I celebrated National Quilting Day on Saturday by sewing not what I had to, but what I wanted to. I made this quilt after playing with some drawings...I love retro shapes...I think this has potential for a large quilt. There are some things I would change, but it was a good experiment. A bit of a different direction for me.

I wanted to share the new logo for the Kansas City Modern Quilt Guild designed by Lauren of My Aunt June. It's so great to have such talented folks in our group. Isn't it fab?
I've been basting and quilting too...I should have some finished quilts to show this week.
It could happen.
I want to kinda beg forgiveness for not visiting my blog friends or responding to comments like I usually do. Between lousy internet and simply crazy busy days, I haven't been very good about it. I know...excuses, excuses.
I love it. I am contemplating doing a similar quilt, only with interesting shaped trees and forest animals. I love that you did what you wanted to do and not what you had to do! I'm doing more of have-to's...
awesome logo!
Love the logo - how cool! And that quilt is gorgeous...you always come up with the best ideas!
Wow, so cool logo!
Your 'National Quilt Day' quilt is awesome, love the random curving lines there. The black crossed lines give cool accent.
Wish we had kind of that day too here :(
Great logo, I want to play and do some lovely envelope wraps like this - sorry I couldn't do any quilting on NQD but it was our guild meeting for the Spinners, Weavers and Dyers, and I had a lovely relaxing day spinning (trying some lace grade yarn)
Love the top you did - very retro
This is so funky and modern! I love it! I could see myself hanging this on a wall.
I love the mini atomic quilt! How original and cool.
That quilt definitely evokes a retro feeling. What fun!
Nice to work on something you want to, isn't it?? Love the logo and don't fret on the visits. We know you are out there!
So cool, atomic-looking. I love the "fried egg" shapes, that's what they remind me of. Great work.
The retro quilt is awesome! And the logo looks so great :)
Love that little quilt - how fun!
A great retro quilt! I especially like the black "starburst" quilting.
The KCMQG logo is fabulous too! I joined the MQG here in Michigan and am really looking forward to my first meeting next week.
Your little quilt looks Christmas-y to me. I love it! Glad you got to do what you wanted!
This little quilt is fabulous! You are certainly forgiven (about the commenting/visiting), as anyone will tell you. Sometimes you just can't make it - but everyone knows how good you always are.
This is really incredible. Your designs always wow me.
What a terrific quilt. It's retro-modern!
I love your quilt. It looks like it was a fun project too.
Great logo.
What a great retro design. I bet you had a great time making it. I am so envious that you are able to have a modern quilt guild. Our community is just not large enough and the guild we have is painfully traditional, however I still am learning so much from all the women.
What a cool little quilt. Inspiring.
Friends do not have to give excuses, we can only do what we can! I simply adore that quilt, just as is!!!! Love the starbursts, very retro, I use some on my ebay pages, just love how they look.
Definitely a fun way to celebrate the day! Great new logo.
What a wonderful little celebration quilt Jacquie! Love it.
That little retro quilt is too cute Jacquie! Isn't it fun to work on things we want to work on???
Our brains are on the same wavelength. I've been playing with a very similar sketch. How did you do the black hourglass type shape?
cute quilt! That logo is amazing!
Looks like a fun way to celebrate, Jacquie! You are so clever!! I just love the KCMQG logo. It's funny because just this week I was thinking of asking if there was one in the works. Are we going to be able to use it on our blogs?
That is SUCH a cool quilt!!! Glad you were able to pursue your passion this weekend :)
the quilt guild logo is fantastic!
Good for you- doing something for YOU. I LOVE this quilt and your blog. Keep up the great work!
LOVE the quilt - reminds me of some great barkcloth I have in my stash. And love the logo for the KCMQG!
I love what you came up with... you always come up with some original ideas and designs! And Lauren did such an amazing job on that logo!
wow, you and curvys....that's new!
love the 2 color quilting!
It was National Quilting Day? I just told my husband that I missed National Quilting Day, his reply: "Every day is National Quilting Day at our house". True.
ps lovely quilt design.
Great little quilt... love those atomic designs! Hope you do more!
Oh I LOVE the logo!
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