(fabric is Ellen Crimi Trent from her line Woodland Friends)
...but honestly, it looks like this.
My friend Lauren wrote the other day about creative types either being in the state of awesomeness or in hackdom. Well, last week I was in full hack mode, and I have the full trash can to prove it.
I can only dream of awesomeness...
There is, however awesomeness in my world.
You all are AWESOME. Alissa smashed her goal and we are helping some really needy women and children in the Congo. A heartfelt thank you to everyone who donated.
I'm off to work on being a little less of a hack. That's a small step toward awesomeness.
That's me...in hackdom, as well. I love it, though, and am wishing right now that I didn't have to go to school so I could go play in my mess.
I'm glad I'm not the only one. :)
It's silly, but I saw someone use the made up word awesomesauce and I can't get it out of my head. And its all awesomesauce!
PS What is that fabric? Fantastic!
Part of my stash is in awesomeness and part is in hackdom! So I have the best of both worlds! Have you discovered Stash Manicure's blog? It's absolutely the best for ideas to get that "hackdom" under control!! Rae Ann even posted the other day about using veggie containers from the grocery store to organize your fabric!
I had to laugh at your post this morning! My cutting table is an exact replica of yours right now!
Passin' on a little bloggy award to ya! Thanks for all you do! Gotta go update my miles now for the butt challenge!
I may sound naive asking, but can you tell me what the fabric is that you have pictured at the top of this post? I love it!!! Thanks. :)Debbie
loved your photo of fabric "reality" lol.
I loved Lauren's "awesome" to "hack" post and the speed with which she moved from one to the other. I guess we all go through it!
The fact that you shared your "hackedness" with us makes you all the more awesomer-er!!! It's nice to know that someone as talented as you, works in the same sort of capacity as I do. I used to beat myself up for my creativ messiness...not any more! Thanks to you, Ms. Awesome! :o)
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