats a lot of trees, and they are all so very different and gorgeous. Your house looks lovely all decorated up for the holidays.


tess said...

they're really lovely your little Christmas forest ! we have one snowflake decoration up so far - so we're a bit behind........

Sarah said...

love all your trees! my dog would love all your trees too! and how generous of you to offer so many wonderful prizes. have a happy weekend.

Abby and Stephanie said...

GORGEOUS!!! I don't do our tree. It's my least favorite holiday task. I leave it to my husband. How fun to see all the different tree types and ornaments.

Congratualtions to all the winners.

Needled Mom said...

That is a lot of trees. Where do you find room to store all of them the rest of the year?

Unknown said...

I was way off! Fun playing along though :) have a great weekend Jacquie

Jane's Fabrics and Quilts said...

Oh my, they all look so beautiful, what a festive home you have and what great memories with each one. congrats. to the winners, Happy Holidays

Tine said...

Your trees are beautiful! What a great idea to collect them :)
Congratulations to all the winners!

Chookyblue...... said...

OMG you have so many trees..........I did a post on my blog to see if anyone has more then are just beautiful.......makes me want to get more then the 2 I currently have.......

Sara said...

That is absolutely awesome! I knew there was a reason I guessed so high!!! Thank you so much! Wow, two giveaways from you - your blog giveaways must be lucky for me!

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh, I'm glad you clarified that they weren't all real trees... I love that bark tree, and the one with all the red berries..... Congratulations to all the winners.

Jennifer said...

i love those three swedish trees.

i was so close!

Teodo said...

Fantastic........all these trees.
ciao ciao

Sherri said...

Love your trees. My guess was really off...but now I'm wondering how many trees I have...I'm going to have to go count them!

Anina said...

Wow, and I thought my guess of 25 was a little high!

Anonymous said...

Geeeez woman, you have a lot of trees. My favorite is the birch bark, very pretty.

sarah, rsm said...

congrats to the winners and thanks for the fun!!

Unknown said...

That's a lot of trees! I originally was going to guess 25 which would have been closer. But I initially thought that was too high. Oh well! Congrats to the winners. The trees are all fabulous!

ellen said...

All of the trees are so lovely and the memories so special. I would wish to be a mouse in the corner, to admire each one, to pick the one I would love to curl up under and have a cozy nap. (better than a fly on the wall, don't you think?)
And...what can I say about another of your absolutely wonderful creations? The quilt that you and your mother have created makes me a little weepy. What a gift for you both to be able to create such beauty...four loving hands, connected tissue by tissue, gene by gene, a mother giving life to a daughter, a shared life and history and the joy of working together, each in her own way. All I can say is wow and how special for you both...a collaboration and celebration of love.

Amanda Jean said...

beautiful! (I'm trying to imagine just how you store all of them.)

em's scrapbag said...

Delightful! How festive!

Melanie O said...

They're all so pretty! And I thought my guess of 30 would be way out there! I was closer than I thought I would be!

Michaela said...

I love your collection of trees! So diverse and fun...

Jilly said...

That is amazing.

You know, after you said that not many people were close, I was going to comment again and say 26, but I thought that was just too crazy.

Very cute collection. I love all the Syko Christmas tomtes (sp?), too. Isn't her work fabulous?

MightyMom said...

you're trees are making me sneeze.

Shari said...

What a wonderful collection of trees! I hope you have a wonderful Christmas!

Tonya Ricucci said...

that is a lot of trees - I would never have guessed that many. very fun though.

Janis said...

Good golly, you must be related to my friend! She becomes affectionately indignant when I tell her she's over the top. She has a spinning tree in her living room and a theme for each room of her home but I don't think she can compete with your volume of trees!

Victoria said...

Beautiful trees, and lots of fun!
Congrats to the very lucky winners!

Beth said...

I should have gone with 30 like the in laws, I would have been closer!

THey're beautiful, especially the vintage ones. We do a vintage aluminum tree, to be blogged this week some time!

Nanci said...

Your trees are just great, thanks for sharing them and also for the fun giveaway. With 300 guesses you really have quite following. Keep up the great work, my favorite still are the sweet tiny houses!

Leanne said...

Thank you for sharing your beautiful trees with us....I love the glass one. I thought my guess of 24 was quite out there but 28 wow.

judy said...

Lovely! I think the pipe cleaner tree is my favorite ;)

sewtakeahike said...

Congratulations to all the lucky winners!

susan said...

my goodness, that is a lot of trees! you certainly have the xmas spirit

Stephanie D said...

So cool!! Lots and lots of trees of all kinds. I only have about 4 or 5, and I usually group the smaller ones together for impact, but you and Libby have given me some new ideas.


Browndirtcottage said... i thought I was the tree trimming queen.....i think 17 was the most for me..(i had an antique gift shop..i always went all out).....your trees are all lovely!

Nanette Merrill said...

haha so I was way under! funny, well the trees are really cute. You've got way more energy than me!

Busy Little Quilter said...

They are all so beautiful! Thanks for sharing!

Wendy said...

Oh my word. I don't even have the energy for one tree. My children are putting ornaments on it now while I read blogs. (Catching up now that my laptop is fixed!)

Rebekah said...

you have such a fun collection of trees!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the fabric bundle! I can't wait to see what I come up with. Happy New Year.