Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Learning to Live in the Country...Danger!

Some of you know my baby, Bruno, who we adopted last fall. He's a transplant from the city and has spent the past months learning to be a country dog. Some lessons are more fun than others. Look at that face...not an aggressive bone in his body. He loves everyone and is always looking for a new friend.

Last night before dinner he and I headed out the back door to play ball. In an instant I knew we were in trouble. An opossum was busy eating a luscious dead cat not three feet away from the back door. Bruno didn't see a wild animal, no, only a potential playmate. He was on that opossum in an instant with a happy grin and wagging tail. Needless to say, the opossum had other ideas. If you've ever stumbled upon a possum mid-meal, you know they can be decidedly testy and they don't hesitate to show their sizeable teeth and sharp claws. In addition they are truly butt ugly and disgusting.

Thank goodness Bruno is pretty obedient...I screamed NO!!! and COME almost simultaneously and Bruno obeyed. The opossum curled up as if to try to disappear from the bubbly dog and crazy woman. I got Bruno inside and he looked at me with that confused, 'what did I do' kind of look. I caught my breath and took him out the front door and we played ball while the opossum finished eating and disappeared into the woods.
As if that wasn't enough, we headed out for our walk this morning. It's warming up here, the sun was shining and the snow is finally melting. I was deep in thought and walking ahead of Bruno. I was getting ready to head up the back hill towards home and I heard a crash...a crash of ice and water and we were in trouble again. Bruno loves water and this fall learned to love to swim. Well, he had wandered out on to the ice on the back pond and fell through. My heart jumped and I turned and ran back to the pond. Thank goodness he was on the frog pond, which is the smaller of the two ponds and never too deep. He was in over his chest though and as I was freaking out calling him to come to the edge, he worked himself out and hopped up to me. He shook that icy water all over me and looked at me for an explanation. I wonder if that lesson will sink in? I didn't even think to watch him as the ponds start to melt. Lesson learned for me too.

On a lighter note...I made a bunch of these this weekend. I like to have these on hand and ready for gift giving. They make great hostess gifts and don't need wrapping. My kind of gift.

p.s. They're potholders with grommets...9 inches square.


Anonymous said...

Bruno is much friendlier than my Rue and Day were. I use to have to be careful or they would take on the pack mentality and go after that possum.

allsewnup said...

My heart would have been in my throat. Good thing he listens.


Angela Nash said...

Bruno is a awesome guy to listed so well! Glad your country adventures turned out ok!

Love the ribbon on the pot holders - that's a great idea to have in stock for gifts.

DK said...

Glad to know Bruno's alright from the ice fall. I'm wondering what the gifts are, though. Are they quilted placemats all rolled up?

Lynn said...

What a big difference from the pictures of Bruno when you first got him. He looks so heathly and happy!

Brenis said...

Oh, heart attack city!! Poor Bruno! I know that confused look well! And I say things like "I hope she learned her lesson" - a LOT with a 7 month old pup! LOL My girlfriend (vet tech) keeps reminding me that no - they dont learn/remember those things! But they do remember OUR respsonses!
Soo glad Bruno listens so good!! And so glad he chose the little pond! Phew.. outa danger for one day, huh? :D

RosaMarĂ­a said...

my dogs are also learning to live in the country too(time ago, Lucio nearly bringing his little nose to a scorpion)... is good to hear that nothing bad happened to Bruno, he's so handsome!

Laura said...

Oh that poor puppy! I'm sure he'll figure it out eventually. Love your hostess gifts.

Doris said...

"...In addition they are truly butt ugly and disgusting."

Seriously, this statement made me laugh out loud! TOO TRUE! They creep me out 'cause they look like giant rats!

Poor Bruno, glad he's a good listener but sorry he's had a tough week...

Poppyprint said...

I've never seen a possum and after your harrowing tale, I hope I never do! Poor Bruno, thank goodness it was the froggy pond and not too deep.

Thanks for the photo of your beautiful potholders, it has spurned me on to make a pair this weekend for the Potholder Pass II swap. I really appreciated your grommet tutorial and used it to complete gifts for my family at Christmas. Thanks!

Abby and Stephanie said...

The Bruno Adventures--glad all turned out well. He's very sweet. Abby decided to test the ice on our fish pond. It didn't hold her weight and she got a big icy surprise. She hasn't done it since so hopefully lesson learned. Great gifts to have on hand.

country mouse said...

Oh my, thank goodness Bruno is such a good listner. Possums are not the most friendly of creatures...especially when their meal gets interupted! Hopefully he'll learn those lessons quickly. Love the pot holders...too cute!

Memaw's memories said...

What a beautiful dog. And the potholders are such a neat idea for quick gifts. And everyone needs potholders. I can never seem to find one when I want it.

Dani said...

My lab only went through the ice on our pool once, that was enough for her! Hopefully Bruno has figured it out now.

Pretty potholders, just like everything else you make! :)

Twisted Quilts said...

I love your Bruno stories. Our neighborhood dog is a black lab that reminds me so much of Bruno. He has to make his rounds every morning to check on things! He is so sweet and gentle. We have possums too and they are nasty animals. I am glad Bruno didn't get attacked because that can be a nasty bite.

MandMStudio said...

Beautiful dog, Love Potholders!

Cheryl Arkison said...

Never a dull moment!

Lisa J said...

I have to agree with your statement, "...In addition they are truly butt ugly and disgusting." We have 20 acres and have run ins with possums and they really are UGLY!!

Cheryl said...

I'm so glad he's okay!

Darlene said...

Having lived out in the sticks for many years, I could write a book about my experiences with possums. "Butt ugly and disgusting" is about right. I'm glad Bruno listened to you and didn't tangle with the nasty thing.

JootJoot said...

When I was little, we found two opossums on the road whose mother had been run over. We raised them and, as babies, they are absolutely adorable. Very sweet little creatures whom would wrap their little tails around our fingers and hang upside down. Some of my best memories were with those two -- we called them Stubby and Chewy. Thanks for reminding me of them!

Beth said...

Possums are my least favorite part of living in the country, but I seldom see them alive!

Karen said...

Bruno is magnificent. WOW I like your gift idea. Thanks very much.

Jenny @ Anything Pretty said...

Poor Bruno! I am amazed he listened so well. Our pups have had some runs in with a possum (but in the city....go figure) and no amount of "come" or corrections was motivating enough for them to give up the possum. It took a broom. Hopefully he learned some lessons and you won't have to go through that again. I love the potholders...what a great gift!

Kathy said...

Great dog stories! I have a husky so I can never take her out without a leash on....once she starts to run,that is it, she is gone!

jenn said...

Bruno!! That face! He is fantastic!! He is a good good boy to listen to you so well. My 3 are like wild animals :-)
I am up to 2 at a time, but it takes all that I have to keep them in control. They are just SO excited about every little thing. I wish I was in the country so they could just go! I love love love your pot holders. I think they are perfect for gift-giving! Thank you for the bday wishes. Much appreciated!!

Contented Caroline said...

Maybe Bruno should take some pointers from my Jack Russell Henri, he is a real country loving dog and hates walking in towns where there is hustle and bustle. He would rather be free to leap and bound across the fields right behind our house, chasing/annoying birds and swans. He doesn't mean to frighten the wild life, he's just playing - not a mean bone in his tiny body - just like Bruno. The'd get on well!!!

Stephanie D said...

Bruno has a lovely face--I'm so glad you have him. And to be so well-trained that he minds you in an instant! Amazing!

When we first moved here, we left the garage door open about 2 feet so our last dog, Libby, could go in and out when she needed to. Trouble is, we had lost the lid to our garbage can and something was getting inside and making a mess of things. One morning I found the culprit--a possum.

I was so irritated I yelled at him. He hissed back at me. I rolled the can out of the garage and tumped it over onto the ground, and yelled at the thing to stay away from my garbage. He turned, gave me one last hiss and ambled off into the woods. Yeah, I'd call him testy!

Anonymous said...

So glad Bruno is OK.

I love the potholders. I might have to venture into trying grommets again. I tried many years ago and was not pleased with the results.

Victoria said...

Good Boy, Bruno, Good Boy! Always listen to your Mom!

Took Ellie out last night and she also started to take off after some critter that I couldn't make out in the dark. Luckily, (especially seeing as even the bunnies are larger then she is) Ellie also obeyed my yell of No! and Come!

Beautiful presentation on the potholders.

AllieKatMom said...

I was so freaked out reading this post, then the picture came up I was thinking "oh no!" Thank god he is fine...I can breath
Bruno, dont scare mommy or her public like that again! lol

MightyMom said...

awe. I wanna come and play with Bruno!! I can bring 3 new friends for him! :-)

sweet puppy.

love those potholders!

Vicki said...

yikes... possums creep me right out. I hate them.

Anonymous said...

Bruno is such a handsome dog and if photos mean anything, he looks like he has a wonderfully sweet temperment. I'm glad he survived both of his ordeals unscathed. Also, I don't live in the country (my city has a pop. of over 110,000 but we still get possums, racoons, ducks, and geese on our back deck on a regular basis. Our "golden" goes nuts when they meander past the sliding glass door with a "take that" look on their faces.

audreypawdrey said...

I am so glad he listens to you! I also love the potholders. They would make such cute gifts.

dutchcomfort said...

You lived through some scary moments with Bruno. I guess looking at that sweet face makes you forget everything that happened.

Love the potholders! They make for some great gifts indeed!

Gari in AL said...

Oh, your adventures with Bruno made me catch my breath. Because my heart is totally wrapped around my 4 legged child, I completely understood your fears. I truly am happy that Bruno is such an obedient child: I wish I could say the same for Abby.

sewtakeahike said...

Hey Jacquie, I'm so glad Bruno is doing good after that little mishap with the ice and the close one with the opposum. I'm so glad you love your little Bruno!
I've been doing the same thing with making those skillet handle covers. I keep them at the ready for when we go to someone's house for dinner. Everyone always loves a little gift!