One clear, chilly night in late November he called to her. "Come outside and see the moon with me." She replied unenthusiastically, "But it's so cold outside." He persisted. She acquiesced. They stood together looking at the moon. He wrapped his arms around her. "Isn't it beautiful," he said. "Can we go in now?" she pleaded. He held her closer, and they stood in the moonlight. He whispered, "Will you marry me?" She said, a little shocked and bewildered, "You're kidding?" Before he could say anything else she said yes.
For the last 26 plus years, every time I look at the moon I think of that night. I think of my hubby who has taught me to see the beauty around me and appreciate the little blessings of life. When I made the circle block for the tutorial in the last post it reminded me of the moon and that night. I couldn't help myself, I kept making more and more moons. This quilt is going to be 'Proposal Moon.' I'm not sure where I'm going with it from here, but I know I'm loving it.
On a sad note, the husband of one of my blog friends died suddenly this week. Some of you may know her, Joni of Yummers. Joni and I have never met, but I feel like we're friends. She was the first person to ever purchase one of my pieces. She inspired such confidence in me with that small gesture. Her blog is a joyful and inspirational place. I want to wrap my virtual arms around her and help her through a time of unimaginable pain and grief.
I can only imagine the wonderful life that Joni and Boyd have had together. So, Boyd, "Proposal Moon" is for you.
That's such sad news about your friend :( I can't imagine what she's going through right now.
The quilt and the story behind it is just beautiful.
Great post Jackie about the memories of romance between you and your husband! Sad about your friends' husband.
What a beautiful story you start out with, and such a sad way to end it. I hope your friend is ok, and I'm sure any support she receives right now, virtual or otherwise will be appreciated.
Oh I love quilts that have wonderful stories behind them! Thanks for sharing!
Sending prayers to your friend. Hugs via blogger!
What a sweet, sad, beautiful, loving and meaningful post.
Beautiful moons. The fabric choices make me think of all the phases of the moon too.
what a beautiful story about the moon, your husband sounds very special.
sorry to hear off your friends loss xxx
Your Proposal Moon is very special, love the story.
It’s even more special you celebrate Boyd’s life with this quilt.
Mrs Joni Yummers was my first blog-buddy. We even had a telephone conversation. She’s so enthousiastic, inspirational and always kind and energetic. She lived such a happy life with Boyd. I feel so sorry for her and her girls.
What a lovely quilt with very special meaning. Sorry for the sad news.
awe, now that's just sweet!
What a beautiful story to go with your beautiful quilt.
So sorry to hear about Joni's loss.
This post is just beautiful. My heart goes out to your friend.
How beautiful and how sad. Blessings to you and your friend.
I'm so sorry about your friend, Jacquie. I can't imagine the pain she must be feeling. I'm sure she appreciates your tribute to her beloved husband.
Isn't this what quilting is all about? The thoughts that go through your head about the person you are making a quilt for. Then the memories that come back when you see the quilt again. And the quilts like yours with hidden meaning. And the fact that you will forever look at this quilt that represents the joy of your gain and the sadness of your friend's loss.
A beautiful story for a beautiful quilt. A fitting tribute for any life well lived. You rock! Happy quilting!
Amazing story, like a from a movie... :)
Quilts should have a story to tell. This one would be a special one.
Your post is so sweet, what a wonderful memory and to share that with a friend is such a kind gesture. My thoughts and prayers are with your friend.
Your post brought tears to my eyes twice! First because I am a hopeless romantic and well, that's one of the sweetest love memories I've heard. My hubby of almost 15 years proposed while I was making a spaghetti dinner for my mom during a college break. How such simple actions can quickly become so very special memories.
I'm also so sorry to hear of the sudden passing of your friend's husband. My thoughts will be with her today.
I LOVE the quilt! And the story. When my husband asked me I was also shocked and asked if he we kidding. Funny.
And what sad news for your friend. She's lucky to have a friend like you, even if it's only in cyberspace.
You're not only a great quilter . . . you'd make a great novelist too.
A very sweet story - and a very sad story. Love the quilt - and the stories behind it.
such a bittersweet posting... lovely proposal - he sounds like quite the keeper, especially after 26 years. my condolences to your friend and her loss.
beautiful quilt too!
Beautiful quilt and post Jacquie.
Joni is one of my bloggy friends too and my thoughts are with her every day.
What a romantic lovely story about you and such a sad and tearful one about your friend. So sorry to hear it and I am sure she will gain some comfort in your 'gift' of the dedication.
That is a stunning design, and a lovely story. Hang in there in the coming weeks.
Blogs have a wonderful way of drawing us together and somehow helping us to share each other's joys and sorrows. I'm one of many who is now thinking of Joni and her family.
What an incredibly sweet story - beautiful inspiration for a quilt - and so much love to your bloggy friend.
Thank you for this lovely post Jacquie. It reminds us all what is important and how to honour both moments and friends who are dear to us.
What a lovely post and a lovely quilt top. I'm sending prayers and healing thoughts to your friend...
What a beautiful engagment story! And the quilt is a lovely reminder. I am so sorry about your blog-friend's husband - life takes such surprising and unwelcome turns sometimes.
What a beautiful story! Thank you for sharing it.
My heart goes out to Joni.
That was a lovely anecdote, and a lovely dedication.
This one does remind me of NASA's Astonomy Picture of the Day entries.
How sad to hear about the passing of Joni's husband.
Your quilt is gorgeous and I love the story of your engagement and how you've tied it into this quilt.
I'm so sorry to hear about Joni's husband's passing.
The quilt and the story are so beautiful, thanks for sharing them.
Great sadness and great happiness in one post. A pretty terrific quilt too (again). I need to read the tutorial again to see if you talk about how to size the receiving piece (not the circle)- the 1/4" seam allowance thing. I usually mess up there. You are still ahead of the curve.
that's such a sweet story! Gosh I can't help but love a good story behind a quilts inspiration Jacquie!
Very impressive, very nive. Congratulations:)
Love the quilt. I know that you said that you tried all kinds of ways to sew circles. I also can relate to not liking to sew by hand. But have you tried Dale flemings way of sewing a circle in 6 minutes and pinless at that. Have a great day Cheryl M.
The sentiment is lovely as are the moons.
Calling you today to chat.
Beautiful quilt and beautiful story...how sweet. At the same time my heart goes out to your friend in her time of great loss.
Oh Jacquie, I LOVE this one!
Thanks for sharing. You do that so well. My tree skirt is complete, hope you'll come see!... :)
your husband sounds sweet. (mine often drags me outside to see beauty in nature, so this made me smile. i am such an indoor mouse.)
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