Last January when I began this blog I posted goals for 2008. It was fun to look back at these and see how I did... pretty well except for the hand quilting...didn't do much of that at all, and that thing about finishing what I start, still working on that one!
I have to think a bit more about what my goals are for 2009, but I do know I want to start the year finishing up those ufo's. As of today I have 12 quilts in some state of unfinished. I know, 12....piecing is the most fun and basting and quilting are avoided if possible. Need to work on that in the new year too. Most of them are tops that need to be quilted. I have three basted and ready to quilt. That should be a good start for 2009.
In a few days I'm going to be announcing a collaborative project idea that I've been considering for a few months. I would love to have you join me. I think it will be a great way to challenge myself and it will be so much fun to do it together and support each other. How's that for a tease? Stay tuned for that announcement.
Most importantly, Happy New Year! It's been wonderful to have you with me on my quilting journey. 2009 is going to be fabulous!
What do you want to accomplish next year?
A few more mosaics to help me remember 2008.
The quilts...

wow...you accomplished a lot in the last year! me? i learned to use a sewing machine, mom taught me how to make quilts and then i learned to blog! can't wait to hear your project announcement...
I loved following along on your journey - you've given me lots of inspiration. Here's to a blessed and fruitful New Years! And whatever your ideas for a collaborative effort - count me in - it will motivate me.
Free motion, baby. That's my goal for 2009.
You've certainly been busy this year! And you forgot to say that you've also been blogging about it, and inspiring lots of other quilters along the way!
For my part, my goal for 2009 is to design and start on a quilt that will be inspired by local Swedish design traditions. Quilting is such an American thing these days, and I love the American patterns and quilting traditions, but it would be so much fun to try and make something with a more local touch. But before that, I'll try to finish a few UFOs :-)
Happy new year!
I need to finish machine quilting the quilt I started for my bed years ago! I'm intrigued by your coming announcement :o). I'm surprised that so many quilting bloggers out there are new to quilting or just coming back to it. Here's to a great 2009!
You have accomplished a lot...and you have great goals for '09! And I'm really interested in the "collaborative project!" Happy New Year!
Wow! What accomplishments. I'm so glad that you started your blog, and I've been along for the journey. You are such an inspiration. Looking forward to hearing about your new collaborative idea.
It's always good to look back at what we've acomplished in the last year. I think we end up quite surprised at how much we have managed to squeeze into a year. Looking forward to your announcement. I'd like to finish up some of my starts, but like so many that won't stop me from making starts on new projects.
You have done so much! Wow! Who cares you didn't do handquilting? That takes forever anyway. Lol!
The collaborative thing sounds interesting, will be back to hear more about that -and everything else you choose to blog about! Love your blog and your work :)
Have a great New Year, see you in 2009!
I can't wait to see what the project is :-)
And I love seeing each new post you do and the creativity that abounds in each one! Thanks for sharing it with us.
Your quilts are so artsy, colorful, and beautiful. I'm so glad you've journaled them as you've gone along. I will be anxious to see what you are thinking of for a project.
-- Michele
Wow, I didn't know you just started quilting. Pretty amazing! Curious about this project you are taling about. Can't wait to find out!
In 2009 I am going to be all about finishing UFOs and using my stash. I feel like I am drowning in unfinished projects and fabric. Those two goals will help me keep my head above water.
Happy New Year! Can't wait to see what 2009 brings!
You have such a GREAT style! Love coming here to see what you are up to.
I'm interested to hear about the collaborative project idea.
12 UFO's -- one for each month of the year! I know, easier said than done...
I hope to tackle a bigger free motion project this year. And maybe not buy so much fabric. I can dream, can't I?
Looking forward to your announcement!
Congrats on all you've accomplished this year! And happy 2009!
you have made so many beautiful quilts this year! and i like the phrase "stash is the seeds of 2009". i have a few unfinished quilts. i have learned a long time ago that i work better if i do one thing at a time, otherwise i take forever to finish them. and i can't wait to hear more about your collaboration! happy new year!
wow you did a lot in 2008, I think I first found your blog when i saw your bright fun houses, I fell in love with you work and have loved evrything you do! You and I are different, I dislike my sewing machine and cannot wait to sit with a quilt on my lap and hand quilt. I wish people would just make my tops so I could just quilt! Happy New Year and whatever you are thinking of doing, please count me in!!
You've just inspired me threefold. I am totally going to do a montage of my favorite crafty items of the year. Great idea and thank you. Also, I do really need to set out a list of goals for the year - much better idea than resolutions that only serve to make me feel inadequate. And - I can't wait to hear about your project! Thanks for being one of the very best parts of my 2008.
Look at all that quilted loveliness! you are an inspiration. I can't wait to find out what kind of collaborative project you have in mind for the new year ;)
Can't wait to hear about your project. Goals are such great things. They help plot throught he chaos of life. I want to finish so many things and start so many new things it is hard to keep them all straight. I always feel squashed with all the things I want to do. So manybe this year I need to work more on one thing at a time? That would really help. Love the montage of your projects.
I love your style, it is really inspiring. Like everyone else I look forward to what you'll be making in the coming year :-)
Your work is all so beautiful!! I can't wait to see what you make in 2009! Happy happy new year to you Jacquie!
wow! You've done so much this year! Your collage is so pretty!
I love the collage! You have truly made some beautiful things this year and I have enjoyed watching the process. I would love to be part of the collaborative process as well! Happy New Year!
Wow - 18 quilts is very productive!! I would like to improve my FMQ this year, and to continue to find time to sew/craft most days. Best wishes for a productive and inspiring 2009!
i love your header. and your quilting is so fresh and clean (the colors and designs). I like the "nine-patch" of photos, very cool. I'm interested to know what your collaborative project is so I'll check back again tomorrow.
happy new year!
Happy New Year! Can't wait to hear about your project!
Congratulations! You really achieved a lot this year! You've been a real inspiration to me...
Happy Quilty 2009!
You really did accomplish tons in 2008!
I am very intrigued by your project plan -- can't wait to hear more!
Happy New Year!
Oh Jacquie....they all so fabulous beautiful, gorgeous.... Doesn't have any other words to appreciate what you've had done last year. Congrat on your journey in quilting! I've just started my own .
an impressive year of quilting! i loved seeing all your mosaics. you've been extremely busy!!!
you made some really wonderful quilts this year and I love your clean style and use of fabrics. Woohoo for you. Happy New Year!
You, indeed, have accomplished a lot in the past year. In addition to all that, you have been an inspiration to so many of us. That is a gift in large proportions! I am new to blogging, and it has been such fun to be touched by real people and real quilts. My goal for the upcoming year is to do a throw quilt for each of my 8 children and bed-sized for 4 grandchildren. Suggestions welcomed. Happy New Year!!!
What a creatively prolific year you have had!
I look forward to seeing what you bring to us in 2009!
As for me... my goals are to explore more, fear less and simplify.
Happy New Year! xo
I love your style of applique! I can't wait to see your projects for 2009 :)
Love the idea of this type of recap. I may do this on my site too!
What wonderful photo collage of all your beautiful 'handywork'...really nice to see everything together....I'm sure looking forward to your future creative-ness..I'm so glad you share with all of us!!!......I was so inspired by your 'Bluebirds of Happiness' quilt as well..its lovely!
I love all your creations but I am especially fond of your applique!
Keep it going in 2009... I'm anxious to see more!
To a year of health and wisdom...
I've tagged you for a really great meme when you feel so inclined. It made me think about what was lovely in my life, though one or two of the things I came up with were a little unexpected.
I've loved reading your blog this year. You're full of inspiration.
Happy New Year!
What a great year 2008 was for you. And, I learned how to make a wonky log cabin quilt -- thank you very much! You are an inspiration. I wonder what you'll teach me in 2009 ... can't wait! :)
You are so prolific! And creative - your work is never ho-hum and is so different from my traditional projects that it's always interesting to study.
WOW!! I thought it was probably a lot, but it's astounding to see it all together like that! Give yourself a big pat on the back--but easy, now, don't hurt your back again!
Can't wait to see how you top that this year!
Happy New Year Jacquie! I'm at the edge of my seat - I can't wait to hear about your project! You are so inspirational and motivating too! I love seeing all your pictures together :)
Happy New Year, Jacquie! You have made so many beautiful things. I'm so glad to have gotten to know you over the past year. :~)
More sewing in 2009!
the things you have made in one year are just astonishing! can't wait to see what 2009 brings!
Wow! I love all you've done! One of my projects for this month is doing a house table runner! I just love them!!!!
Thanks for inspiring us!!!
Wow, what an amazing quilting year you've had. All your projects are so beautiful and inspiring! Happy, Happy New Year -- I can't wait to see what wonderful creations you'll have in 2009!
Double Wow! I love the pics! What a fantastic idea to start the New Year out! I love this post! I LOVE your stuff! And those houses are still one of my favorites!!!! Happy New Year Jacquie! ooxx`jodi
This is all so well done,the motives,the materials I will look into you often thankyou
hi! I really liked the quilt up in the upper right hand corner with the houses. They look to be converging at the circle in the center. Was this a pattern or did you design it yourself? Thanks . Barb G.
HI! This is the first time I have visited your blog. It is wonderful and I absolutely love the fabrics you have chosen for many of the projects. Will you email me privately? I have a lot of questions for you. Thanks. Barb G.
Jacquie, just catching up on blog reading!!! You had such a wonderfully colorful and productive year! I so enjoy reading your blog and seeing your projects!!!!!! Happy new year!
18?! You are a killer. And look at them all- so lovely
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