Here is the fabric that is in the housetop blocks.
Here it is before it was quilted.
For those of you who are interested, this quilt is being donated to my mom's church for the annual quilt raffle. The raffle is the primary fundraiser for the United Methodist Women. The proceeds will support mission work of the Methodist church. The ladies of the church have given permission for me to open up the raffle to readers of my blog, so you could win this quilt. The church is in a small town in Kansas and there are probably more readers of this blog than people in the town, so you might have a pretty good chance. The donation requested for the raffle is $1.oo a chance or 6 chances for $5.00. I would say that's a quilty bargain!
So, here's how it works for you. Download this page of tickets. They are in a pdf file. Print out however many pages of tickets you would like to purchase. There are 6 tickets on each page. If you only want one chance, just cut off one and use that. If you buy one page that would be $5.00. Fill out your name and phone number (make sure you include the area code or country code if you're international). The ladies have to be able to contact you if (when) you win. Print legibly too. I'm a teacher and I'm pretty good at deciphering hand writing, but most of the ladies are pretty old so let's give them a break!
Mail your filled out tickets and your money to the address on the bottom of the page of tickets...NOT to my home address. I will deliver the tickets to the jar and the money to the ladies. Please, cash only. I don't want to mess with checks.
The drawing will be June 27th at Old Settler's Days in Oskaloosa. I'll let you know the winner on my blog as soon as I find out. You will need to have your filled out tickets and your money to me by JUNE 20th so I can get them to the ladies of the church to be included in the drawing. I won't be responsible for lost mail or tickets that arrive late. Be early, do it now and it won't be a problem.
I would love for the church to raise more money than they ever have before. This is a special quilt. I know I would like to have it back, but I'm not entering. It doesn't seem right. I've said goodbye and I'm good with it. In the interest of full disclosure, I will tell you that my mom is buying tickets and guilting my brothers into buying tickets too. Thanks in advance for supporting the church and good luck! If my mom doesn't win, I sure hope it will be one of you.
If you have any questions about the quilt or the raffle, feel free to drop me an email. If you'd like to post about it on your blog and send folks over...feel free. Thanks everyone and good luck!
***International folks...maybe I didn't think this through well enough for you...any suggestions would be welcome. How can I make this work for you? HERE ARE A FEW IDEAS:
1. have a friend in the states sponsor you and then set up a swap with them.
2. use my paypal account for your donation. contact me by email and we'll work this out.
3. I can fill out tickets for you here if that's easier for you. when your money arrives through paypal, i'll do the tickets here. we may want to put email addresses for the contact info...that would be cheaper for the ladies.

SPRING TO FINISH participants. We're coming to the's what you need to do. Midnight April 30th is the deadline. Whatever you have finished by that time counts. So count up your finishes and come back and comment on FRIDAY's post...tell me how many finishes you've had since the challenge started. Your number of finishes is your number of entries. I'll close the comments Sunday morning and start counting. The winner will be announced Monday. I'm hoping for one more finish. How about you?
ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL!!! You are all soooooooo generous;)
oh you did a GREAT job!! much more pizazz in it's second life!!
I really like the wide solid borders too, perfect!
good job!
The quilt is absolutely fantabulous! Your collaboration to get it together too! Good luck with the raffle!
What a brilliant quilt - it is sure to set a new fund raising record! (Hope your Mum wins it!!!)
Hmmm forgive me - I am mearly a bloke but what is 'red work'? do you have a detail photo of it?
Absolutely beautiful and I love the aqua and red mix. They will surely break records this year with this quilt.
How do us internationals get in on this?
Jacquie, The photographs are stunning. The binding terrific. The quilting I used is called Lisa's Lace. Perfect for this quilt!! I love it and you can bet I will buy some tickets. I hope all is well. I am sending 7 Project Improv quilts back to you today.... Yay!!
By the way, it was my pleasure to do the quilting on such and expertly pieced quilt!!
Just gorgeous and Jackie's quilting looks amazing! What a great team you two Jacquie/Jackies make. :o) Off to download tickets.
What a pretty quilt! it's sure to raise lots of money!
Beautiful and I am sure I can squeeze $5.00 out for a great cause!
What a great quilt. Love the red.
Well done! You all three did a beautiful job. I know some wonderful things are coming to you as a result of this quilt and you will absolutely deserve them. Hope the quilt makes a lot of money! 3 gals should take a bow....stunning!!!
What a beautiful quilt! I love the fabric combinations, and I especially love the back! Sounds like a fun way to do a collaborative project.
It looks fantastic! I would love to win. I think I'll be able to sell/buy quite a few tickets are you sure you want me to send you the cash? I don't have a problem sending a check and the stubs directly to the church. Just let me know what's easiest for you.
Your blog about this quilt is one of the first that I found about a month or maybe a little more ago...I actually put it in my FAVORITES because I absolutely LOVED it and didn't know how to post a comment at the time. But I knew that SOMEDAY I might use the same colors and some machine redwork into a quilt...I have a stash I'm building in these colors!
Anyway...I will get some never know...I just might win and then I could cross something off my 'to do' list. LOL
Lots of luck with the raffle !!
oh my!!!! the red border (and the great polka dot binding) makes it even better than before. i LOVE this quilt. i will be entering the raffle... i want this quilt.
plus, it goes to the church and that's always a good deed. my hubby is from kansas and i think it's pretty there, even if it is flat. :)
Oh my! This turned out stunning! I'm sure it's going to sell a lot of tickets.
What a great idea for broadening the base of ticket sales for the small town. I am sure this will be successful beyond words as the quilt is lovely.
What a stunning quilt...and Jackie did an amazing job with the quilting!
This quilt is absolutely gorgeous!! You bet, I'm buying tickets!
Fabulous! I have already printed out my ticket! Hope the ladies make oodles of $$$ from this very beautiful quilt to help with their good work!
This is so outstandingly gorgeous! I am definitely entering. How kind of you to donate something so beautiful! I hope they make buckets of money off of your generosity.:)
I wonder if the church ladies have any idea how many raffle tickets will come flying in through your blog? What a wonderful idea! I think I can throw $5 towards a church and 6 chances at having such a beautiful handmade quilt grace my home.
So exciting...I even happen to have a $5 U.S. bill. Yippee. Six entries coming from Vancouver, BC soon. Thanks Jacquie. LOVE your blog and am utterly gobsmacked by how prolific you are. Your charitable efforts are so inspiring (and I bet the US Postal Service loves you, too).
It's so beautiful! I wish I had a dollar to spare. Someone will love it!
what an amazing quilt! This is a perfect marriage of your mom's embroidery talent and your modern quilt construction talent!
Off to download the form!
Sweet! Thanks for including all of us on this wonderful raffle. A suggestion for international folks ... get someone stateside to "sponsor" you (send in your tickets with the appropriate cash), and then work out a swap of your own!
Raise additional monies by selling the pattern, I WOULD LOVE IT and BUY IT IN A HEART BEAT!
MMM lovely, you want us to cut the strips apart before we mail them back, right? One more day to finishes! yeah! Thanks Jacquie, you are awesome.
This is truly a beautiful quilt created by three very talented ladies.
I wouldn't have imagined that quilt top could become even more gorgeous and IT DID! The border and binding set it off so well. Just a spectacular job, I am in awe.
And I have been out of the loop for a while so I am late in offering my most sincere and heartfelt sympathy. God bless you Jacquie.
Ok, so I wanna know when you sleep? I can't believe how much you get done!
I love the colors and prints you picked.
thank-you so much Jacquie for including us in the raffle if we choose!! I'm gonna print my tickets off tonight and get them mailed in! How cool would it be to win a quilt that has been worked on by so many talented women!
What a gorgeous quilt Jacquie! Big huge successful wishes going out to your and your mom's church.
I love your clothesline minis -- so, so cute. And your post about Fudge brought tears to my eyes. I'm so sorry. ;-(
I'm hoping to finish at least three more paintings (I don't even know if they will count) but thanks to you for motivating me to get going on all that I had to do.
well I really want to buy some tickets but live in the UK and don't have any dollars! The only solution I can think of is paypal. What about if someone in the US takes paypal payments from any international folks and then converts the money into cash and tickets? The cash could then be easily sent to the church and the tickets held for us in case one of us wins! Let me know what you think - I really want a chance to win this beautiful quilt!
Well, as I'm working on April 30th I've done all I can! my total is FIVE! yipee! come and see the last one. I'll try and come back Friday night to put it in the official post!
I am not able to download the file (computer won't let me create an account to download the form). Can you email it to me?
Jacquie, it's just beautiful! I believe I might just have to have me that quilt!
it's so lovely Jacquie. I'd love to enter but what about postage if I won (UK)?
I'm in love with this quilt. With all of your quilts really. I have a jelly roll to make into a coin quilt and seeing your coin baby quilt is making me want to start on it RIGHT NOW! xo
the quilt is gorgeous! here's hoping that it raises big bucks!
i am hoping for three more finishes yet tonight. i'm so thankful that you started this challenge. it's just the kick in the butt that i needed to get a few smaller projects finished up. (ok, and a few larger ones, too.)
this quilt is so beautiful, Jacquie! It's inspiring me to start a red quilt of my own!
Oh my gosh, this is just stunning. I want to wrap up in it..shoot, I want to win it!! I'll be entering, and I'll bet your mom's UMW makes the best profit ever on this fundraiser!
Your work is beautiful!
Hi Jacquie, I'm in nAustralia, is there any chance we could by tickets and pay by paypal? or should I get a friend in the US to mail you $$? Jill
What a truly GORGEOUS quilt! I wish you the very best of luck in raising a ton of money with it. That red/aqua combination again, wow. One of my favorites!
Beautiful quilt! Your work and your Mom's is so beautiful! I will send my entry and check in Monday.
The quilt is stunning and I hope it will bring lots and lots of money in. The colors are just lovely and the quilting great too. I love your design...I wish I could buy your pattern.
Catching up here. Reading your posts and enjoying it all. I don't know how I've gotten so behind because yours is one of my favorite blogs. You inspire me Jacquie. Love this quilt, the fabric, the texture and all. Jackie is a great artist too.
What a Beautiful quilt! The colors, the embroidery, the quilting... {swoon!} My tickets are printing as I type!! What a marvelous idea to expand the sales, and raise more money.
This quilt literally took my breath away when I first saw it. It has to be one of the most beautiful quilts I have ever seen, all in my favorite colors and fabrics!
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