I finally had some time to sew this weekend. I didn't have loads of success. I started playing with a black and white improvised quilt. I wanted to work with shapes, so I cut a bunch of black and white strips and started playing. I'll spare you the picture of my trash can.
I quilted the 'Bloom' quilt. I'm ripping that out now. Not a good idea either. You don't really want to see that, do you?
I was able to actually accomplish one thing. Are you rooting for me yet?

I finished a little doll quilt. Thanks
Amandajean. I used her pillow and pillowcase instructions and found out what size a doll quilt should be from her. I've been playing with this shape for awhile now. My connections quilt is based on this shape, though I've been struggling with that one since last spring. I love mid-century modern and these retro shapes. This has lots of possibilities and options. I'm pretty sure I can do more with it. Again, probably not the best quilting choice. Straight lines probably would have been better. I do struggle with how to quilt a top. Do you think a little girl would want to play with this quilt?

I haven't figured out my project for project improv. My plan right now is to make a series of doll quilts to test some ideas. And who could resist making those cute little pillows and pillowcases.

Lastly, I was playing around on New Year's eve with a logo for tallgrass prairie studio. I'm not sure this is it. I do like the movement and simplicity of it.
Starting Project Improv has put me in the weeds a bit....I'm behind on everything. I'm running as fast as I can.
A few of you have asked to join in on Project Improv, but you have not left an email address for me to contact you. You can find my email address in my profile in the sidebar. Drop me a line and we'll talk!
Heather - thanks!
Quinta da quilter - thanks!
Tammy - thanks!
Brita - thanks!
If you don't see your name in the sidebar, you haven't been added to the project. I don't want to leave you out, so get in touch!
sorry to hear about the failed sewing weekend. I hate times like that - hopefully it will be followed by lots of successful days now!
The doll quilt looks fabulous!
I think the shapes on this quilt are awesome...I love the design you've come up with!
Doll quilts...what EVERY little girl needs! Cute. I've had some unsuccessful sewing days myself but I would not be denied! I kept at it and in the end...success.
Sorry for your hassles, but in truth it's good to know I'm not the only one! Your doll blanket is wonderful. I wouldn't mind a big quilt of that!
Love the doll quilt - aren't they fun to do???? Your label looks fabulous. That is really something I need to start doing!
Love the black and white! And I love the logo. Good for you for working on that.
I like the simplicity of the logo you used. I think a little girl and her doll would love the doll quilt and pillow you made! Maybe you should make a bit bigger size for Fudge.
How do you make your labels? I've been embroidering mine directly on to the quilt back but I'd like to try it as a separate tag. Any tips/tricks?
Your little doll quilt and pillow is just darling.
It looks as though you had fun playing around despite the fact that the trash can was filled.
I really like the doll quilt. I enjoy making them as they are a good size to play around with patterns.
Love the simplicity and flow of the label. I think it's a winner.
It's not a failed weekend as you found out what doesn't work. With improv you can't expect it to work every time. I like the simplicity of your logo - if you do tweak it - only a little? Love the retro doll quilt. You are doing good!
Some days are just play duds! It is frustrating to spend so much time on something to end up being unsatisfied.
I love the shapes on your little quilt. Who wouldn't be thrilled with it?
Your logo/label is wonderful...simple and elegant at the same time.
The doll quilt is beautiful and any little girl would love to have that for her babies.
I would *definitely* play with that quilt....
I really like the simplicity of the blade of grass in the logo...maybe a different font with a taller x-height? (Cisalpin italic would follow the line of the grass, or Diverda is very classic but modern). I love how you are incorporating the label into the quilting. Great idea!
I sympathize with you on the weekend endeavors. I have days, (and sometimes weeks) where all of my best creative efforts go astray.
The doll quilt is just wonderful, (I'm a big fan of mid-century modern aesthetics as well.)
Also, I think your logo is spot on. very elegant and simple. Great job!
I love the little quilt and pillow! So cute!! And I can imagine that things are crazy after the launch of Project Improv! It's a hit! I put my blocks in the mail to you today!
Aren't those pillows and pillowcases adorable! I am addicted! Your quilt is lovely. I almost have my craft room clean and ready for me to get back to sewing again. I am itching to get my improv blocks done :)
We all have those "nothing-goes- right" days. It's just part of our learning journey. Straight line quilting on the doll quilt seems to me would be "expected." Doing the unexpected is more charming. Don't be so hard on yourself there. I love the logo. Clean and simple. How would 3 blades of grass look? Lovely work.
The doll quilt is beautiful. I love Amandajeans tutorial for them. I made a few and I think they are just so much fun. I think they are great for trying out different quilting ideas. I am always clueless on what type of quilting would be best so I usually stipple everything.LOL!
The doll quilt is terrific and I think that any little girl would love it. How perfect this would be for the B&W Challenge if only there were that one other color. But none the less, I love it!! I love your logo too.
It is so frustrating when things don't work out according to plan. The little doll quilt is adorable I know one little girl who would love it It is DD aproved. And I too love the simplicity of your logo. Good job.
The black and white are very fun. I make several of amandajean's pillows/pillow cases for Christmas presents. Love them...so good of her to share with us. Posted a pic of my improv block on my blog and on flicker. Thakes for the push. Hope your sewing ventures go better this week;)
Too funny, I made my first doll quilt on the weekend too! The Monster is already playing with it. She helped me pick the fabric, so not nearly as funky as black and white.
I really like your use of that retro shape, I've played around with that too.
that doll quilt is amazing! I love it!!! Sorry you had a bit of a bum sewing time but i do hope you consider the doll quilt a huge success :) And the logo you came up with is so you!
Those days of sewing failures are necessary to be thrilled over all the the days you make wonderful stuff!!
Your doll quilt is gorgeous!! Any little girl will love it... and any big girl too!!
Love the blue birdie fabric!
Sorry to read about the ripping. It is a lovely quilt and I'm sure will be wonderful when finished. I would have loved to have joined in your Project Improv, but haven't got the time. I'll just blog hop and drool instead.
Sorry to hear of your not-so-good sewing time. But I'd call that darling doll quilt and pillow a rousing success! Any little girl would love that set! I may have to make some for my DGDs, as they both have new "babies".
I too like your logo. It's very evocative of tall grasses yet spare and simple. Very you!
oh yes, I know a little girl who'd love to play with that blankie and pillow....IF she could keep it away from her brothers....IF they could keep it away from thier MOM!!
tis' cute it is.
hope the next time you sew you've left the bad sewing times behind you.
love your logo, if you're not sure about it what would it look like with a few more stalks of grass....
LOVE the doll quilt and pillow. I would not only have played with that as a little girl, I would love to have it on my own bed as an adult!
what a visually stunning doll quilt!! I like the pattern!
I've a couple of questions for Project Improv: Is there a deadline for our personal quilts to be completed by? And Do the blocks have to be log cabins?
I certainly have those days when nothing seems to come together right but I thought you were above that Jacquie. :) However all these projects are adorable. Love the b/w print that looks like jacks. Did you play jacks? I did.
Also, I didn't get the pdf file. When you have time . . . I'm sure you have little of that now!
I’m rooting for you! I have had many unsuccessful sewing adventures myself. I find that they are followed by very productive sewing adventures. Hang in there. Super cute doll quilt. Every little girl would love to play with that. I really like the new logo too. Cute birdie fabric around it.
bummer about your failed sewing project filled weekend! I really love your mod doll quilt and pillow!
i love your doll quilt set! it's stunning in black and white. and that modern and retro shape you came up with is fantastic!!! of course a little girl would want to play with it!
i have thought about playing around with some designs on a smaller scale before committing to a larger quilt. but i do hate working on a small scale...i think i'm going to have to get over it.
thanks for all you are doing for project improv. it's challenging me already, and i'm excited to see what all of us come up with!
I love this little doll quilt! It is so modern and the matching pillow is just cute! It is a neat idea to consider making a mock up doll quilt of future quilts. That way if you give away the finished quilt, you still have a mini to remember it by!
I hate it when the inspiration just won't come.
Good luck!
I love the logo idea by the way.
Hey Jacqui, Cute stuff. I really like your label. Just remember, that ripping out is often times just another part of the process. (It's part of the ying and yang.) If you some input on free-motion machine quilting your "Bloom quilt", email me. I think I can give you some tips that will help with the process.
Don't be too hard on yourself!
I love the logo.
Sorry to bug you, but I'm just not receiving the file for Project Improv. Have you sent it to me?
frecklesquilts@hotmail.com or through blogger
Don't you hate that - working so hard on something and then having to undo it. But I must say the doll quilt is fab! And I like your label, it's simple and unfussy!
take it easy Jacquie...
Sometimes things doesn't turns to the way we want, but it still ok. that's life :)
Anyway...you've already done a great job for all of us, Project Improv!!!
Good idea to use some doll quilts for testing space. I might be following you on that idea
My e-mail is bekimmerly@gmail.com
Sorry I am new to all this...
Love that little doll quilt! And such a cute tiny pillow!
Sorry I couldn't be in the improv group, but A) I just couldn't deal with another deadline right now and B) You know how far out of my comfort zone that is!
But I'm lovin' looking at those pictures!
That doll quilt is so beautiful. Love the colors. I too have had the unsuccessful sewing days.
I am hosting a giveaway. I hope you will join in.
the quilt is adorable, i am sure any little girl would love to have it, and the pillow is just too sweet.
the label is really nice, i like that it is simple, and the graphic does have motion...
I love that little black and white number!
I think you doll quilt looks brilliant, any little girl would love to play with that!
Hi! I love your doll quilt - the retro fabric is neat! I too was inspired by AmandaJean and her doll quilts - I was so happy with the result, I couldn't wait to give it to my niece (3) and now...she takes it with her everywhere - she loves her "babies" and now she can keep them warm...visit my blog to see my doll quilts (I haven't posted the pictures of the pillows yet).
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