Tuesday, June 1, 2010

We Sprang...We Finished

Hard to believe it, but Spring to Finish has come to an end. I'm pretty happy with the dent I made in that mega-list of mine. Still lots to do, but it's time to celebrate. Remember to reward yourself for the work you've done! This quilt, 'Hot Summer Reading' will belong to one of you on Friday. I wanted to finish it for today, but it's not quite there...a little more quilting, some binding and then off to a new home. It's a perfect size to snuggle under with some summer reading.

So, if you signed up for the challenge, leave a comment letting us know about your finishes and how you plan to reward yourself. I want to make sure no one misses out, so I'll leave comments open until Friday, noon central time. Feel free to leave a link to your blog so we can all check out the work you've done. Friday, I'll draw some names and cap off the celebration with a few prizes!


mascanlon said...

I didn't sign up for the challenge but wanted to tell how much I love this quilt. I read bunches so I may have to try my hand at something similar! (And I did accomplish a lot the last few months but my inspiration was a done over sewing room!)

Annie said...

Well, I got one of my two done! I got my Christmas quilt top done. I did not get the crib bumper done. Which was probably the more important of the two, since the crib bumper will be needed well before the Christmas Quilt, we expect him any day! Oh well. Trying to figure out when we'll be moving, starting to pack things up, and being over 8 months pregnant kinda took some energy and sewing mojo!

JaneRH said...

Well, not the finish I was hoping for...but I did get one finish in the books: my hello, betty quilt top! Yea! I so want to celebrate by giving myself more sewing time (not sure if that will happen) AND a big helping of rhubarb crisp (this will definitely happen!)Love your quilt- hope I win!

Cheryl said...

I think I can only count two. I got a bunch of tooth fairy pillows done and two stuffed elephants for work (I don't have a photo of the elephants on my blog). Since they're all so small, I'm counting them as two, even though I got 14 individual pieces finished. TWO. :-)

Mary P said...

I had six items on my list, and I finished all six! I am super happy about that. I am going to buy the extension table for my machine so I can do more quilting!

Rebekah said...

I only finished up 7 out of 13 items, but I feel a crafting surge coming on this week :)

Marjorie said...

I got both done. However, I got started on my reward project a couple weeks ago, and nearly didn't finish #2. http://appliqueaddict.blogspot.com/

Doris said...

I finished up eleven of my 17 items! Some of them were definitely some old "to do" projects so getting them done felt GREAT! I'll be posting pics of the last few later this week.

Thanks for the push. I'm rewarding myself by getting a new book, a new swimsuit (bought yesterday) and a day of sewing exactly what I want to, not what I feel I "have to".


Cheryl Arkison said...

Two of five done. But in my defense, one of those was an incredibly intense project:
And I am happy to have completed my Values quilt top.
And I did start and finish a totally different quilt:

My reward? Well, there is a sale going on at one LQS...

Miri said...

I finished two out of three-finished quilting the full size string quilt and I finished the sofa sized 9 patch quilt. I also got two pillows done that I hadn't put on the list but I didn't get the log cabin quilt even basted. In the post with the link below I have links to all the Spring to Finish project finishes.


Jewel said...

From my list of 4 I got 3 3/4 done. I did not get the binding on the CHristmas quilt but all of the quilting is done and it is ready to be bound. I also finished 4 other goals that I hadn't listed. The one I am most happy about is getting the first quilt on the frame quilted... because that opened the door to a few more and I am enjoying it so much.

I blogged about it yesterday.

To celebrate I finally started the quilt for my bed that I have been planning for months.


Crafty Maine Mom said...

We should be giving you a prize for giving us the inspiration to get these projects finished. I spent the weekend pushing to get my projects done. I did not complete all the ten things that I wanted to but I got 8 out of the 10 and that is enough.

Thank You

kristin said...

I finished a good chunk of knitting and my best friend's wedding quilt (I do want to reattach the binding, though). I will most likely reward myself with...more knitting. It's never-ending over here.

silversmith said...

i had 11 finishes!!! i'm so happy i actually had that many. the list continues as always, but i'm keeping up with my work.

thanks for the motivation again! it really is a kick in the pants to get moving.

patty a. said...

I had only one project and it was a biggie. I got 77 out of 80 square feet of my Millennium quilt quilted (I used over 4800 yards of quilting thread), the binding is on it, and one end has the binding hand sewn. I am so close to having this 10+ year old project done! Thanks for the push and to everyone who donated fabric so that I could finish the top. I plan on having it done by the end of the week - label and all.

Arnden said...

I finished 2.5 of my 5 projects... LOL
I finished the RK green quilt and will post photos on my blog later today or tomorrow. I also was early on all my bee block due in April and May. Of the three ABC quilts I listed, I got all the fabrics cut (I still need 3 - 5" squares of something that begins with 'Y' but is not yarn or yellow). I also got all the blocks for one of the quilts made and am halfway done with the block piecing on the other two quilts.

Trisha said...

I finished two pairs of hand knit socks, a quilt, and a table runner. Yay! I am rewarding myself by shopping at my LQS today that has all fabric off the bolt at 40% off.

Pat at Bell Creek Quilts said...

I was able to check off 10 (yes, 10!) items off my To Sew list! thanks for hosting this challenge. I plan to reward myself by having a sewing retreat of 5 days when my DH and DD are away on vacation!

AllieKatMom said...

I finished 2 charity quilts, one top, quilted the other top that I thought I would never finish because I didn't like it. Quilted two of my mothers quilts. I also added and finished 2 more tops, made my first purse and finished two crayon totes. Been busy this month :)

Brooke said...

I loved this challenge! It was just what I needed to get motivated.

I finished 5 WIPs: a purse/bag, a summer skirt, a baby rag quilt, a baby quilt, and a 67x84 quilt that I started WAY back in March!

I tried to get in two more finishes by starting two new quilts and trying to blaze through them, but I only got as far as getting them basted. Not bad though. This challenge helped me work faster in the hopes of accomplishing more.

Anyway, you can read about my finishes and current WIPs at my sewing blog: http://pitterputterstitch.blogspot.com.

Thanks, Jacquie!

nanann said...

This challenge really worked for me and I'm thinking of doing a personal challenge in a similar manner -- it was amazing what I could get done when I had a list and a deadline!

Anyway, 10 on my list and all 10 DONE. I did a wrap-up on my blog here: http://nanannwoogies.wordpress.com/2010/06/01/spring-to-finish-2010-my-final-wrap-up/

Jessica Christensen said...

I listed 11 items, and I finished 10. Also, I had another finish that I didn't list but had to be done within this same time-frame (formal for the band banquet). I still have to blog about three of them, so hopefully before Friday I will get them posted. Thank you, Jacquie, for hosting this again.

www dot thebossyquilter dot blogspot dot com

Dresden Quilter said...

That is an amazing quilt. I had 4 finishes and got some work done on the others. I am going to buy myself some fabric.

Rossie said...

Of the 8 things I laid out, I accomplished 4.

But I did also graduate and get some extra stuff done, so I'm calling it a win! I'm going to teat myself to a yard of something fab.


Nichole said...

i finished 2 of 4 of my projects. not too bad since i was out of town every weekend this month! as a reward, i prematurely ordered myself a bunch of fabric last friday. oops! :)

Vivian said...

Did good this year! Got three quilt tops from last year quilted and bound. Also finished all the blocks for two samplers (a total of 27 blocks) and made five blocks for a charity quilt drive.

Feeling so good I think there will be some fabric and book goodies in my gift stocking this week!

Thanks again for the annual Spring push, it really helps clear the deck for the summer projects.

Debbie said...

My goal was to have two scrap quilts done and on their beds at my lake house for Memorial Day weekend. I did it!

I'm happy they are on their respective beds. Pics on my lame blog later today!

leigh said...

I listed 6 things to do and only got 2 of them done. But I did make progress and that's what it was all about about for me. I even got a few things done around the house that I've been meaning to get done. And I've already rewarded myself by buying a bunch more fabric this weekend! Fun!


I'm impressed by "finishers" because I am sadly not a good one!! I have way too many projects started!!

Krista said...

Thanks for the push to get some projects completed! I was able to finish 6 out of 9. Surprisingly, some of my easiest finishes are the ones that are left, so I'm hoping I can get those done soon too. I'm not getting my reward (new shrubs) until the list is done. I posted about it this morning: www.spottedstone.blogspot.com

The quilt you made is so cute! I'm crossing my fingers, as my two daughters are glued to their books when I haven't kicked them outside to enjoy our summer weather.

Just JaiCi's Crafts said...

I finished 7 of my 10 projects that I set out to do for the challenge!
However, i did do about 15 projects outside of the challenge, so that held me back a bit :) :)
To reward myself, I had a super fun morning with my mom and granni and did some quilting on my granni's new quilting machine! These are the women who taught me to adore sewing, so it was a GREAT morning!!

Live a Colorful Life said...

This quilt is so cool. I love the setting with the borders on the sides.

Unknown said...

Brilliant snuggle under quilt - reporting in that I've finished the original 3 projects and the spinning - I'm so so delighted. Thanks Jacquie for organising this spring challenge it's been worthwhile in every way.

felicity said...

I got 3 of 5 completed, and I joined a swap and completed that top and backing as of yesterday.

All in all, I'm pleased with my progress because thanks to this challenge, I am nearly finished one particular UFO that's been around for a while.

I plan to reward myself with some time in my quilting space. :D

Barb said...

I wasn't in the challenge but wanted to let you know I love your quilt. Great name -

Megan said...

I got 4 of 4 completed:

Finished my potholder project and got them delivered to the two people they were intended for. Pieced and pin-basted my Retro-Wave quilt. Pieced the Farmer's Market picnic quilt. Completed the I Spy quilt for my son's birthday.

In addition to my listed things I also pieced and pin-basted an improvised charm square quilt top - inspired by a charm square swap done through Portland Modern Quilt Guild; made myself a new purse/tote bag; and completed a redwork embroidery piece that I'm doing for a swap.

This challenge was a HUGE motivator for me! I loveloveloved it. Thank you so much for hosting it and prompting us to get going this spring! My birthday is coming up this month so I plan to reward myself big! Thinking about getting an extension table for my sewing machine so that the actual quilting part is less of a hassle.

I haven't blogged about everything bubt please do come by and visit me at http://megsmonkeybeans.blogspot.com/

Elaine said...

I finished 5 of 6, but am thrilled since I reassigned the fabric for the 6th project to a quilt (not one of my challenge projects). The best part is that 2 of the projects have been hanging around for way too long. I purchased some fabric that I've been eyeing as a reward. Thanks so much for the push and your beautiful quilt would have a good home here LOL!!

Shelly said...

Thankfully, I exercised a bit of logic while making my Spring to Finish list, and I managed to get them both finished!http://prairiemoonquilts.wordpress.com/2010/06/01/spring-to-finish-wrap-up/

Emma said...

I finished the two baby quilts, and have done 4 more blocks on the queen sized comforter like I wanted to (I didn't give a number for the comforter blocks, but hey - it's progress!). However, the Quilts for Kids quilt is still not quite halfway quilted, and I've started a new baby quilt for a friend who just found out she was pregnant (she's been trying for over a year, so it's pretty exciting!). Both the Quilts for Kids and the new baby quilt need to be done in a month though...do you think I can do it?

As for a treat...I don't know. I have to purchase a backing and binding for the new baby quilt...but I kind of want to do an underwater cross stitch. A big one, with dolphins or something. I've already got one cross stitch going, so maybe not...but I've got a long road trip coming up, so maybe!

Char said...

I'd say I finished 5 3/4 of the 7 items I had on my list. So I decided to wait for my reward. You can check out my post here:

Jen B said...

Well, I didn't get nearly as much done as i wanted. Only about 1/3 of my school work is done, so it's back to the books for me!

Greta said...

Well I didn't get it all done but I did knock out a good number of projects. I had 7 1/2 finishes out of 10. I managed to throw some new projects in that weren't on the list and some of those even got done. I plan to celebrate by treating myself to one or more of these new lines of fabrics if they ever get here. :) You can check me out at:

Rene' said...

Jacquie, what a great reward your Hot Summer Reading Quilt will be for some lucky winner. I won't lie...I hope it is me!!!! Awesome quilt. We should be rewarding you for your amazing encouragement. I posted on my finishes here:


I finished 3.5 out of my 7. Obviously, I would have liked to report that I accomplished more, but considering I am in the middle of a move, I guess 50% isn't too bad.

Thanks for the nudge and the giveaway chance!!

Tong said...

Happy June! I am good for 4 out of 5 things I put on my list. Here are my finishes: http://tingtongandthings.blogspot.com/2010/04/spring-to-finish.html

Elena said...

I am so excited to report my final count at 13!!! I had a shorter list to start off with, but I ended up going through my workroom and gathering all pre-cut projects I had stashed away and finished them up. Some have been in there for a year! So satisfying to have them done.

Now if only I could make the time to Spring to Finish all the pictures and blog posts and I'd be in business!

Thanks again for a great challenge! It really got me moving and gave me great joy while completing my projects.

Elena said...

Oops! And I forgot: I already rewarded myself this weekend when I was in NYC. I went to the new Purl Patchwork in Soho, shopped, gabbed, and bought one of their color wheel quilt kits. I think that one will be going on my next Finish Challenge list :)

Anonymous said...

I hoped to get 3 done, I got 6 done but one of my original 3 isn't finished. I considered it a big success though because a few present projects came up after I made my list. Thanks for the motivation to get things done!


Anonymous said...

I finished 3 out of my 4 projects. Not too bad considering I was working (sewing) instead of getting on with my own stuff. Great to see3 finished quits !!

Ummm, I 've accidentaly rewarded myself a bit early :-( I have a fw new stacks of fabric on the shelf :-)

Molly said...

Thanks for hosting this Jacquie! It really pushed me knowing I'd be followed up later. Don't even tell me if you don't follow up because that was my total motivation. I got three and a half out of five items done and I'm feeling pretty good about that.


I got my reward this weekend too so we're all square.

jlk said...

Of my pledged projects, I only got one and a half finished. But of my unpledged projects, I finished about half a dozen things. And here I am tonight, starting something new. I will never learn!

greetingarts said...

Out of 19 projects I listed this time, I managed to finish 11! Mostly knitting and crocheting, but one sewn project as well. And I'll probably get one more done by midnight tonight (at least I'm hoping...). Thank you so much for putting up this challenge. Making a list and crossing things off just might become a habit for me.

troy and christina said...

Finished SIX of eight and very happy about it. Various rewards given, and will be given, to myself. Details at my blog post about it: http://christinacreating.blogspot.com/2010/05/spring-to-finish-finished.html

Thanks, Jacquie!

Debbie said...

Thanks for the inspiration, Jacquie! I kind of got my 'reward' mid-stream - a new sewing machine!

FINISHED 3/3 of my “HAVE-To’s”:
"Everyday Table Topper", "Serendiptiy" wall hanging for mom for Mother's Day, & table runner for Rachel's birthday

FINISHED 7/11 of my “WANT-TO’s”:
"Party Cakes" mini, "Choc-o-Cherry" runner, try my hand at wonky log cabin with my osnagard, pay forward projects for Sharon H, Jacquie, & Sharon B

PIECED & BASTED "Tumbling Spools" to hang in my sewing room; still need to quilt & bind; have begun my last pay it forward projects & hope to finish that this week. Once it's done, I'll pop all 4 in the mail!!

This was fun! Thanks!

Jo said...

Well...I got 4 of my 13 finished. But I am a LOT further on the other projects and I set it all aside last week to make a Quilt of Valor. You can check it all out at www.joscountryjunction.com

Arita said...

I finished two of the quilts that I had wanted to. The sunflower quilt turned out wonderfully. Sorry I don't have a blog to post to yet!

I am treating myself by starting a brand new project. The fabric has been purchased, washed and ironed. This weekend will be some cutting.

Thanks for challenging us.

Tapestry Tree said...

I finished two of the three projects I listed, and pieced a quilt top that I didn't put on the list. I blogged about it all here:http://tapestrytree.blogspot.com/2010/06/another-project.html

I was going to buy fabric as a reward, but I have already bought a lot of fabric this month, so I think my reward is going to be a nice pedicure at the nail salon! I need my summer toes!

Thanks for hosting this challenge! It spurred me on to get some things done.

Q @ JAQS said...

I'm rushing to finish my list too. I don't know if I'll get it!

Just can't believe it's been 6 weeks already!

I still have to finish up some non-quilt projects than I AM DONE!!! But on the flip side I did do some projects that weren't on my LIST :P.

Here's my original list: href="http://quiltsbyq.blogspot.com/2010/04/spring-challenge.html"

What Comes Next? said...

Only one of the four I had hoped to get finished, but at least it's one down! Another one all sandwiched - I just need to get it to my machine. What wasn't on my list, and got started and finished were potholders for potholder pass3, Mini QT blocks and a mini quilt, and 6 postcards for a swap. Also started (much better at starting than finishing!) 2 charity quilts, one of which is almost done. There's always this month!

Shari said...

Congratulations to all those finishes! and finishers... Love the "Hot Summer Reading" quilt. I'm sure it will find a lovely new home with someone who doesn't have any more UFO's!

Dorothee said...

Hi there, I finished 3 and if the sun ever comes out, I will post better photos too:


Esch House Quilts said...

I didn't enter the Spring to Finish, but just wanted to say that I love the stack of "books" in this quilt! Great title too.

Fulvia said...

Fallow time for me... feeding my brain and eyes from blogs like yours, so thanks.

Susan said...

I'm afraid that I didn't finish much at all. I can't even say that I worked on much of anything over the challenge. There was just too much going on in our family to make time for quilting. The good thing is that the quilts will always be there, so maybe next time!

Suzanne said...

Thanks, Jacquie, for the incentive to get moving. I signed up for six on my list and I finished all six. That's a first for me. As simple as it is, my rewards for completing these things were relief, satisfaction and more motivation. It feels so good to finish. To keep the ball rolling, I set a mini goal with my mom for the month of June. Little by little I hope to diminish my WIPs by the end of the summer. I appreciate you organizing this challenge. It's always the kick in the pants I need.

Meg said...

Oh wow, Jacquie, that quilt is too cute!! It appeals to both the reader and the quilter in me!!

I signed up for the challenge with 9 projects, and finished 4. Honestly, I feel pretty good about it. I'm close to finished on 2 more, but time was just not on my side. The challenge was the kick in the butt I needed to start moving on things that had been hanging around. June looks like a calmer month, so hopefully a few more finishes will be done before too long!


Nina Lise@Mrs Moen said...

I signed up for 21 projets (20 small ones) and have finished 25. I'm very pleased with the progress and as I'm on a Make Do Month and a no sugar diet, I'll reward myself by spending a couple of hours with my feet up listening to my favourite podcasts tomorrow. Thanks for the inspiring challenge!

Laurel H. said...

For the most part, I actually finished all of the items on my to do list. A few tasks just need a bit of follow-up. Thanks for doing this; I apparently needed it!


Kathy said...

Wow, your quilt is beautiful! That is too very nice of you to offer! I love the theme and the title! Your challenge inspired me to finish three projects, two knitted scarves, one that was barely started a year ago and one that was almost finished when I picked them up again for the challenge, and a few pillows. Then I felt so good about finishing them that I was inspired to tackle some other projects that I had set aside. Can't wait for the next challenge you come up with!


Sequana said...

I had 3 on my list, two quilts and one nasty repair job that I had NO idea how to do.

Since I don't have a blog, I'll send the repair pics to Jacquie in case she wants to show them, or at least to let her know what I finished.

I keep lots of my fabrics hanging in mesh laundry bags, and in the last couple months the handles were all giving out. After a number of failures, I finally hit upon using the flat fell seams from an old pair of jeans. So far, so good.

The two quilts are Under the Boardwalk and Fog....the first two pics in my flickr photostream:


I already rewarded myself with a big group of red silk FQs to make a beautiful quilt. (at least the pattern looks beautiful)

Robyn of Coffee and Cotton said...

I finished wedding gifts of quilted placemats and coasters in addition to designing and sewing the Groom's hat. I also finished my son's quilt for his birthday.

Jennifer said...

I had 6 finishes... two of them commissioned quilts so I'm thrilled with that! I got to cross 4 other projects off my list so I'm pretty happy. Did I finish everything? Nope. But I do think I've formed a few mew habits that will make me a more efficient quilter when it comes to actually finishing quilts! I will be rewarding myself with fat quarters of the new Tufted Tweets line...

Jennifer :)

Linda Urban said...

I finished my novel! And I already rewarded myself with a beautiful set of Etsy prints.

That quilt is GORGEOUS! And perfectly titled.

Jenny Ward McDonald said...

Well, I didn't finish the quilt, but I did finish a pair of pirate pants for my five year old and two dresses for my two year old. Still working on the quilt.

Love the un-curtains! WIth the light shining through they look like stained glass. very beautiful.

Tracey Jacobsen said...

I had 10 finishes, but I didn't get to everything on my list unfortunately!

But I definitely was productive!

My blog is here... I will be blogging about it on Thursday:


Liz Jimenez said...

Well, I didn't finish everything on my list, but I knew I wouldn't when I wrote it. :-) Either way, I'm super happy with my progress! Thanks for the gentle kick in the pants!

Round-up post can be found here.

audreypawdrey said...

That quilt is beautiful! I have eight finishes, but I did not finish the main one I wanted to finish. I am a lot closer to finishing though. I am glad I was able to finish so many things, and it shows that you can fit time in here and there if you really try. My reward is that it is now summer vacation so I will have more time to finish off some projects and start new ones!

Vicki said...

I said I had 8 UFOs, I had 6 finishes. I can think of 6 more UFOs that I'd like to get to this year. I finished:
my watercolor quilt
2 placemats for my boys
1 placemat quilt for a swap
2 shirts for little girls
my downy/quilts for kids quilt
and 2 months of bee blocks.

For a reward... I have a fun/secret project I'm going to start after I get to a stopping place on a current/non-UFO project.
:) I said I would get the Dear Jane book but I'm not ready to take that on yet.

MightyMom said...

yes, I'd have to say I'm on the last sprint!

almost done on this surprise quilt!

for a preview see

my friend is going to be soooo surprised!! I can't wait!

MightyMom said...

oh and my reward will be her smiles once she recieves the surprise quilt!

Staci said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Staci said...

My goal was to finish 5 items, and I actually finished 7! If I hadn't gotten the stupid stomach flu I would have managed 8. . .it is terrible to be to sick to sew!
To reward myself I am going to start a bunch of new things and ignore the rest of the UFO's for a while! Each one will be a Christmas or birthday gift in 2010, which should mean no new UFO's!
Thank you!
Photos of my finishes are here, http://theconfusedquilter.blogspot.com/p/finishes-2010.html

Brenis said...

Well this was the push I needed! Sadly it didnt last the entire 6 weeks. LOL I petered out somewhere around the 4th week - more like ADD and onto other things like kids being out of school! LOL!
But I DID get 7 3/4 out of 10 done! :D Woohoo!!
Several of my projects were otherthanquilting.
I got my mom's new wood floor laid. That took a whole week. Two lap quilts, 3 wrap skirts made (counted as one), 2 quilted market totes for mother's day, and our new etsy shop set up.
Ran into a couple snafus with my sewing machine trying to finish up #8 - a baby quilt, and the larger windmill quilt didn't get quilted because of that. ;( BUT sooo happy to have gotten all these done!! Thanks soo much for the push! Will be blogging about it soon :) And my reward? Oh yah... i ordered Laurie Wisbrun's new line!! :D And we are going to the pool today to lounge like lizards! So right on track with the reward! haha!!

Lilysunshine said...

I had quite a lot of stuff on my list and didn't finish it all, but I did quite a lot more than what I expected.

I haven't chosen my reward, but I'm hoping to get myself a sewing machine! :)

KateKwiltz said...

I'm not so sure I can reward myself! I finished two items on the list, managed to create (and complete) three more, and STILL haven't gotten around to the biggest one. Pseudo-success?

Katherine said...

I made a good dent in my list of 10 - I finished up 7 projects and have almost finished 2 of the 3 left. May was a productive month!
I've rewarded myself with a new book (a crafty title, of course).

I love your quilt, Jacquie! Gorgeous fabrics and what a fun design in 'Hot Summer Reading'. You are amazing!
Thanks again for organizing the Challenge.

Janet said...

I did three things from my list of six: finished and sent the premie charity quilt, bought a computer and started my daughter's graduation quilt. Unfortunately I don't think I'll get it finished for her graduation, but maybe I can have it done in time for her visit home sometime this summer. Thanks for prompting some action with the Spring to Finish event.

Miranda said...

I am really happy because I have nearly finished my quilt!- I managed to find the time to finish the blocks and sew on the sashing & border and I have nearly finished piecing the backing. I have also finally come to a decision on how to quilt my other two quilts that have been on pause for some time. I m goin to post some pictures soon. Thankyou so much for creating and hosting the challenge :) Love the fabrics in your quilt!

Sarah Vanderburgh said...

Thanks for this challenge, Jacquie. I finished everything on my list. What a great way to keep me focussed. I did do a couple of extra fun things, but tried really hard not to reward myself early. Here's a link to my final finishes http://sewjoy.blogspot.com/2010/06/i-finished-my-spring-finishes.html
I hope it doesn't take me 6 weeks to decide on my reward - that list keeps growing too!! Love the little quilt - it would be so happy at my house:)

henny said...

Hi Jacquie,

I got 4 of my 5 done, 1 not ready yet. It's batting my bee quilt. But the biggest step for me was set up a little shop on Etsy! I can't believe finally I did it, thanks for this challenging event :)

My link is http://art-craft-henny.blogspot.com

I reward my self by sharing happy time with my family, go to a newest cinema in town this weekend and will make something sweet for you :)

Rebecca said...

I finished 8 out of 9- and I think that I am going to fniish #9 today- YAY! (I haven't blogged about most of them because most of them are gifts!) How am I going to reward myself you ask- round #2 of spring to finish. I still have some more projects that didn't make the list for the first round and I want them all done before I have 2 little ones in the house! I do plan to buy some fabric for some stash building this summer. And then after I finish ALL of my WIPS- I will reward myself with a major fabric purchase! Yay!

Thanks for your motivation Jaquie! I really love your project finishing challenges!

The Domestic Intellectual said...

Started with 15, finished 6 and decided to just toss one. The 6 included painting the 3 main rooms of our apartment, so I feel like this was a VERY productive challenge!


Melissa said...

I started out with 4 items on my wish list to finish. I ended up adding a project that I couldn't stop thinking about (My Blogger's Quilt Festival entry). So out of the five, I finished three and feel great about it. I feel like I'm on a roll now and will keep going. I have some potholders to make first though!

Thanks for the motivation!

Allie said...

My goal was to get 9 finishes, and I got seven done. I'm pretty happy about that.
My reward is watching my daughter drag her new quilt all over the house. :)


meg said...

Well, better late than never, right?

I had 7 1/2 finishes, which was fewer than I'd hoped but still a victory.

The best part of this challenge is that it helped me corral my wildly-spinning-out-of-control piles and create some order. Plus, this week I managed to clean up my work area, which was wonderful. Thank you for the inspiration -- as always!!

juliesewgreen said...

OMG that is stunning. I am a teacher and I truly appreciate the idea of summer reading!

Barbieann said...

my problem is that too many other things come up and deter me from getting what I really want to get done "DONE". I did manange to get one quilt done for my new granddaughter bunch of tote bags so I will say 3 items for me.