I'm in Chicago with my hubby and both of my boys. It's rare the four of us are together for 3 whole days. Lots of spirited conversation, time together and all four of us just got back from the gym after working out together. My heart is filled with joy. Back home tonight and we'll all go our separate ways. I will hold this feeling until the next opportunity to be together.
Got a lot of requests to explain how I made this block. So, in the spirit of doing things for others today, here is the 'Be still my heart' block tutorial, just in time for some Valentine's Day crafting. I used this block to make the quilt in the picture above as well as a
pink version without the sashing.

Step 1: Pull a set of fabrics. Small scale prints work great for this block. Don't be afraid to throw in a solid or two. For each block you will need ten 1" x 22" strips. Fat quarters work perfectly for these strips.

Step 2: With right sides together sew strips together using a 1/4" seam allowance.

I like to sew my strips in sets of two or three and then join the smaller sets together. I press after each seam. Make sure that you press your seams in the same direction. You may want to alternate sewing strips from the top and then from the bottom. This will prevent your strip set from getting wavy.

Step 3: Continue joining sets until you have a strip set of 10 one inch strips. The width of my strip set measured 4.75". (this measurement may vary depending on whether you are sewing a scant 1/4" seam or not.) This measurement is important because it will determine the size of the background squares. Measure the width of your strip set and remember that number.

Step 4: Use your rotary cutter and ruler and straighten one edge of the strip set.

Step 5: Now cut four 4.75" squares (or use the width measurement of your strip set) from your strip set.

Step 6: Cut two squares from background fabric the same measurement as your strip set squares. Mine are 4.75" squares. You will also need to cut four two inch squares from the background fabric.

Step 7: Use a quilter's pencil or other marking tool and draw diagonal lines on all of the background squares that you cut in step 6.

Step 8: Arrange your strip set squares like the picture below so that the strips alternate between a vertical and horizontal orientation.

Step 9: Lay the two large squares on the bottom strip set squares so that the diagonal lines you drew form the bottom point of the heart. Pin so that you will be able to sew ON the marked lines.

Step 10: Sew ON the drawn lines. Do this for each of the squares.

Step 11: Press so that the squares look like this. Notice at this point that you have two layers of the background fabric.

Step 12: Take each square and flip back one layer of the white fabric. Line up your quarter inch mark on your ruler on your stitching and trim.

The triangles on the right will go into your scrap box.

Flip down the single layer of background fabric and you will have your completed square.

Two of these form the bottom of the heart. They should look like this.

Step 13: The same process is used to complete the top of the heart. Place the four 2" squares like this. Make sure the drawn lines are in the correct position to form the heart shape.

Step 14: Sew ON the drawn lines just like you did for the bottom squares. Flip and press and trim, again just as you did for the bottom squares.

They should look like this...well, not quite like this. I didn't pin my squares and look what happened. Instead of the strips being rotated horizontal/ vertical...mine ended up like this. I did it again, and guess what? I made the same mistake TWICE.

Third time is the charm! They should look like this.

Step 15: Now it's time to put the block together. Put the bottom squares right sides together , pin, lining up the center edges and sew with a quarter inch seam. Press that seam to the left.

Now you have the bottom section of the heart. Repeat this process with the two top pieces and press that seam to the right. You'll want seams opposite to nest the seams when you sew the final two sections together.

See how the center seams lay in opposite directions.

Step 16: Pin the top and bottom sections together and sew with a 1/4" seam.

Then your heart is complete. I added 2" border strips to all sides of the heart to frame it. Now I have to figure out what I'm going to do with this heart. I think a bunch of these would make a spectacular quilt. One or two might be perfect for a table topper or wall hanging for Valentine's Day. If you make one or more, I'd love to see them.
This is wonderful! Thank you so much. I just might get a Valentines table runner made.
thank you thank you thank you. I printed your first one for inspiration for a table topper. I worked on it for a while last night (my blocks measure 8.5 in). I have the bottom 1/2 of the heart complete, but couldn't for the life of me figure out what to do with the top. Probably sleepy fuzzy brain. Now, I can't wait to go in the sewing room to finish it!
Thank you for TUTE!! Awesome!
this is so cool! thanks for posting the instructions...it definitely saves me a headache :)
what a wonderful tutorial!! thanks for sharing. :)
Thank you for the tutorial. I love how you said at the end, "Now your heart is complete."
great tutorial! I love this heart block.
Love love love it! Thanks Jacquie. It is so pretty. Wonderful tutorial.
Very pretty! Great directions. Now I just need the red fabrics for a valentine's table runner!
I love the tutorial. The heart is such fun. I became a bit teary eyed when I read about your weekend with your family. In august I sent my youngest off to college. I am missing the time with the kids traveling with us. It seems like time passed too quickly. Enjoy your time!
Love the heart block...thanks for the tutorial! And happy for you that you get to be together as a family!
I live 45 minutes west of Chicago, at least you were here when we were not setting wind chill records, nothing is better than spening time with your family!!
A million that yous for the lesson on your heart, i am soooo going to do that, oh for next year BUT I am going to do it!!!
so glad that you are having a great time there - together :) Love your heart - I made a quilt of hearts for Ella a little over a year ago . . . I love hearts!
So pretty! I have made hearts like that but using a "solid" piece of fabric instead of the strips. Love the strips much better. Thanks for sharing.
Thanks for sharing this wonderful tutorial. I have been wanting/needing to make a Valentine quilt. This will be fun.
I love this block. I will have to make one for valentines. It is so nice. Red is my favorite colour. Thanks so much.
Well done! I always admire those of you have often share tutorials. They're a ton of work.
So nice to hear that you and your guys were able to enjoy a few days of togetherness! Safe traveling to all of you. ;-)
I hope the weather warmed up a bit in Chicago for your weekend w/ the family!
Thanks for the tutorial! I have some scraps ready to go!
I think a bunch of these hearts in black and white with a red border would be FANTASTIC...but maybe a bit morbid? Maybe for Poe's birthday??
Thanks for sharing, I'm so glad other people repeat the same mistakes like I do!
Thanks so much for sharing - a lot of work, but worth it - you will make a lot of people happy - mine is filed away in Tutorials in Favorites!
Hugs - Lurline♥
What a great tutorial! Imagine a quilt with lots of different coloured hearts! Or perfect for a scrap quilt! Thanks so much!
thanks so much for the tutorial, jacquie!
Great tutorial!
Cute! It seems we both have hearts on the brain at the moment.
Cute! It seems we both have hearts on the brain at the moment.
Thanks for the tutorial, jackie...
I'm glad to read this post and know you're felling happy together with your family:)
Hope it'll happen often.
Btw, I've already changed my girl's setting for commenting. Thanks for visiting her blog. It's mean a lot to her.
What a great tutorial! Even though it seems so simple after your tutorial, I can't believe you came up with that off the top of your head! Beautiful!! I might have to try this with some scraps, and see if I can come up with a scrappy heart block!
thank you so much for the tutorial. I can't wait to make it for Valentine's day for my daughter.
OK, another Flickr question. Yesterday I posted those pictures of my blocks, and today I don't see them there. Do you know why?
I'm so glad you were able to enjoy your family trip together. I'm sure there was much laughter and fun and memories made.
What an excellent and detailed tutorial with such perfect pictures. Well done!
So glad that you had a wonderful weekend with your family. Thanks for the tutorial. :~)
just gorgeous!!!
and so happy for you that you got some family time. xx
h yes! I do love that heart!
I love that heart block!
Thanks for the tute!
LOVE IT! i've just gotten into strip quilting and i think this is just great. thanks!
Thanks for sharing this wonderful tutorial. This will be perfect for Valentine!
Very nice! Thank you.
THanks for the tutorial--looks easy enough!
Glad you got to spend some time with everyone all together. I love those moments, too, and they're too far apart.
This is a great block, thanks for the tutorial!
Thanks for sharing your tutorial... I will definitely add this to the "make it soon" list.
That is lovely, I'm so inspired both by the pattern and the colours.
Very Cute!
This is on my to do list.
Glad you had a wonderful weekend with your family ...nothing can beat that. Thanks for sharing your heart block.
Wow Jacquie, thanks for that amazing tutorial - I'm keen to give this a go :)
Such a beautiful block and so kind of you to share! Quilters are so wonderfully generous in sharing their love of the craft. lovely to hear of your happy time with the family.
thank you thank you thank you - I'm going to make one tomorrow!!!!
this is really beautiful.
'running with scissors'
Thank you for showing how you made this block! I've book marked it. Have you tried sewing 1/4" seam down each side of the drawn line for your HSTs? a lot less waste, but less for your scrap box LoL!
Thanks for sharing! What was the finish size on this block with and without the borders? It looks perfect for a pillow I want to make for my friend!
I've been thinking about making a quilt with heart blocks and stumbled across this one. It's lovely, thank you for sharing it!
Such a cute pattern! Thanks for sharing your method :)
I just wanted to thank you so much for this wonderful tutorial. I made my block the second I saw your post about it. I've just made one into a little quilt and I love it. Thanks again xx
How cute is that!!! I just visited Teresa's blog and saw hers. I am going to put a link on my freebies blog if thats okay? Thanks, Khris
Thank you for your kindness.
Jacquie - I want to thank you for such a great tutorial. I love hearts so just had to give this a go. I've added to your flickr group as asked! I have lots more ideas for this method too - just got to find the time! Thanks again for sharing.
Thank you for the easy-to-follow tutorial. This heart will be incorporated into my next quilt. How large is the finished heart?
Thank you for your amazing tutorial ;). I messed up the first one I made. But, if at first you don't succeed, you try and try again. I just had to do my own quilt with these beautiful hearts. Love everything in your blog, you inspire me :)
I posted some pictures in my blog http://gatormom50.blogspot.com/
What a great tutorial! Thanks so much for sharing!
Thank you so mauch for sharing this technique. I am a project Linus coordinator, and have lots of donated scrap fabric, which would look fabulous in this technique!
Thank you so much for being so generous your tutorials, especially "My Heart is filled with Joy", I have been wanting to know how to do this for ages.
a beautiful project & instructions!
thank you for taking time to share
I just finished a wall hanging, based on this tutorial. I really love it. I'm thinking of a baby quilt using a rainbow of hearts.
Hi, thank you so much for sharing this beautiful quilt with us. I would like to make it for my beautiful daughter in law, the heart will show her how much she means to me. I will be making it in pink. I need help with how much fabric I will need to make her a queen size quilt.
Really enjoyed your tutorial - I will probbably make it smaller as I like mini/small quilts best. Your tutorial is very clear and well done. Thank you.
Thank-you for sharing. I can't wait to start it. Thank-you so much.
Hi - I love this project! I now live in E. Iowa and with the fog we are having, it seems like a good day to stay home and quilt. I was intrigued by the name of your studio and then checked the "About me" on your page. Sure enough, it seems you are a Kansas native just like me! I am from the NW corner of Kansas but lived in Manhattan, KS for several years when I taught at KSU.
Hola, muchas gracias por compartir este tutorial,
Silvia desde Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Felicitaciones!!!, gracias por compartirlo.
Silvia desde Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Thank you Jacque is so cute , very easy to do , hugs
Thank you for this tut. I was going to make several Linus quilts
but then my #1DD said she would like another quilt. So, I ended
up with 25 hearts and made a Queen
size quilt. I loved making it and
my #1DD and her hubby, love sleeping under it. Now I am going
to make smaller hearts for Linus.
I have a pic but don't know how to
send it to you.
Lori Kadja
Thank you for a lovely block and a great tutorial.
Thank you for posting these wonderful, easy to follow directions. This is a perfect pattern for me to use to make a quilt for someone who gave me 'their scraps'!
Thanks for sharing this great block>eager to do it when I finish my current project!
I made two blocks, and turned them into door hangers. Would love to let you see them - how/where do I post the photos?
Hi Jacqui - I put aside your directions some time ago, started the piecing a few years ago and have FINALLY finished the blocks. Instead of a quilt though, I'm making cushion covers. I want to sell them on ebay (I have 9) but wanted to check with you first I'm keen to send you a pic if you wish? Thanks for the wonderful inspiration! Kate in Capalaba, Queensland, Australia
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