I didn't promise not to start anything new. (It's simply not in my nature!) I'm trying to divide my time between commissions, new starts and finishing those pesky UFOs. I started a project using these fabulous fabrics from Malka of Stitchindye. I've been saving them for the perfect project.

I really did cut into them. Hard, but I did, along with about 25 other fabrics.

Thanks to all of you who have joined the 'Joy in the New Year' UFO challenge. It's not too late. Head here and sign up. We've got a pretty fabulous list of prizes so far. If you see the button on a blog, be sure to ask how they're doing. Encouragement goes a long way!
200 more?! Wow! How is your salvage stash looking?
that pile of selvages always looks so big...and then i start sewing and it shrinks fast. i wonder how many pieces will be in this baby when it's done?
I am drooling! Those selvage pieces look great and oh yes.....there are just some fabrics that so so difficult to actually close the scissors on. Did you take a deep breath first?
Gorgeous fabrics -- and definitely hard to cut into! Glad you got the courage, am eager to see what you do with them. :)
I'm really excited to see the spiderweb quilt finished...whenever that may be. That is such a wonderful shade of blue.
Would you like a small bag of selvedges? I can't bear to throw them away but I know I'll absolutely never use them. Email me if you'd like them...
Love the colors in your new piece! Your selvages are looking pretty amazing too :)
Oh my, but those fabrics are luscious together.
I love the selvage project. Guess you will need to go a lot more fabric shopping to get 200 more!!!!
I love the rainbow of colors hanging there! I need to get over and sign up for Joy in the New Year. . .I think it's just the motivation I need. I'm going to go check on Ben now. . .
Jacquie, I love these fabrics! Since starting to blog and read everyone else's, I have recently learned about salvages. I guess I have been blind for the past 48 years, not realizing what a find they were. So now I know and I am starting to save them. I have a very small pile and will need to save for about another year before being able to do anything with them. Do you buy a yard at a time to save or is a fat quarter enough to get a good sample? Hmmm, curious. Anyway, I am intersted in the challenge. Thanks, Stephanie
I'm moving and need to unload my selvedge stash. Do you want it? I'd be glad to send it to you.
I get a little tingle every time I see progress on your selvedge quilt! How big will the quilt be when it's all done, do you think?
I need to join the UFO challenge. A new year with a a clean slate? Sounds like heaven!!!!
I love the fabrics in your new project! Beautiful.
It's going to be so gorgeous! Keep plugging away, I can't wait to see it coming together!
Your spiderweb is going to be the envy of every quilter when finished.... a fabulous design full of favorite memories of wonderful fabrics!!! Where o' where shall it go??? Will you hang it in your new sewing room??
XO, Heather
200! Wow that sounds overwhelming! Gonna be stunning though! And those colorful strips look gorgeous hanging there.
oooh, those are beautiful fabrics! I love your selvage quilt too; I have always wanted to make one.
Jennifer :)
Talk about fabric eye candy, I just want to hug it all. Also Congratulations to all who signed up for you UFO challenge, I wish I could but I need to do Christmas gifts first! Hopefully you will do the "Spring to Finish" again (Hibt, Hint)
Lovin' the spider web. One of these days I will make one. The new fabrics are yummy. Can't wait to see what you create!
That spiderweb quilt is going to be awesome! I love the colors, just perfect to brighten anyone's day. Malka's fabric is just gorgeous and would be a perfect addition to any project! I can't wait to see what you will be doing with them.
200 more of those?! Oh my grief! But in the end you'll have something awesome and will forget about the 'pain' hehe
Oooh! Lovely fabrics!
Looks like you're having fun Jacquie. Can't wait to see what those cool dyed fabrics will make!
The spider-web selvage quilt is going to be outstanding, I can tell all ready. Hoping some helpful little quilting elves come out tonight and help make some of those 200 extra points! Also, I applaud your bravery for being able to cut into Malka's beautiful dyed fabric, I know you will do it amazing justice!
Thanks you for posting this amazing blog. I can wait ro see what those cool things.
By the way if you are looking for more like this? visit studio site.
Man that looks like a project to pick out here and there.
I just love Malka's fabrics, I have yet to cut into mine. Still trying to find just the right project.
oh i love it the selvage spiderwebquilt. Now I want one! :)
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