My biggest challenge now is remembering to record my miles. I need to get into some kind of routine. I can't seem to get it recorded on a daily basis. Maybe once a week would work better for me.
Have you set a goal? You can set a weekly goal on the site. Just click on the tab 'my goals.'
I set up automatic email reminders to enter my mileage and to tell me if I met my weekly goal. (I'm not sure I like that last one, but I do need someone to bug me, so I'm leaving it!)
So, how is everyone doing? Are you on track to meet your goal? Katie posted her progress. Aren't you impressed? She did better than I did!
Next decision...what project am I going to do. What fabric? Decisions, decisions!
It's not too late to join. Just go here and follow the instructions to sign up.
Check and make sure your name is in the sidebar and your link is correct. I'm excited to hear about your progress.
I still haven't been able to figure out how to show the whole team on the exercise website - what am I missing? I don't see a place to add our team name - ?
Don't worry, Debra - I can't see anything about the team, either. I don't think that the site has that functionality working yet.
I've met my biking and walking goals, but not the running. Running doesn't happen when the mornings (when I run) are cold, wet, and rainy.
ok, thanks....thought it was just me...
I'm meeting my daily goals but need to pick up the pace for the weekend!
I got some quilting done this week, but not so much running. Room for improvement!
Hi Jacquie, well I am moving! 2 days of bodypump (1 hr class so I gave myself a 1 mi run for each) 2 days of running (6 mi ttl) and a wee bit of walking in four days! Gotta get moving or I won't get across the USA!
Oops! Sorry about the delete...Gotta get used to the nickname :D
So far: Monday walk/run 4.5 miles, Tuesday golf walking 9 holes carrying clubs 2.5 miles, and Wednesday walk/run 4.5 miles… for a grand total so far of 11.5 miles.
I was gonna walk/run today, bu-uuttt… had to go to work (on my day off!!) and by the time I got out it was tooooo hot. So will have to finish up my goal tonight or tomorrow!
Haven’t figured out how to find our team… am I supposed to register under the team also?
Walked a mile. Got some quilting done. No where near my goal. Will do better next week.
Oh I am soooo happy! Now that Dutch got his stitches out today he can walk further. However it is so blamed hot here in South Louisiana. (If I put South LA people think I am whining about weather in Southern California!)
And I need to get back to the boxing studio. Check out LA Boxing, now that is really Los Angeles! LOL.
glen; quilts and dogs - who will be forever losing weight....sigh
I haven't set a goal yet. But just knowing that I need to check in helps me to not talk myself out of doing something. I biked to work my husband twice this week and went on a long hike today, so my miles have been unusually high. Not a bad thing, I guess?
ok! OK~ OK!!!! I'm signing up already! geez.....
but wouldn't you know it, the very week I say I'm gonna do this, the headlights on our van start randomly going OUT...and I can only go to the gym after dark! So I'm gonna have 0 miles this week...but I'm signing up anyways cuz next week once the van's fixed I'm gonna be trucking!!
I just did my first day of the "Couch to 5K" program, so I'd love to join all you fellow creative types...but I'm in Canada. But I'm right there with you in spirit!
i'd like to join the quilter butt team. my goal is to be able to run 3 miles in 30 minutes at any time. i used to be able to do this (i used to be able to run 6 miles in 60 minutes actually!) and i want to be able to do it again.
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