It's pretty cool to see what variations can be made from a simple, basic cross block. The creativity of these ladies is inspiring.

Thanks for all the quilt love for my selvage quilt and for Angela. To answer a few questions:
No, I won't sell the quilt.
Yes, I'm making another one of these.
No, I don't sleep with it, but I thought about it.
There are about 1600 selvage pieces in the quilt.
Yes, Angela is available to quilt for you.
Yes, it took a LOT of time to make.
No, it's not my favorite quilt that I've made.
Have a wonderful weekend. It's cold and rainy here, but the grass is turning green, the fields have been fertilized, so spring is around the corner.
what would you say is your favorite quilt that you have made?
Good question from Nichole... That mind be a good meme for a lot of us.
These blocks look great! Enjoy.
Okay so apparantly we all want to know what your favorite quilt is, and is there one that wasn't a favorite at all. I have one here and hid it because everytime I look at it I got nauseous. I forgot about it until a couple of days ago when I was cleaning out a closet and there it was staring at me. I'm thinking of giving it to the dog, cause dogs can only see in tones of grey. So do you have any of those?
The crosses are coming out beautifully. I can't wait to see the finished quilt!
the crosses are fantastic! i love the variety of red fabrics and shapes of all the basic cross pattern. can't wait to see how you put it all together.
I've had a cross quilt on my list of want to dos for ages. I think you might have tipped me over the edge!!!!!!
I agree - what is your favourite quilt?
the crosses look so good.
I was going to ask about your favorite quilt, too, and then I tried to think of my favorite of the ones I've made... I guess if I had to pick I'd pick 3 of them. But it's kind of like picking your favorite kid. Sort of. Hope you're having a good day!
Staying with the crowd: what is your favorite? My least favorite is one I made for my mother. I let her pick out the fabrics. Although she has great taste in clothing and furniture, it was a BAD idea for her to pick out the fabric. It was only three fabrics (I'm a scrappy quilter) so therefore, I was extremely bored. Hated the colors, not enough difference in scale, etc. Big YUCK. Although I will never tell her it is my least favorite quilt of ALL.TIME!
OMG....don't tell me I have to copy another one of your fabulous quilts??? I love this cross one and I'm thinking how marvelous it might be with some REAL wild fabrics. E-gads, I wish you'd quit it! You're burning me out, girl, and I haven't even started!!
The cross quilt is going to be so wonderful. I love the variations of all the blocks in the picture from color to the shapes of the crosses. I also want to know what your favorite quilt is now...:)
Hi Jacquie..thanks for stopping by my site the other day. You would be most welcome to come to one of our meetings at Fractured Fabric Society. The next meeting is April 22, from 6:30 to 8:30. It is a very creative group,...I always come away inspired. Also, love the selvage quilt!
Val :-)
I love how the crosses are turning out! I don't blame you one bit for not selling your beautiful new quilt. It truly is a treasure.
Jennifer :)
Oh what fun blocks, that is such a great idea for a bee!!!
Oh be still my beating heart!!! I am in love. Pure. Innocent. Love. All those different crosses are singing to me!! I have been stalking all the cross quilts on flikr for the last month or two, knowing I will HAVE to make one soon (but being a good girl and staying on tasks at hand lol) and then i see this! Jacquie if i start a cross quilt tomorrow, it'll be allllll your fault! :D
Bet you are just thrilled at all these showing up in the mail and having them all together!! I know I would be!!!
Jacquie, this is going to look so great. I can't wait to see it finished.
I love the simplicity and beauty of this cross quilt! You make it look so simple and beautiful and when I try it, I just keep hoping to grow up like you someday!
Love the crosses... and you're so right: it's awesome to see all the variations on such a simple element. Can't wait to see the finished quilt!
I love your crosses! My bee is making one for me too! MIne are all red and light with peeks of aqua. 3 of the rows have arrived so far and I am just so very in love with it! Isn't it great how such a simple pattern, a cross, can be and mean so very much?
I love the look of this quilt, Thanks for all of the inspiration!
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