This is a baby quilt design called 'He's a Star'. It seems to me so often that there aren't very many modern baby boy quilts out there. I tried to achieve that with this one. It uses a variation of Gwen Marston's Maverick Star....the extended maverick star. I adapted her star so that the points can be a little more varied with the extension. I like the look of it better. How I extend the star can be found in my Christmas tree skirt tutorial that is now in the sidebar.
The back is simple, but fun.
You can see the extension of the stars a bit better in this picture. Off to baste another UFO!

How are you doing? Got any finishes yet? Amy hosts a 'sew and tell' on Fridays. It might be a good way to post about your progress. We have to motivate each other. Have you cheered someone on today?
oh, it's double sided!!!!! I love it - there are so many of my favourite baby boy fabrics in there.
I have had a couple of finishes - and it's so great to tick things off the list!
I can't believe that you left that quilt unfinished. It is so adorable. Sometimes talented people like you make me frustrated. Oh to have the vision and talent! (As well as the machine that doesn't jam on a whim.) Sew on.
that is adorable!! i love the wonky stars!! the colors are perfect too!
Very nice, you're right modern baby boy! Do you remember what the backing color is? Is it a Bella solid? Thanks for the tree skirt tutorial. I think it might be time for me to make another new tree skirt!
It's beautiful Jacquie -- so creative. I love it!
Very fun quilt J! I got a start on one of my UFO's at retreat on the weekend, but have to pick out some of the stitching. I think my can of 505 was old and the backing didn't stick to the batting very well, so I got a bunch of puckering. Rats. No worries, I will prevail and complete my UFO's!!!
Too adorable!! I love it!! (I love stars-and all things red, white and blue!!) I was able to get some sewing done this weekend (trying to learn how to machine quilt-I need to get the right foot so that I can try out curves eventually, but fur now I am learning straight lines!!) I actually got one done! (One down, 9 to go on the challenge!!)
I really like this one. I love how you've connected the background blocks - really makes the star blocks flow together (or should I say twinkle)
I love doing liberated stars. I like the way your points are different fabrics. I don't use much white but I am always intrigued by how great it looks in your quilts.
Congratulations on completing another UFO!!! This one is terrific. I downloaded your tree skirt tutorial already. Absolutely love it. I had decided even if I don't get around to making the tree skirt this year, I can use your instructions for the stars, etc. in other projects. You must be a perfectionist to rip out half a quilt's quilting ;-)) I obviously don't know what it looked like before, but it looks amazing now.
Amy's Sew & Tell Fridays are great for motivating finishes. I am so glad I joined in. It really has helped me get things done.
Happy Monday!
I made a similar adjustment to the stars on a a quilt I made. They are just so much more dramatic, aren't they?
I had a good weekend. Got two UFOs finished. I will post pictures on my blog later today.
love the baby quilt! and those stars! sorry to say I have been beginning as many projects as I said I would finish! I did finish one....we'll see how far I get here on those ufos!
Congratualtions on your finish. I just finished my 1st UFO today, now it needs to be washed, then I can take a pix and share it on my blog. Next on my list is to sandwich the next quilt top/backing. Thanks so much for the motivation to finish these up!
I've been sick, so I promise to post before the day is through about this fun project :) Good Luck everyone!
LOVE LOVE LOVE those stars. PERFECT for a baby boy quilt! I finished a baby boy quilt too! Will post soon! This puts 3 finishes for me. Yahoo! Although, those were the easy ones. LOL. Now it's on to the twin quilts and more. ;o) Good Luck everyone. ooxx`jodi p.s. Amy's Sew n Tell would totally be an awesome way to post about our progress! Simply Awesome idea Jacquie. ;o)
thanks for the shout out! I love seeing what everyone is finishing! I'm posting about the challenge tomorrow, with my list. I better get moving!!!
PS - duh, I forgot to tell you how much I LOVE this quilt!!! I love the blue and red together. SO cute.
One down, four to go in Chicago. However, I'm putting off the really BIG UFOs until last...
I have to admit tho, it's gonna be fun to see these 5 on my "done" pile....and they really go faster after the piecing is over. I just have to stop indulging myself with new tops.
so smart to rework the dimensions.
I also really like how you offset the center panel and the borders are different sizes. Also an interesting choice not to float the squares.
Very inspiring.
I'm so jealous! I did not get a chance to quilt at all this weekend.
Does this mean that you have 99 UFOs!??!:)
I always love your style in making stars :)
Want to join your UFO's project, but don't dare..hehe...
Love the modern twist for baby and the strippy stripe down the backing.
You are getting there!! And the quilt is wonderful.
And I'm sad to not be able to join in your challenge but I'm only ever working on two quilts at a time. Piecing one and quilting or binding the other... seems to be how it works for me. Not sure why.
This is one of my Favs!!! I just LOVE wonky stars right now.... you can always store this one at my house! ;)
XO, Heather
Fabulo-sew! Love that red and white fabric!
word verification: amind, as in, I have half amind to go make one myself! :) cheers!
Very modern for today's very stylish babes! I'm not officially participating in your challenge but I've very inspired. I have the binding on a HUGE quilt that I'm now hand sewing and I got a quilt machine quilted too! Thanks for the push.
Congrats on another one done -- it's great! The aqua and red is such a great combo, and the stars are terrific. Some baby boy will love it.
I love this one - definitely a case of less is more! You are so right about baby boy quilts.
What a cute little boy quilt! And in patriotic colors, too!
Congrats on a finish!
Love those stars for a boys quilt! I hope getting those all checked off feels good :)
nope, still working on the ornaments...got 2 weeks left to get them done then the quilt will take priority.
cute quilt! I like the red. I get soooo tired of blue=boy, pink=girl. ack.
and I just BOUGHT a tree skirt because I decided it was better than adding ONE MORE THING to my Todo List.
go jacquie! go jacquie! congrats on getting down to single digits.
i soo want to quilt today. but i have outside chores to do AND the weather is gorgeous, so i'm not complaining. :)
Stunning, delightful, inspirational. You are so motivating.
What a fantastic baby quilt! I have a really hard time doing boy baby quilts. I'm so excited. I found out when I started basting I actually had 5 UFOs ready to baste. And I'm completely done with all five! Quilted, bound and washed, ready for their recipients. YAY! I'm slowly plugging away on one of my WIP and I've abandoned the other one for now. New projects are, of course, in the works :). Hope you are having a fabulous day!
I am impressed, not only that you are now under double digits, but the quilt is beautiful!! Love it!!
super cute...i really love the back...and under double digits...look at you go girl!!
The baby quilt is wonderful! I should have my first UFO finished by Friday: a pair of socks that have been in time out since February.
HI there. I have tried linking your Joy in the New year on my blog, but I CANNOT for the life of me figure out how to do it. I tried to copy the web address and put it in the link, but nothing is working. So anyways, if you have a chance, could tell me how to link things on my blog, and how to add the picture to the side of my blog??? I am SOOO new to this it's embarrassing! :-)
Love your new baby boy quilt! Great design. I feel like making more stars, right now...
nice job.. unfortunately i haven't finished any of my 14 UFOs.. instead i started more projects. i may be a lost cause.
beautiful stars! and what a wonderful combination of color!!!
Jacquie, I'm having a baby boy in March and I'm having a heck of a time finding a MODERN quilt design for him. I might just do some large semi-wonky blocks a la Denyse Schmidt style.... wonky stars are an option too! I have until March to get it done, so until then, the search continues...
Jacquie, I love love your wonky squares with the fresh color scheme of fabrics. I have made similar quilts but used fall colors and I am amazed at the difference in the feel when looking at yours. I love wonky and am in love with your blog, thank you for the inspiration. come on over and visit sometime. Em
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