Thursday, March 25, 2010

Church Ladies

The ladies of my mom's church have asked me to make the quilt for their church raffle again this year. This time they wanted to participate. They liked my 'monet's flower garden' quilt and they thought they could collect sheets for me so I could make another quilt like that for them. These are the first two panels. It's going to be a double so it takes a LOT of sheets. It was a challenge to go through what they collected and choose what might work for a quilt like this. I hope it's going to be pretty. I need to get this done for them. I have it about half done.

It's been an exciting day for me. Sew Mama Sew asked me to serve on their board and help plan this year's Quilting Month on Sew Mama Sew. I love quilting month so I was thrilled with the invitation. I'm working with some fabulous quilters, Kajsa of Syko, Rita of Red Pepper Quilts and Kellie of Don't Look Now. Now those are some amazing women. My interview is on Sew Mama Sew today and you can check out the posts for those other three ladies too. April 1 is the start of Quilting Month. Don't miss it!
Thanks Jane...for the little push. You're the best!


A Spoonful Of Sugar said...

Well done Jacquie!! I will be looking forward to quilting month:)

Your Church quilt is going to be stunning - hope it raises a lot of money.

Kim D. said...

Those sheet fabrics in your quilt are lovely and it will be one beautiful quilt. Makes me want to check out the thrift stores to find old sheets. Congrats on working with Sew Mama Sew, that's great news..

teaginny said...

I love quilting month on SMS too, and I'm excited to know someone who is going to be part of planning it!
I thought Church Ladies was the name of the quilt! :) It kind of fits actually.

Rachel said...

Oh it's SO pretty, Jacquie!

Nice work on the SMS victory :)

Jane's Fabrics and Quilts said...

I loved reading all about you on sew mama sew, and I am proud to know you and look forward to the month ahead. A very warm congratulations, now go enjoy the time with your son!!
I am sure the woman at the church will be thrilled with your quilt.

calicodaisy said...

Oh! I knew you when ... (sort of). Amazing what great opportunities blogging has brought to so many of us.

Poppyprint said...

Congratulations Jacquie! I've been waiting since I spied the button on your blog. Love SMS and all that they do to encourage participation from the quilting community. Can't wait for April.

The quilt is going to be gorgeous, indeed!

MightyMom said...

oh it's very pretty...but I can't believe you did triangles again!! yikes.

sew momma sew huh? haven't been there before. quilting month? ooooo

Unknown said...

Jacquie - I saw that you and Kellie were now board members (and read your interviews) but still need to check out what 'quilting month' is and what's involved etc - here's hoping I can take part and get a push on quilting Lewis's top fot the talk in June

Nichole said...

very pretty!
and congrats on becoming a board member. :)

Abby and Stephanie said...

OK I have to admit the post title made me think of a skit on Saturday Night Live. This is going to be another wonderful money maker for your church. I hope you aren't buried in sheets. I'm off to read all about you. Congratulations.

Shari said...

Congratulations for being on Sew Mama Sew! Have fun with it!

And a new church raffle... do I dare enter again? Probably not. I love my quilt! Be sure and tell the ladies that and send along my thanks again... I'm sure it will be a great success!
Hugs - Shari

audreypawdrey said...

I saw that you were going to be on the board for next month and was so excited for you! That is awesome. I can't wait to see what you add for quilting month. I love this quilt; I have a collection of vintage sheets that I keep trying to figure out what to do with. :)

Unknown said...

Great interview, it was great getting to know you better, I can't believe you have only been quilting for 2 years! You were born for it! Maybe I have a chance afterall, I am new to it but I will never catch up with the likes of you!!! lol

silversmith said...


the red/white floral towards the top... i still have those sheets! used them all the time as a kid and always kept them for the guest bed. i did take them from the linen closet recently and put them in my studio to cut up.

Emily said...

Those church ladies are smart -- the MONET quilt was one of my favorites, too!

em's scrapbag said...

Couldn't happen to a better person. I am so happy for you! I'm certain the Monet's flower garder will be most wonderful for your mom's church.

Rae Ann said...

Simply love your Monet's flower garden quilt.. it is perfect for the church quilt. Happy to hear that you are on Sew Mama Sew! Congratulations!

Jennifer said...

Your quilt is going to turn out beautiful! Those sheets remind me of spending the night at my grandmother's... I always loved sleeping on her pretty sheets.

Jennifer :)

Rebekah said...

congrats on becoming a board member at Sew Mama Sew!

I can't wait to see how your church lady quilt turns out.

Mary on Lake Pulaski said...

Congratulations Jacquie on the SMS gig! They are lucky to have you and Rita and Kellie too!

Samantha said...

Hooray for you and SMS Quilting month- sounds AWESOME! Can't wait!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on the SMS board! It sounds like it will be a lot of fun. I didn't know that April was going to be quilting month - I'll head over to SMS more than ususal. Thanks!

wishes, true and kind said...

Congratulations! I wasn't blogging (or reading blogs) last April, so I've never experienced Quilt Month at Sew Mama Sew! Can't wait :)


A great idea for some of those old, kinda cheesy looking sheets in my grandma's linen closet!!

sewtakeahike said...

congratulations Jacquie! and thanks for everything you do to help keep us all inspired!