I thought you might want to see where I live. They call it the country. It's very different than living in the city. In the city there were sidewalks and streets to cross. I hardly ever got my feet wet and certainly not muddy. I was always at the end of a leash. I don't own a leash any more.
I can go wherever I want, but I never go without my mom or dad. I used to step around puddles, now I go through them. At first, I stayed right on the path, now I pop into the woods every now and then (I don't go too far, though) and I'm learning to like the tall grass. I, am a country boy.
I usually start my morning walk on the path behind my house. Want to come along?
Don't worry, I'll wait for you to catch up. This back road is steep and it's muddy and slippery today. I like that!
You don't have to come in here with me, but it's really fun. Can you see me? You never know what you might find.

What a wonderful life you have given Bruno!!! He is a lucky dog.
Glad to see Bruno settling in so well! he looks so happy - what a life!
What a great post. He's a seriously happy looking dog.
Lucky Bruno to have such a fantastic home!!!
Wow what a fab place to live! Lucky old Bruno!
What a fabulous place to live Bruno!! I would love to live in the country!
Lady says she would like to come and play...but frogs? Really?
And when they say "it's a dog's life", it's supposed to be a bad thing - clearly not for Bruno! It's great to see a dog having so much fun!
Zele & Stella would love to come over for a swim...
Now I know what they mean when they call someone a "lucky dog"!
Thanks for sharing, Bruno! Glad you are enjoying life as a country boy.
I want to come too......wait for me!
He is gorgeous. I am looking forward to getting my daughter the dog we promised her when we move back to Australia. I love seeing your quilts and now I love seeing your dog
What a lucky dog Bruno is! Looks llke he is having a great time. I want to come along, too!
I love that Bruno took the time to write about his wonderful life!!!!
How much he has changed from his first photos. Such a beautiful lab - must be getting lots of love.
That was wonderful! I think Bruno can show US a few things about the joy of going off-path. Thanks
Bruno has hit the doggie jackpot. :) Nice to see he's so happy!
oh my gosh, that was the most beautiful post to read first thing in the morning! Thank you! Bruno, you lucky boy!!
So glad to read that you are enjoying the country life. It sounds like you have a great mom and dad! Today is my pop's bday and I'm going to let him play with my big, blue jolly ball.
What a life!!!!
Oh yeah! Bruno has the good life!! What a beautiful dog!..I mean guest blogger...
Bruno you have won the jackpot for your life!! Enjoy and thanks for taking us on your romp!! Gail Norback
Hey Bruno,
I would love to run with you on that leafy path, but I am a bit of a dry weather fellow (my rib cage is only 2" off the ground and I don't like getting it all wet and muddy). I can hike for a long time, too, even though my legs are about a quarter the length of yours. And swimming, well, I'll leave that up to you - most undignified you know, a hotdog in water. Nice to meet you, your backyard looks amazing. ruff.
What a sweetie, he looks just like the dog that lives behind us and is basically a neighborhood dog. Every morning he makes his rounds and checks on everybody. Will you give Bruno a hug for me?
Looks like a very happy boy!
I LOVE Bruno!!! What an awesome boy he is! Amie, Quilter and Bruno fan
That last photo is spectacular...it tells such a story. I love it !
love your guest blogger - can we hear from him again?
thanks for sharing a lovely day in the life of Bruno!
Well Bruno, it looks like you have adjusted well to your wonderful new home.
Say hi to your mom for me.
Pant, pant, pant! Gotta rest, Bruno! I'm only a semi-country girl. Er, woman.
what a great post...bruno's got quite the life...and he is so darn cute...and he's so happy...you and he are both so lucky!!
He looks so happy! I think Bruno should start his own blog!
Congrats, Bruno, you are now a country boy! It's a wonderful place, isn't it?
I am sure Bruno loves his new life in the country full of adventure and fun. What a lucky boy he is to have found you and you to have found him.
oh he's adorable!!!! how old is he?
I want a bruno!! sigh, but I don't have that fun land ....YET.
so cute! I love the ears flopping!
He is absolutely stunning. I love the way you did this post from his perspective. I showed all my kids and my husband and they all think Bruno is adorable.
Bruno is gorgeous. Think I need another one!
It is so nice to see Bruno so happy in his new home...he looks like a sweet Black Lab!
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