i can't stop looking at the quilting...on wednesday i'll tell you all about the quilter...it was the perfect collaboration between two artists.

I've been working with this set of fabric over the last week. Large scale prints can be challenging, but I really love this set of fabrics. I think I'm making them work.

Have a great week everyone. I'm enjoying every minute with my youngest. There's MUSIC in the house again! Thanks for checking out his song...you all are the best!
Wow! The quilting took my breath away. It's just perfect!
Oh my gosh! The quilting is amazing! That is absolutely amazing. It is so perfect for the quilt. It just fils in the white space so well.
Just beautiful, Jacquie!! The quilting is beautiful! Did you do it on your home sewing machine. I am excited to see the whole quilt!
Oh My! that is beautiful! Outstanding, wow!
Yeah, me too on the quilting. So how did you do that? Marking? pattern? Very cool.
can't wait to see the whole quilt! looks like a LOT of fabulous quilting! what fun!
Everything they said already!!!!
Absoultely breathtaking. The quilting just totally enhances the quilt. Can't wait to see it all finished!
Not your typical quilting -- and it's PERFECT for this quilt! Way cool!
There was a squeal! It looks fantastic, I love the hand quilting (I'm a big hand quilter- not that i have big hands you know!).Well done, fabulous quilt!
Oh, my. I loved it before the quilting and it is so much better now. You are making this an incredible piece.
I am glad you are enjoying having your son home. I love the energy they bring and you have the added music. ENJOY!!!
oh my gosh, jacquie! did you did all of that quilting on your own machine?! it's incredible!!
Oh, man Jacquie. I was trying to imagine what it would be like when you described it, but nothing I could have pictured was as god as this! CAN'T WAIT to see it on Thursday!
This WOW! quilting is in such contrast to the selvages *S* And I agree with other comments - this is very different from your usual quilting. It's one of your best, if not THE best.
Beautiful..that quilting is absolutely amazing!
Love Love Love the quilting! Wow! I don't think I've ever seen you do non-straight-line quilting. It compliments that quilt perfectly. You deserve to be proud of it!
It looks amazing Jacquie - it must feel like such an accomplishment to be done! Can't wait to see what you've come up with for the other fabrics!
The quilting is just beautiful and bring a whole added dimension to the quilt!
That is such incredible quilting, I can't fully describe it. Thank you for showing us!
Your selvage quilt is just stunning!! I love it!! AND your quilting- GORGEOUS!!
Jacquie - the quilting has brought a whole new dimension to the quilt. It's amazing! can't wait to read more about it!!!
Such a tease!
Wow! Amazing quilting! Did you do it on your own machine??
Oh MY GOD! That quilting on your selvage quilt is so super amazing!! I would never have imagined to quilt it like that! Just OMG WOW! Can't wait to see the whole thing!!
Wow! The quilting is amazing and I am so looking forward to hearing more about it. Did the other artist use a standard sewing machine or a long arm machine?
Jacquie, It looks fantastic! I can't wait to get all the juicy details. Have fun at your trunk show! Chit-chatting with like-minded folks is always fun.
Happy quilting!
The quilting is breathtakingly beautiful! It really enhances the beauty of the design. I hope you are keeping this one!
It came out gorgeous... I think the quilting design is amazing.
WOW. I'm looking forward to reading more about the quilting...amazing.
I am so impressed! It is so beautiful! I'm looking forward to hearing more about the quilting.
I know what you mean about collaboration with the quilter. I just got a quilt back from my cousin who is an absolutely artist with a long-arm. I was speechless.
And you fabrics are gorgeous! What is the one all the way to the left?
I can't wait to see the selvedge quilt in its entirety. What I can see looks absolutely gorgeous!
The quilting is fantastic. I can't stop looking at it either! It really gives the impression of circles, without having to piece pesky curves! I'm sure it will be a big hit at the trunk show.
Whoaaarr. That makes my spiderweb quilt look like it was sewn by raccoons. Fantastic!
That quilting looks amazing! Looks like it's going to be a very special quilt.
The quilting is just absolutely stunning!!! And I just started a quilt with mainly large scale prints and I too found it a little challenging. But it'll be worth it!
The quilting looks absolutely stunning.
My goodness what a wonderful quilt. The quilting is amazing!
Oh my word, LOVE the quilting! Looks so great, Jacquie!
The quilt is AMAZING! The quilting really does set it all off! Also I love the fabrics you are working with next :)
Totally amazing!!
So, so wonderful - looking forward to seeing whe whole quilt!
Hugs - Lurline♥
amnazing quilt! and quilting is stunning too!
wow! I just LOVE the quilt design!
Look at that quilting!! Can't wait to see the whole thing...but the up-close of the quilting is very inspiring.
Holy Moly, it looks fantastic!
all I can say is AMAZING!!! you are right an great collaboration
WOW! I love spiderweb quilts, but you have just proven that the quilting makes the quilt! Your quilting is amazing and really enhances this already lovely quilt!
Oh my heavens that quilt is stunning!!
and I bet you will do wonders with the fabrics, so bright and fun, I love them.
Oh my gosh, that's a gorgeous quilt!
Love that quilt!
Loved the sneak peak!
Enjoy show and tell...
; )
Breathtaking ! I cannot wait to see the whole quilt.....Hurry up ...get up...wake up.....
OH! MY! GOSH, that is devine. The quilting is sooo to die for. Congrats to all involved in the making. Can't wait to see it in its entirity.
Love the quilt. It is so gorgeous. If it were mine, I don't think I could stop looking at it either. Great accomplishment.
I know what you mean about the joy of having your kids come home. My home just vibrates with life when my boys visit.
Your sons music is great! My son loves music and loves to discover new artists so I forwarded the link to him.
didn't think I was such a fan of selvage's till I started watching this project!
What an awesome job the two of you have done! What an example of how scraps can be used to be so efficient and beautiful at the same time.
Oh wow! DO I recognize some of Angela's skills? What an amazing quilt! This is the one you are keeping, or is it the one for your sister in law? I hope you can bring it to the KCMQG Thursday.
the quilting is beautiful
Oh wow....from what you said I was expecting the quilting to be amazing, but I still gasped when it popped into my reader. Spectacular.
the piecing w/ the selvages is great. the quilting makes it perfect & stunning.
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